Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3944 Repairing the Dragon King Palace

"This... I have just arrived in the Shangtian Realm for a few days, and I don't have a good place to go." Ye Bufan frowned, "To be honest, I originally had a small world in space, but it was a pity that I was hit hard before. There are several big cracks, and they will burst in a few days. Otherwise, wouldn’t it be the most appropriate place to place you?

Pass. "

Unexpectedly, after hearing what he said, Hu Siniang's face was filled with excitement.

"What? Mr. Ye, does he have a small space world?"

"There is one, but it's broken..."

Before Ye Bufan could finish speaking, he saw Fox Siniang flip her wrist, and an earth-yellow ball the size of a bowl appeared in front of her eyes.

"This...this is the Xuanhuang Qi of Heaven and Earth!"

His eyes widened suddenly. This thing was exactly the same as the one he found on Earth before, except that it was much smaller.

The one that helped the Dragon King Palace level up before was about the size of a basketball, but the one in front of him was just a little bigger than an adult's fist.

"That's right, I happen to have some Xuanhuang Qi in my hand."

Fox Siniang said, "Master, you can use it to repair the space world. It may not be enough, but as long as it doesn't collapse, it can temporarily allow us people to stay safe."

She is now under great pressure. The saint girl has disappeared, the clan leader has self-destructed, and all three elders have died. The entire Tianhu clan is as heavy as a mountain and can't breathe.

Now that they are lingering here, if they don't hurry up and find a safe place to stay, I'm afraid the entire clan will perish.

Because of this, she took out the bit of Xuanhuang Qi in her hand without hesitation.

"let me try!"

Ye Bufan grabbed the Xuan Huang Qi from Heaven and Earth and sent it into the Dragon King Palace. Strangely enough, after the Xuan Huang Qi from Heaven and Earth entered the small world, it immediately changed from a solid state to a gaseous state, turning into a streak of yellow light and dissipating in the void.

Then the Dragon King Palace began to tremble, and the space fluctuated violently.

But it didn't last too long, and it stabilized again after about five or six minutes.

As the owner of Dragon King Palace, Ye Bufan immediately felt the difference.

There were three huge cracks before,

Each one was hundreds of feet long, but now it has shrunk a lot, leaving only about ten feet long, and the width is narrower than before.

In other words, this ball of heaven and earth black and yellow energy repaired 90% of the damage to the Dragon King Palace.

"This thing really works."

Although the Dragon King Palace was not completely restored, Ye Bufan was still very happy.

Just like treating a disease, whatever medicine cures the same disease, the Xuanhuang Qi of Heaven and Earth is indeed a good thing to repair the small world of space.

According to his previous speculation, in more than two months, the Dragon King Palace will completely collapse.

But now this process has been greatly delayed, and it can last at least another three years. During this time, he still has the opportunity to search for more Xuanhuang Qi of Heaven and Earth.

Moreover, the problem of the Tianhu clan has been solved. Since the Dragon King Palace will not collapse, they can be sent here with confidence.

Seeing the change in his expression, Fox Siniang asked nervously: "Master Ye, how is the effect?"

Ye Bufan said: "It's very good. Although it has not been completely repaired, it can be used for at least three years.

Three years should be enough. During this time, I can send you to where you want to go, or find more Xuanhuang Qi of Heaven and Earth for further repair. "

"Really? That's really great."

Hu Siniang and others were filled with joy, and then she shook her head regretfully.

"It's such a pity. Our Tianhu clan originally accumulated a lot of heaven and earth Xuanhuang Qi over the years, but I didn't expect that in the end I would only have such a small amount left in my hand.

If they could all be found, there would be no such problems. "

Ye Bufan suddenly felt something in his heart: "Where did the black and yellow energy of heaven and earth that senior mentioned go?"

No wonder he is tempted. If he can have more Xuanhuang Qi, not only can he completely repair the Dragon King Palace, but he can also go one step further and reach the true spiritual world.

"Master, don't worry, listen to me slowly."

Fox Siniang said, "Ten years ago, the Dragon Clan gave my Tianhu Clan an ultimatum, and at that time the clan leader made the worst plan.

With our current strength, we are unable to fight against the powerful Dragon Clan, so we can only leave Demon Emperor Heaven. Where to go becomes the biggest problem.

In the end, we elders discussed that we could not go anywhere. After all, each place has its own sphere of influence. With our current strength, we cannot stand anywhere, and we can easily become prey for the strong humans.

In the end, the patriarch proposed that when she was traveling around the world, she once encountered an ancient ruins in the Holy Heaven, which was a small fixed space world.

Although the level is not high and the fairy spiritual energy is not particularly abundant, it is enough to save one's life.

I can only settle in this small world temporarily until I find a better place to stay.

Later, the great elder added that if the level of the small world is not enough, then we should raise it. If it reaches the level of the true spirit world, we will be much more comfortable living there.

So the entire Tianhu clan secretly searched for the Xuanhuang Qi of the heaven and earth, and gained a lot in ten years.

I found this piece of Xuanhuang Qi from heaven and earth. I wanted to give it to the clan leader at that time, but the Tianhu clan had already collected enough Xuanhuang Qi from heaven and earth.

The clan leader didn't want it and asked me to keep it in my hands and exchange it for some resources if there was a suitable opportunity. "

Hearing what she said, Ye Bufan's heart tightened: "What about the Xuanhuang Qi in the patriarch's hand? Could it be said that it blew up when he self-destructed?"

"No." Hu Siniang shook her head, "All the resources in the clan are under the control of the great elder, including the Xuanhuang Qi of heaven and earth.

At that time, there was a bloody battle, the clan leader blew up the Sky Fox Pearl, and the great elder also fell into the hands of the strong human race.

The storage ring at that time was taken away by the other party, including most of the resources of my Tianhu clan. "

Ye Bufan's eyes lit up: "Who is that person?"

Fox Siniang shook her head again: "I don't know! Although those people are the top experts of the human race, they also know that what they did is dishonorable.

So everyone is hiding their appearance, uu reading a book

I can't see the calendar at all, and I don't know who it is. "

Ye Bufan frowned. He didn't know the other party's identity, so it would be a bit troublesome to find him.

But then I felt relieved. With my current strength, even if I found the other party, I might not be able to regain the Xuanhuang Qi of Heaven and Earth.

After all, it is conceivable that someone who can kill the great elder of the Sky Fox Clan is very powerful. He must be at least in the late stage of the Immortal Emperor, and is simply not something that he can deal with now.

The Xuanhuang Qi of Heaven and Earth is destined to be brought back, but it will definitely have to wait for a while, at least until one reaches the realm of Immortal Lord.

He originally wanted to ask for more information, but at this moment, there was an earth-shattering loud noise in his ears.

The whole space trembled, as if it might break at any moment.

Then a domineering voice sounded in everyone's ears: "I'll give you ten breaths, and the people inside will get out. Otherwise, I will completely destroy this place, and you won't be able to get out even if you think about it!"


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