Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3962 Dragon Envoy Qingzhu

Ye Bufan has a clear goal, which is to rush to the Holy Heaven and go all out to prepare for this Dan King Competition.

The group of them left Lieyuan City and flew for half a day. Suddenly, a figure flashed in front of them, and a figure wearing a white robe blocked the way.

Everyone looked up and saw that he was a handsome young man with his hands behind his back, his chin raised slightly, his nostrils pointing to the sky, and his whole body was filled with pride from the bottom of his heart.

Ye Bufan and others stopped, and he frowned slightly.

Although there was only one person on the other side, he felt unprecedented pressure, even stronger than when he faced Yu Wengong before.

Taking a step forward, looking at the person in front of him, he asked: "Who are you? Is something wrong?"

The young man in white robe looked at him condescendingly, his eyes full of contempt.

"Originally, you are not qualified to talk to this dragon envoy, but today is your honor, so I will give you a chance.

Listen up, I am Qingzhu, the special envoy of the Dragon Clan. "

This guy is really arrogant. It is no exaggeration to say that he is the most arrogant person Ye Bufan has ever seen.

After he said this, Maggie became furious.

"Boy, who are you? What qualifications do you have to be arrogant with my boss?"

The young man in white robe snorted coldly, looked over like a sword, and then a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes again.

"Who I thought it was, turned out to be a bastard from the Qilin clan outside.

If you were a pure-blood Kirin, you might still be qualified to talk to this dragon envoy, but now that you are a half-blood Kirin, you are nothing! "


Meiqi was about to go crazy, but Ye Bufan reached out and pulled her back.

Although the guy in front of him is arrogant, he actually has some abilities and is a real dragon.

In the past, when I was in the world of cultivation, if I could get a drop of dragon blood, it would be a treasure. Even in the fairy world, the dragon clan is still a high-ranking existence.

Xiao Qing obtained the remnant soul of a deceased dragon and now has the strength, which shows how terrifying the opponent is.

Ye Bufan said calmly: "Are you the special envoy of the Dragon Clan? What do you want from me?"

She originally thought that the other party would kneel down and worship her after knowing her identity, but first she was an offended half-Qilin, and now this human race is also lukewarm towards her, which makes Qingzhu extremely dissatisfied.

He snorted coldly: "I heard that you bought a fox girl at the auction of Zhaixing Tower a few days ago, is that right?"

"That's right."

Ye Bufan did not deny this matter. It was not a secret in the first place, and the other party came prepared, so it was impossible not to admit it.

"You know what's going on, now give that fox girl to me!"

Qingzhu's tone was extremely arrogant, as if he was ordering his subordinates.


Ye Bufan said coldly, "You also said that I took this photo from the Star Reaching Tower, why should I give it to you?"

"Boy, do you know what will happen if you disobey this dragon envoy's order? Do you know what will happen if you fight against the dragon clan?"

Qingzhu's eyes flashed with fierceness, murderous intent rising, and he was ready to take action if he disagreed with her.

Ye Bufan smiled coldly: "Even if you are a dragon, you are not qualified to order me."

Originally, he had great respect for the Dragon Clan from the bottom of his heart, but after learning about what happened to the Tianhu Clan, his favorability plummeted.

Now that he had witnessed the arrogance and domineeringness of the Dragon Clan with his own eyes, his favorability dropped to the lowest point.

"you wanna die……"

Killing intent rose in Qingzhu's eyes, as if he was about to take action, but then he endured it.

"Forget it, this special envoy still has important things to do this time, so I won't argue with you.

Call that fox girl out. I am acting on behalf of the Dragon Clan this time. The Dragon King has a message for me to pass on to the Sky Fox Clan. "

Ye Bufan frowned when he heard that it was related to the Tianhu clan, and it was also a matter between the two clans. It was difficult to make a decision on his own.

After hesitating for a moment, he summoned Hu Xiaoxian and Hu Siniang out of the Dragon King Palace with a thought.

"It turns out to be a small world in space. No wonder I can't find anyone."

Qingzhu smiled coldly and looked at the two of them.

"Dragon clan!"

After seeing him, the faces of Hu Siniang and Hu Xiaoxian flashed with extremely strong hatred, and they obviously hated the dragon clan deeply.

"Is such that……"

Ye Bufan briefly explained the situation and then handed it over to the two of them.

Fox Siniang took a deep breath to suppress the hatred in her heart: "I am in charge of the Tianhu clan now. If you have anything to say, tell me."

"I'm here to pass on Lord Dragon King's instructions and give you the Sky Fox Clan a hundred days. If you don't hand over Hu Xiaobai, don't blame the Dragon Clan for being ruthless and exterminating your Celestial Fox Clan!"

After hearing these words, Fox Siniang immediately became furious: "Despicable! Shameless! Are you dragon clan still shameless?"

Ye Bufan asked beside Hu Xiaoxian: "What does the Dragon Clan mean?"

"These despicable people."

Hu Xiaoxian also gritted his teeth with hatred, "Before in Demon Emperor's Heaven, the Dragon Clan did not take action against our Celestial Fox Clan.

Firstly, it was about reputation, and secondly, the Tianhu clan was still relatively strong at that time, so if they took action, they would definitely have to pay a certain price.

So the despicable Dragon King spread the news, causing both humanity and us to suffer losses.

Now the clan leader has self-destructed, and the first elder, second elder, and third elder have all died in the battle, and the strongest members of the clan have also fallen.

Even if the Dragon King asked his cronies to take action quietly, there would be no difficulty, so he issued the ultimatum.

If we don't hand over the Holy Lady, the Dragon Clan will personally attack our Sky Fox Clan. "

"This Dragon King is really cunning and despicable."

After witnessing this scene with his own eyes, Ye Bufan's impression of the Dragon Emperor was extremely bad.

"Who is this Qingzhu in front of you? How strong is he?"

Although he had some guesses, it was better to be precise.

Hu Xiaoxian happened to be familiar with the other party and said: "He is a lackey of the Dragon King. The appearance of the twelfth-level immortal monster in the late stage is equivalent to the late stage of the human race's Immortal Emperor.

His biggest characteristic is his arrogance and cruelty. He has used his power to bully my Tianhu clan many times before. "


Ye Bufan nodded, and at this time Hu Siniang and Qingzhu were almost finished talking.

"Go back and tell the Dragon Emperor that even if the last person of my Tianhu clan is killed in battle, I will not bow my head, surrender, or hand over the Holy Lady!"


Qingzhu smiled coldly, "But I won't take action against you, your lives must be dealt with by the Dragon King.

I'm just here to deliver a letter this time. You can make the final decision yourself.

If Hu Xiaobai is not handed over after a hundred days, then he will have to bear the wrath of the Dragon King. "

At this point, he no longer paid attention to Hu Siniang, but his evil eyes fell on Ye Bufan and the others, with murderous intent: "The Tianhu clan can survive for the time being, but none of you can survive!"

Fox Siniang's figure flashed, guarding Ye Bufan and others behind her: "What are you going to do? This is a grudge between the Dragon Clan and my Tianhu Clan, and has nothing to do with anyone else." Qingzhu smiled coldly: "Originally, it was with These ants have nothing to do with each other, but if they know the secret of my dragon clan, how can they survive? There is only one way to die!"


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