Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 4141: Heavenly Prison

Long Yan also followed up and said: "Yes, the fourth-grade holy dragon who killed my dragon clan also took away the dragon ball. Where will the face of my dragon clan be put if this spreads out?

I don’t understand how Lord Dragon King can endure such a major matter. "

"Shh! You two keep your voices down!"

Long Che cleared out all the servants on the left and right, and then said, "Lord Dragon Emperor must have his own plans. The one he values ​​​​should not be Ye Bufan, but the Sky Fox clan he has hidden."

After he said this, Long Yan said angrily: "I don't understand this either. There are so many beauties from our Dragon Clan, why the Dragon King only likes that little girl from the Sky Fox Clan.

Is it necessary to mobilize so many people? "

"Lord Dragon King is a heroic figure, how can he be a lecherous person?"

Long Che said, "According to my guess, Lord Dragon King should have other plans."

Ye Bufan's heart moved. Could it be that Long Ao was interested in Xiaobai and there was something else hidden in it?

There was a blank in Long Geng's memory about this matter. He asked: "Second brother, what do you mean by this? Why do I feel that Lord Dragon King is fascinated by that little vixen."

Long Che shook his head: "I don't know the specifics, but I feel it won't be that simple."

"Forget it, let's not mention that woman."

Ye Bufan had a glass of wine with the two of them, and then said, "Lord Dragon Emperor is sometimes too cautious. To deal with the boy named Ye, why don't we just send experts over?

For example, you and I, brothers, can't be easily dispatched if you just send someone out, so why do we have to make it so troublesome?

Going to the Lower Heaven Realm to capture those little girls, wouldn’t it bring disgrace to our Dragon Clan? "

He deliberately led the topic to this aspect so that he could get more information.

Long Che said: "This is understandable, after all, the boy named Ye is in the realm of the human race.

If we really send out too many strong men, it might lead to a war with the human race, and we may not be able to catch anyone. That is obviously not what the dragon clan wants. "

"Second brother is right."

Ye Bufan nodded and asked seemingly casually, "By the way, where did those humans capture them and put them? Why didn't I see them?"

This was the question he wanted to ask most. As long as he had the exact location, he could find a way to save people.

Long Che shook his head: "I don't know about this either, it's all the responsibility of my eldest brother."

Long Yan said nonchalantly: "Do you still need to ask? The Dragon Emperor attaches great importance to those human races, and since no one is seen in the Dragon Palace, they must be detained in the sky prison."

Ye Bufan secretly remembered that according to Long Geng's memory, he knew the dragon clan's prison very well.

That place was heavily guarded, and all the guards were personally appointed by the Dragon King. Even the four Dragon Kings could not enter at will.

There is a saying in the Dragon Clan that no one can come out alive once they enter the Heavenly Prison.

Suppressing the anger and anxiety in his heart, Ye Bufan said again: "Our Dragon Clan is so powerful, does that boy named Ye dare to come?

I think he will definitely not dare to go to the realm of the human race to arrest people. "

Long Che said: "It's really hard to say. I heard that boy is a lover. If he captures his woman and daughter this time, there is a high chance that he will come."

Ye Bufan's heart sank. It seemed that it was not much different from what he had guessed. It was not just Xiao Yezi who was captured, but also Su Ruyue and others.

He knew it well and didn't ask any more questions, otherwise he might arouse suspicion between the two of them if he said too much.

Next, he chatted casually with the two of them, his mind spinning rapidly, thinking about how he should save people.

After drinking, I left the Ice Dragon King's palace. At this moment, I already had some calculations in my mind.

When he returned to the palace, he called the chief steward over and ordered that no one, including all the princesses, was allowed to enter his room, and then returned to the bedroom.

Not long after entering, a figure suddenly appeared in a corner outside the palace where he had stayed before.

It was none other than the Taoist body that had just been transformed.

The risk of rescuing people from Jietian Prison is very high

Big, appearing as one's true self is not only easy to reveal one's identity, but also easy to be taken hostage by the Dragon King, so it is most suitable to use the Taoist body.

Ye Bufan practiced the Chaos Technique, and the Taoist body could easily hide his aura, and slowly rushed towards the Tianlao.

In the entire Dragon Territory, if there is a place with the strictest security, it is Tianlao.

It is no exaggeration to call this a copper wall and an iron wall. The first floor above the ground looks ordinary on the surface, but it is made of pure steel. There are seven floors below ground, also made of fine steel.

There is only one entrance and exit in the entire Tianlao, and there are twelve dragon guards guarding the gate alone.

These people are all selected from the Dragon King's personal bodyguards, and the lowest strength is comparable to the human race's immortal master level.

At this moment, in front of the gate of the Tianlao, the twelve guards looked serious and scanned the surroundings with vigilance.

It was already late at night, the surroundings were quiet, and there was no one around.


At this moment, a muffled groan suddenly came from a corner not far away.

Although the voice was not loud, the people guarding the door were all strong men. Everyone heard it clearly and looked at it together.

It wouldn't be a big deal if it made some noise in other places, but this is a prison and it's so quiet at night, how could there be anyone here?

But due to the angle, nothing can be seen here.

The guard leader waved to the guard behind him: "Go over and take a look."

There are twelve of them in total, and it doesn't matter if one of them is separated. This situation has happened before.


The man nodded, and then walked toward the corner warily.

The strength of this guard is also considered strong, comparable to the peak level of Immortal Master.

Turning the corner, the figure disappeared in front of the guards. Looking forward, there was nothing.

Just when he was extremely confused, he suddenly suffered a heavy blow to the back of his head and lost consciousness.

It was Dao Shen who took action, everything was planned, and it was he who caused the movement just now.

Now he did it cleanly. After knocking him unconscious, he put the clothes on himself, including the storage ring and waist tag, and then threw the guard into the Dragon King Palace.

Ye Bufan was in the bedroom, waiting for this moment, and entered the Dragon King's Palace.

He immediately used the Soul Searching Technique, read all the guards' memories, passed them on to the Taoist body, and then returned to the room.

Everything sounds complicated, but in fact it can all be completed within a few breaths.

Daoshen retreated from the corner and cursed: "Boss, no one, and I don't know which bastard made the noise."

"Forget it if you don't. Come back. We'll take over in another hour."

The head guard didn't take it too seriously. After all, their duty was to guard the prison, and it didn't matter what happened outside.

The reason why people were sent to investigate was because they were afraid of posing a threat to Tianlao.

At this moment, Dao Shen had completely changed into the clothes of a guard, and his appearance was exactly the same, without arousing any suspicion. About an hour later, the door posts were rotated. They retreated to the prison to rest, and the other twelve people took up their duties.

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