Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 4151: Identity Exposed

Ye Bufan said: "This is normal. Qingcan grabbed a dragon beard fruit from a human monk some time ago. After taking it, his strength increased by leaps and bounds. It is reasonable to defeat a junior."

"That also explains it."

The Dragon King didn't seem to be in a hurry and said with a sneer, "Dragon Palace has been peaceful for tens of thousands of years.

But since you came back a few days ago, first the heavenly prison was invaded, and then the human race entered the forbidden area. What do you think is going on? "

"This... this should be just a coincidence, Long Geng doesn't know."

After answering the three questions, Ye Bufan basically guessed that the Dragon King just doubted himself and there was no complete evidence.

"Coincidence, right?"

The Dragon King said, "Actually, these are just casual conversations with you, they don't count."

Ye Bufan was a little surprised and didn't know what this old guy meant.

The Dragon King added: "Since we have suspicions, we need to investigate. The matter is also very simple. You and Princess Qingcan just need to show their true bodies and prove that they are our dragon clan."

Ye Bufan's heart suddenly sank to the bottom. It had to be said that this old guy hit his lifeline immediately.

He can steal Long Geng's memory, disguise himself as the other party, and even help Xiao Qing replace Princess Qingcan.

But the dragon's true form is his fatal weakness, and no matter how good his disguise skills are, he can't replace it.

The same is true for Xiao Qing. Although she has completely evolved into a true dragon, she is still qualitatively different from Princess Qingcan.

Once the true identity is revealed, it will be exposed immediately. The size of the fourth-grade Holy Dragon and the previous Princess Qingcan are nearly twice the size, not to mention the color and bloodline.

It has to be said that the Dragon King hit the nail on the head and hit his weakest point directly.

When things have reached this point, there is no need to continue pretending. Ye Bufan said: "Even if Long Geng is fake, why are you so sure it is me? Maybe I am the Heaven-Eating Demon Emperor."

"Admit it, right?"

The Dragon Emperor said, "Whether it is the Heaven-Eating Demon Emperor or Yu Wenjuan, I have dealt with many fifth-grade Saint Emperors before.

They don't have the ability, and there is no need to come to our Dragon Clan. "

"That's right."

The muscles on Ye Bufan's face squirmed and returned to their original appearance.

Everyone around was in an uproar. No one expected that Long Geng, one of the four great dragon kings, was actually someone else impersonating him.

What does this mean? Firstly, the other party's methods were unbelievable, and secondly, the real Long Geng was already dead.

The dignified fifth-grade holy dragon of the dragon clan died in the hands of others. This was something that had never happened in tens of thousands of years.

Ye Bufan ignored everyone's shocked expressions and looked at the Dragon Emperor calmly, "Tell me, where is my daughter?"

"Do you want your daughter? Then let's discuss the terms."

There was a hint of pride on the Dragon King's lips, as if he had already secured victory.

"If you want your daughter, you can agree to three conditions.

First, hand over the blood jade unicorn.

Second, hand over the remnants of the Tianhu clan.

Third, tell me where Xiaobai is hiding? "

Ye Bufan said: "I can't meet any of your conditions. First of all, I'm not familiar with Xiaobai you mentioned, and I don't know where he is.

Secondly, I have hidden the Tianhu clan in a secret place in the Holy Sky. If you want someone, I will take you to find them.

I have no idea what blood jade unicorn you are talking about, and I don’t know where it is. "

Ye Bufan of the Tianhu clan couldn't deny it, so he could only use the procrastination technique to delay time, and he would always find a solution.

As for the blood jade unicorn, Ye Bufan directly denied this. After all, the Dragon King had not caught him, so everything was just speculation.

Meiqi is now the only successor of the Blood Jade Kirin clan, and she cannot be handed over to the other party under any circumstances.

Seeing that all three conditions were rejected, the Dragon Emperor's expression darkened: "Boy, do you not want a daughter?"

"Of course my daughter wants it."

Ye Bufan said, "Before negotiating terms, you must let me see them."

The Dragon King said: "You can meet me if you want, just fulfill all the three conditions I mentioned."

Ye Bufan's heart moved. Logically speaking, if the other party wanted to hold him hostage, it would be best to hold the hostage in his hands.

But now the Dragon King has not played this card, so it is very likely that the opponent has not caught Xiao Yezi at all.

He looked over with sharp eyes: "You didn't catch my daughter at all, right?"

The Dragon King was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"You know now, do you think I should praise you for being smart? Or should I call you stupid? I just used a child's hairpin to trick you here."

Ye Bufan was relieved. No wonder he searched all over the prison and even the forbidden areas but could not find any trace of Little Ye Zi. It turned out that he had not fallen into the hands of the other party at all.

But he still couldn't figure it out. It was obviously Xiao Ziye who had issued the card and it had fallen into the other party's hands. Why hadn't he been caught?

"What the hell is going on? Where is my daughter? Where did you get that hairpin?"

The reason why the Dragon Emperor dared to reveal his trump card was because he believed that he could defeat the opponent.

This is the Dragon Palace, and everything is under control. As long as Ye Bufan comes in, it is impossible to escape.

He said: "The Emperor actually sent a special envoy to the Lower Heaven Territory to capture those women of yours.

Unexpectedly, that bitch Hu Xiaobai suddenly appeared, injured the Dragon Clan envoy, and rescued the women.

Fortunately, the person I sent was smart and brought back your daughter's hairpin.

The emperor used his plan and sent someone to trick you here. Since Hu Xiaobai can save your woman, it means that the relationship between you is not shallow.

As long as I catch you and control the Tianhu clan, I don't believe that woman won't come to you. "

Ye Bufan finally figured out what was going on, and a flash of anger flashed in his eyes: "You are really despicable!"

The Dragon Emperor didn't take it seriously at all and burst into laughter: "Are you despicable? The winner is a prince and the loser is a thief. This is my wisdom."

Knowing that his daughter, Su Ruyue and others were safe, Ye Bufan felt much more relaxed.

"You are cruel, but I don't understand one thing. With your status, what kind of woman do you want? Why do you have to target the fox clan saint?"

This was also a question in his mind. He used to think that the Dragon King was just coveting Xiaobai's beauty, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

According to Long Geng's memory, the Dragon Emperor was not such a lustful person.

But now, in order to deal with the Tianhu clan, countless energy has been spent and a huge price has been paid, including the reputation of the dragon clan.

What is the purpose behind it? It shouldn't be as simple as it seems.

"Boy, you ask too many questions."

The Dragon King seemed to have lost his patience, his expression suddenly darkened, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Tell me where the Sky Fox Clan and the Blood Jade Qilin are hiding? And that bitch, do you know where she is hiding?"

"Do you think I would tell you?"

Ye Bufan curled his lips, his face full of disdain, his expression suddenly changed, and he looked nervously to the west. "Xiaobai, what are you doing here? Run!"

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