Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3975 Reprimand

Chapter 3975 Reprimand

As time goes by, everything moves forward in an orderly manner.

About half an hour later, the medicinal materials in the alchemy furnace had been purified and tempered, slowly fused, and entered the stage of becoming an elixir.

According to the normal alchemy procedure, more than half of it is almost completed at this point.

There was silence all around, and shock was written on everyone's faces.

An eleventh-level elixir master can refine twelve-level elixirs with just the guidance of others, completely subverting everyone's perception. If it were not happening right in front of them, no one would believe it.

The middle-aged man originally looked proud, but at this moment, the smile on his face began to slowly stiffen, and things seemed to be beyond his control once again.

The person who was most shocked and had the most complicated emotions was the Great Alchemist himself.

As an eleventh-level elixir master and the actual controller of this alchemy, she can best appreciate the power of the man behind her.

Now that she has completely given up her self-awareness, she is just an alchemy machine, doing whatever Ye Bufan asks her to do.

Because of this, she could truly appreciate how terrifying the other party's alchemy skills were, and every command was just right.

Every operation is done neither too early nor too late to achieve the best results.

And he was unhurried, as calm and skillful as if he had done it many times. Even the Dan King he had seen did not have this kind of demeanor.

This made her even more confused. If the other person was a gray-haired old man, it could be understood that he was a hermit and a master.

But he was young, looking like he was in his twenties or thirties, much younger than himself.

However, his proficiency in the Three Treasures Pulse-Building Pill was beyond his imagination. It was simply unmatched, as if he had refined it himself many times.

"What's going on? Who is he? Could it be that he is already a twelfth-level elixir master, but why does he say he can't refine this kind of elixir?

Is he hiding his strength? Or is it true that he has not reached the twelfth level, but without the twelfth level, how can he teach himself how to make elixirs?

At this moment, her mind suddenly became confused.

"What are you doing?"

Ye Bufan's angry shout woke her up, but it was too late.

To make alchemy, you must first have a strong mental power, and secondly, you must concentrate without any negligence. The distraction just now has caused the alchemy furnace to go out of control.

There was a popping sound, and more than half of the elixir that had been refined turned into black ash all over the sky and sprayed out from the elixir furnace.

The reason why the furnace of elixir exploded before was because the yin and yang attributes conflicted.

This situation does not exist for the Three Treasures Pulse Building Pill, and the end result is a waste of a furnace of extremely precious fairy grass.

Everyone onlookers were stunned. They thought that the Great Alchemist would be done in a short time, but they did not expect that this would happen.

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The alchemist's rule is that three pills per batch of pills are agreed upon, which already includes the reward.

If the great alchemist made the Three Treasures Pulse-Building Pill in one furnace, then the remaining two pills would be his income.

And if all three materials are refined and no elixir is produced, compensation will be paid according to the price.

As long as the great alchemist fails to refine the alchemy in the end, he will not suffer any loss.

The other party will not only have to compensate themselves, but will also sow inner demons and leave a mark of failure.

The failure of the first alchemy made him feel even more proud, and he believed that the other party would not succeed in the next two attempts.

The great alchemist stood there, his cheeks flushed and he looked guilty.

Naturally, she knew what was going on when the elixir was refining to waste. It was entirely due to her own lack of concentration, which was a taboo for alchemists.

"I asked you what's going on? You're still an eleventh-level elixir master. Are you such a waste? You've wasted so much fairy grass!"

An angry shout came from his ears, it was Ye Bufan's reprimand.


The Great Alchemist's originally fair and tender skin instantly turned purple, so red that it seemed like blood could drip out at any time, and there was a hint of anger in his shame.

She has been a genius admired by countless people since she was a child. Not only is she highly cultivated, but she also has an excellent talent for alchemy.

Because of this, you have grown up with all kinds of praises. When did you receive such reprimands from others?

Even the master and the elders in the family gave kind instructions, but this was definitely the first time I saw Ye Bufan scolding him so harshly without any regard for face.

For a moment, anger, grievance, shame, and several complex emotions were intertwined in my heart.

She wanted to explode, even wishing to slap the other person to death, but in the end she was suppressed by reason. What they said was right, this time the fault was indeed hers.

But Ye Bufan did not stop and continued to reprimand: "As a great alchemist, is this how you behaved just now? Is this how your master taught you? It's so bad!"

The Great Alchemist stared hard: "Nonsense, didn't I just lose my mind once? It's not as bad as you said!"

In her opinion, her performance just now was okay, and the reason why she made the mistake was because she was distracted.

"Distracted? Are you just distracted?"

Ye Bufan said, "You obviously have strong spiritual power, but it has been unevenly distributed and you lack control over the three medicinal herbs...

Flowing Cloud Hand is the most basic technique for an alchemist. However, if you are fast enough but not smooth enough, it shows that the basic skills are not solid enough or adequate...

When it comes to purifying and tempering medicinal materials, you don't have a good grasp of the heat. The heat of the dragon's beard flower is over three points, and the heat of the Xuanji grass is one step behind, which ultimately leads to a lack of medicinal properties.

Even if you successfully refined the potion of elixir just now, it is still impossible to reach the top grade..."

Ye Bufan kept talking and pointed out more than a dozen mistakes made by the other party.

The Great Alchemist's eyes first showed anger, then shock, and finally shame.

She was angry because the other party didn't care about her face at all. She was shocked because what he said was logical and pointed to the point, but it was actually the mistake.

It's just that I didn't notice it before, and even Master couldn't see some of it.

In the end, I found that I had made so many mistakes while refining a batch of elixirs, and I was completely ashamed.

She has always felt in her heart that she is a unique genius among the younger generation, and her skills in alchemy are unparalleled.

Only then did I realize how far behind I was compared to the man in front of me.

But this made her more and more curious, who is this person, why does he have such a profound understanding of alchemy, and what kind of attainment is required to reach this level?

"I'm sorry, I...I will pay attention to it in the future..."

After struggling with various emotions, the Great Alchemist finally chose to bow his head, just like a child who had done something wrong.

After she said the words, she didn't believe that they came from her own mouth.

If other alchemists from the Shangtian Realm saw it, they would definitely be shocked. This woman who has always had a higher eye would actually admit her mistake to others?

Ye Bufan ignored this and said again: "If you know there are mistakes, correct them and refine the second batch of elixir immediately!"


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