Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 4144 Father and son recognize each other

Ye Bufan felt a little confused for a moment. What was going on? The golden-armored unicorn, also known as Meiqi, is the son of the blood jade unicorn. How is this possible?

If Meiqi really has such a strong father and inherits the Qilin Horn as the Blood Jade Qilin said, then the next step will be to become the leader of the Qilin Clan.


Coming to this conclusion, it feels too fantasy and somewhat unreal.

After the shock, Ye Bufan immediately calmed himself down. He had experienced so many things and was rich in experience. He could not believe others' words.

But if it is false, then how does the blood jade unicorn know that there is a golden-armored unicorn in the ancient secret realm?

No matter what, this matter needs to be clarified.

"I don't believe it, it's impossible."

Ye Bufan said, "You are the king of the Qilin clan, a blood jade Qilin with pure blood, how could you give birth to a half-blood Qilin son.


Although Blood Jade Qilin is anxious, there is nothing he can do. In this situation, he must make the other party willing to do things for him.

"Little guy, let me tell you about the inheritance of the leader of my Qilin clan.

The king of the Qilin tribe has two requirements. First, he must be strong enough, and second, he must treat the four major Qilin races of wind, thunder, water, and fire fairly and fairly.

Blood Jade Qilin possesses both of these two points, and its strength is undoubted, making it the most powerful among the entire Qilin clan.

Due to the small number, there is only one blood jade unicorn in each generation, so there is no selfishness, let alone seeking personal gain for other tribes.

As for inheritance, since the blood jade unicorn's lifelong strength is concentrated in the unicorn horn, there are not many requirements for bloodline.


Choosing a spouse from other Qilin races for inheritance will break the fairness. The newly born Blood Jade Qilin will inevitably favor its mother clan.

In this case, each blood jade unicorn will choose a higher-level fairy monster from a foreign race to inherit as his heir.

This can not only ensure inheritance, but also ensure fairness. "


Ye Bufan's knowledge was completely refreshed. He did not expect that such strange things existed in the Qilin clan.

The blood jade unicorn continued: "The golden-armored unicorn is my son. In order to let it grow up safely, I sent it to the ancient secret realm.

According to the previous plan, when I join the Qilin clan when I reach adulthood, I will pass on the Qilin horn to it.

As a result, something unexpected happened, and now I can't protect myself. Not to mention going to the Primordial Secret Realm, even surviving is a problem, so I have to trouble the young master to help. "

Ye Bufan took a deep breath to calm down his emotions as much as possible. He reviewed Blood Jade Qilin's words from beginning to end and confirmed that there were no loopholes and they did not sound like lies.

Seeing that he didn't speak, the blood jade unicorn became more and more anxious.

"Little guy, believe me, everything I say is true. Don't hesitate any longer. If you wait any longer, you may not have a chance."

Ye Bufan raised his leg and kicked it out, and the Five Elements Dragon Binding Formation in front of him was stopped instantly.

Then the dragon's teeth appeared in the palm of his hand and slashed hard at the chain.


There was a crisp sound, and the dragon's tooth, which was the ultimate immortal weapon, struck the chain, but it only brought out a stream of sparks without any damage.

Ye Bufan used the Yuangu Xuanhuang Fire again, but after burning for a long time, the chain still showed no change.

"This thing is really powerful!"

Ye Bufan finally met Geng Jin

The mother is so powerful that if you want to break this chain, I am afraid that only the Chaos Spiritual Treasure's Ever-Changing Heavenly Gold is possible.

Although still trapped, the blood jade unicorn has regained a certain degree of mobility.

"Little guy, it's useless, this thing can't be broken at all."

"If you can't break the chain, just pull it out!"

A flash of excitement flashed in Ye Bufan's eyes. Such a large chain refined by the Mother of Gengjin is definitely a priceless treasure. Once it is pulled out, it will be his own.

"That's not okay. Once you try to move it, it will immediately alert Long Ao, and then you won't be able to leave at all."

The blood jade unicorn became more and more anxious, "Little guy, just promise me, and quickly go to the Yuan Gu Secret Realm to find my son."

Ye Bufan shook his head: "I don't have that time, you should do this kind of thing yourself."

"How could I..."

The Blood Jade Qilin was about to try his best to persuade the other party, when suddenly a figure flashed, and another young man appeared in front of him.

"Boss, what are you asking me to do? Do you know that I have reached the peak of the twelfth level?"

After Meiqi came out, she looked at Ye Bufan excitedly.

The three dragon bodies of Long Geng, Long Chief and Princess Qingcan were given to him before. Now they have been completely absorbed and refined, and their strength has reached the peak of the twelfth level.

I have to say that the effect of the Shenglong Pill is still very powerful. Not only did it not fall into a deep sleep, it was also a hundred times faster than before.

Ye Bufan was also a little surprised by the speed of his absorption and refining, but that was not the point now.

"Look this way."

After speaking, he pointed to the blood jade unicorn behind him.

"What are you looking at?"

Meiqi muttered and turned her head, then she was stunned on the spot for a moment.

This is his reaction. The blood jade unicorn behind him has already

Completely stupid.

Although it was the first time to see Meiqi in human form, and although she looked very similar to Ye Bufan, the power of her bloodline could not be concealed at all.

As the king of the Qilin clan, no matter what his son becomes, he can clearly feel it.

In contrast, Meiqi was a little confused. He knew that he had half of the unicorn bloodline, but he didn't expect to see a real unicorn at this time.

The Blood Jade Qilin suppressed the shock in his heart and looked at Ye Bufan: "This... what on earth is going on?"

"Isn't this very simple? I have been to the Yuan Gu Secret Realm and brought him out by the way. Now the two of us are brothers.

I asked so many questions before because I was afraid that you might do him some harm..."

Ye Bufan explained briefly and concisely, "Okay, if you have anything to do now, you can do it yourself. You don't need me to run errands for you anymore."

The father and son had a lot to say when they reunited, but he ignored it and turned to observe Gengjin's mother.

This thing is a good thing, I have to take it away no matter what this time.

However, the chain tightly entangled the blood jade unicorn, and both ends were inserted into the wall.

He swept his consciousness over, but it bounced back from the wall. There was obviously an isolation restriction inside.

It is not difficult to break the ban, but it might alert the Dragon Emperor. Ye Bufan doesn't want to do that yet.

Although he has never fought against the Dragon King head-on, he can guess that as the strongest man of the Dragon Clan, he is absolutely ridiculously powerful.

His current strength is not enough. The blood jade unicorn should have been a king in the past, but now it has run out of gas and there is no fighting power left.

Even if Meiqi accepted his inheritance, it would still take a long time to absorb and refine it.

For a period of time, it will not be able to form a strong combat effectiveness.

Moreover, this is still the home of the Dragon Clan, and you must not confront the Dragon Emperor head-on unless absolutely necessary.

It seems that we can only wait and take this thing away at the last moment.

Due to the mutual induction of the power of blood, the blood jade unicorn quickly recognized Meiqi and his son, and recounted the previous situation again.

After Meiqi figured out her life experience, she asked: "Who is my mother?"



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