Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3939: Expelling the Demon Emperor from Heaven


The woman was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting the other party to say that. Which immortal in the world is not interested in the Sky Fox Pearl?

But after a moment, she regained her composure and continued: "As long as you do one thing for me, my life will be yours from now on.

You can have my body, you can have my Sky Fox Bead, or you can even be your slave for the rest of your life. "

Ye Bufan glanced at her indifferently: "I'm not interested in you as a person, and I'm not interested in your Sky Fox Pearl either, so it's okay not to do this deal."

Although the Sky Fox Pearl was a good thing, he couldn't grab it from a living Sky Fox.

As for women, although they are extremely beautiful, the most important thing around him is beauties.

Control yourself as much as possible on weekdays and avoid incurring too much emotional debt, let alone use this to make a deal with the other party.


The woman opened her mouth slightly, wanting to say something but she couldn't. Things were not what she thought.

As an eleventh-level fairy monster, she had an intuition that this man was really not interested in her and was not pretending.

But now I am all alone. Apart from this body, I have no other assets.

After hesitating for a moment, she fell to her knees with a plop: "Sir, please help me, please save my Sky Fox clan!"

Ye Bufan looked at the woman kneeling in front of him, his expression still calm.

"When asking for help, you must first reveal your identity, right?"

"Oh! The slave family was negligent!"

The woman quickly said, "The Nu family is the ninth elder of the Tianhu clan, named Hu Xiaoxian!"

"Get up."

Ye Bufan helped her up with his skill. The aura of this fox fairy was very similar to that of the woman in white, and there should be a very deep connection.

If you can, it's not impossible to help the other person.

"Tell me, what do you need me to do?"

Tears flashed in Hu Xiaoxian's eyes: "I want to ask the young master for help to save my Tianhu clan!"

After hearing what she said, Ye Bufan looked surprised: "As far as I know, isn't the Tianhu clan in the Demon Emperor's Heaven?

He is extremely powerful and protected by dragons, so how can he be saved by me? "

He was really confused and didn't know what the other party meant.

"The Dragon Clan is a group of shameless people, especially the Dragon Emperor, who is simply despicable!"

Hu Xiaoxian said this with gritted teeth. It shows how much he hates the Dragon Clan.


Ye Bufan became more and more confused. Why was everything different from what Jing Buyun said?

"As far as I know, haven't your Tianhu clan always been on good terms with the Dragon clan?"

"That was before. Now that our Tianhu clan is in this situation, it is entirely thanks to the dragon clan..."

Hu Xiaoxian's eyes were full of hatred, and he told what happened.

It turns out that the relationship between the Sky Fox Clan and the Dragon Clan was really good before, but recently it has taken a turn for the worse.

Now the Dragon Emperor of the Dragon Clan is named Long Ao, and he is arrogant and cruel by nature, but he has taken a fancy to the saint of the Tianhu Clan and wants to marry the two families.

However, the Holy Maiden Fox Xiaobai was extremely dissatisfied with the marriage and refused directly. Later, she left the Shangtian Domain under pressure from the Dragon Clan and disappeared without a trace.

This made Long Ao extremely angry and issued an ultimatum. If the saint did not come back to consummate the marriage within ten years, the Tianhu clan would be expelled from the Demon Emperor's Heaven.

After hearing what she said, Ye Bufan asked: "What kind of strength is the Dragon Clan? Can it control the entire Demon Emperor Heaven?"

"The Demon Emperor has three powerful clans in ancient times, one is the Dragon clan, one is the Qilin clan, and the other is the Sky Fox clan.

It's just that times have changed, and now the Qilin tribe can't go out in seclusion and rarely pay attention to other affairs.

The Tianhu clan has seriously declined in strength and has long lost its former glory. "

Speaking of this, Hu Xiaoxian shook his head, with a look of disappointment on his face, "I won't talk about what happened before. Just two months ago, the ten-year deadline given by the Dragon Clan came to an end, but there was still no news from the Holy Lady.

Long Ao was furious and directly expelled my Tianhu clan from Demon Emperor Heaven. The clan leader disagreed and was directly beaten and seriously injured by him. "

Jin Meier said angrily: "Asshole, how could he do this!"

Ye Bufan asked: "Then, where did you go? How did you get sent to the Star Reaching Tower?"

Hu Xiaoxian said: "We originally received a ten-year ultimatum, but we are actually ready to move out of Demon Emperor Heaven."

At this point, Hu Xiaoxian's eyes once again flashed with deep hatred, "But that despicable Dragon Clan has already spread the news, making other forces know that we are going to be kicked out of Demon Emperor Heaven.

Especially the human race, they have long coveted the beauty and Sky Fox Pearl of my Sky Fox clan, and countless people with ulterior motives have been waiting to take action.

But we didn't know this. We were attacked by countless powerful people just after we arrived at the Supreme Heaven Realm. "

Ye Bufan said: "A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Although the Tianhu clan has been reduced, they still have basic strength. There should be no problem in dealing with some sneak attackers!"

"Those are ordinary sneak attackers. There are dozens of Immortal Emperors inside. Immortal Lords and Immortal Lord-level experts cannot be counted at all."

Speaking of this, Hu Xiaoxian's eyes were filled with tears, "In that battle, the patriarch, who was already seriously injured, exploded the Sky Fox Pearl out of desperation, severely injuring the strongest Immortal Emperor among them.

The entire Tianhu clan fought to the death, and in the end the clan leader died in the battle. The first elder, second elder, and third elder all died in the battle, and the rest of us barely escaped. "

Ye Bufan asked: "What about the others? Why are you the only one left now?"

Hu Xiaoxian said: "Things have changed, and our previous migration plan will definitely not work.

Later, under the leadership of the Fourth Elder, we directly entered the Hunting Fate Star Territory, which was wider and easier to hide in. In comparison, there were far fewer strong humans.

When the patriarch traveled around the world before, he once saw a hidden independent space here. The location was very secret.

At that time, she discovered it by accident, and she has never been there since.

This time, he told us his location before he died, and we all hid in an independent space, thus escaping the pursuit of those people. "

Ye Bufan said: "Since everyone is hiding, why are you in a hurry to come out? How could you fall into the hands of others?"

"I am also forced to have no choice."

Hu Xiaoxian shook his head, with a bitter look on his face, "The demon race is different from the human race. You can live for a long time with your spiritual energy, but we can't.

On top of absorbing the essence of the Sun of Heaven and Earth, you also need to eat. You cannot last long without food supplements.

We made some preparations at the beginning, but the food was all on the bodies of the clan leaders and great elders, and they were all lost after the battle.

This time when we arrived at the independent space, we had nothing in our hands. We couldn't hold on any longer, so I walked out of the space.

There are two purposes. One is to find food to feed the tribesmen, and the other is to inquire about the news and see if the Holy Lady has returned.

But I never expected that I would fall into the trap of the human race not long after I came out, and was eventually captured and sent to the auction of the Star Reaching Tower. "

Ye Bufan suddenly felt something in his heart, and a portrait of a woman in white was drawn in the void. "Who is your saint? Is it her?"

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