Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 393 The teacher knows medical skills

Sure enough, when he heard that his freckles were ugly, the little sparrow immediately went berserk and tried his best to stand up.

At this time, Ye Bufan said three words calmly: "I can cure it!"

"What? What did you say?"

The little sparrow immediately froze there. She had been troubled by these damn freckles for many years.

It is a woman's nature to love beauty, and at her age, every girl wants to look beautiful.

But after visiting many places and spending countless dollars, no one could cure her freckles.

While she was dazed, Ye Bufan took out a small jade bottle and poured the liquid inside into the little sparrow's mouth in an instant.

"You...what are you going to do?"

The little sparrow was shocked and asked nervously: "What did you give me to drink?"

"This is my exclusively developed skin beauty lotion, the only one in the world. You will have to pay to cure your freckles later."

The skin beauty lotion Ye Bufan took out was the complete version secretly made last night, and was not comparable to the products modified by Longteng Pharmaceutical.

Then he took hold of the little sparrow's right hand and injected the chaotic energy into her body to help her catalyze the power of the medicine.

If the medicine is allowed to work on its own, it will take three or four hours to take effect, but under the catalysis of the Chaos Qi, the efficiency will increase a hundred times, and the effect will be seen soon.

"How dare you give me medicine indiscriminately, and how dare you take advantage of me. I will fight with you."

The little sparrow said that she wanted to fight hard again, but she found that her body had lost the ability to move. It was as if there was a fire burning in her body, and she could not move at all.

"Asshole, let her go quickly!"

Ai Meili usually has a good relationship with Little Sparrow, so she took the lead and led others to rush over.

"do not move!"

Ye Bufan shouted coldly, and an invisible pressure made Ai Meili stop her movements.

"I'm treating her."

Ai Meili shouted: "Nonsense, you are obviously taking advantage of the little sparrow. I want to complain to the principal, I want you to be expelled from the school, and I want you to go to jail."

She screamed fiercely, but she didn't dare to step forward. For some reason, the young man in front of her gave her an unprecedented pressure.

Ye Bufan said calmly: "Look at her face."


Ai Meili and the girls around her wanted to say something, but they all looked at the little sparrow's face.

At first glance, he was immediately shocked. The little sparrow's face used to be...

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Those thick freckles have actually become much lighter, and are disappearing at a speed visible to my right eye.

"Oh my God, how is this possible?"

Several female classmates covered their mouths in surprise. They were not short of money in their pockets and often visited various high-end beauty places.

But I have never seen such a way to treat freckles. It is so miraculous that it can only be described as a miracle.

Seeing the looks on the faces of the female companions, the little sparrow shouted nervously: "What's wrong? Am I disfigured?"

She had seen countless dermatologists and visited countless high-end beauty salons, but no one could cure her freckles.

Naturally, he didn't believe that the young man in front of him could cure himself, so he instinctively thought in the worst direction.


Under Ye Bufan's full efforts, the freckles on the little sparrow's face disappeared without a trace in just two or three minutes.

Then he took a small mirror from Ai Meili's hand and put it into the little sparrow's hand: "See for yourself!"

"If you dare to disgrace me, I will definitely put you in jail. I will make you sit in jail for the rest of your life..."

The little sparrow regained its ability to move and was shouting. Suddenly it stopped as if it was being strangled by the neck.

She saw herself in the mirror and was surprised to find that all the freckles on her face had disappeared.

"This...how is this possible?"

In extreme shock, she blinked at the mirror again and shook her arms to confirm that it was herself in the mirror.

Ai Meili and several other girls all shouted, "Little sparrow, the freckles on your face are really gone."

At this time, another girl took a bottle of mineral water and said, "Wash it, maybe he just covered it with something."

The little sparrow hurriedly opened the mineral water bottle and quickly washed away all the thick makeup on her face with clean water.

When she raised her head again, Ai Meili and others exclaimed again: "Oh my god, it's so beautiful, it's so beautiful!"

"Little sparrow, your skin is so good, it's tenderer than jelly and whiter than milk..."

The little sparrow was originally a very beautiful girl, and her appearance contained the aura of a girl from a Jiangnan water town, but she applied too much makeup and powder, all of which was covered up.

After cleaning it now, the skin is as white as jade, not to mention freckles, not even a little blemish. It is no exaggeration to describe it as bursting.

The little sparrow didn't bother to dry his face, so he took the mirror next to him and looked at it again.

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He stood up for the first time, and after seeing his exquisite and beautiful face, he burst into tears with excitement.

After many years, she finally got rid of these hateful freckles. She no longer had to be called a little sparrow, and she no longer had to apply thick makeup every day.

"Teacher, thank you."

The little sparrow naturally knew who to thank. She turned her head and bowed deeply to Ye Bufan, "Teacher, you will be my teacher, Xu Yan, from now on."

Zhu Mingyu's eyebrows twitched. He didn't expect that this new little teacher actually had two brushes, and he opened a breakthrough so quickly.

However, he obviously underestimated the effect of Ye Bufan. At this moment, the eyes of more than a dozen female students in the class shone when they looked at Ye Bufan, as if they had seen Tang Monk's female temptress.

Although there are no freckles on their faces, no girl can resist the temptation of beauty.

"Teacher, your medical skills are really amazing..."

"Teacher, can you help me lose weight? I'm really too fat..."

"Teacher, can you help me enlarge my breasts? As long as you let me say goodbye to Princess Taiping, I can touch anywhere..."

For a moment, Yingying Yanyan surrounded Ye Bufan, asking questions in all directions.

Ye Bufan said: "Everyone, be quiet. I can solve the problems you asked. Don't worry, I'll do it one by one."

"Teacher, I'm too fat, can you help me lose weight?"

The speaker was an obese girl. Although she was only 160cm tall, she weighed over 170cm.

"no problem."

Ye Bufan took out a small red pill, which was the cellulite pill he specially refined last night. He had indeed made sufficient preparations to enter the campus this time.

"You take this pill, and I will help you lose 10 pounds right away."


The fat girl had a look of surprise on her face. There was an example of the little sparrow beside her, so she had no doubts about Ye Bufan's medical skills. She took the pill and threw it into her mouth.

Ye Bufan held her left hand again and transferred the Chaos Qi from the Laogong point in his palm to help the cellulite-reducing pill take effect quickly.

A flash of disdain flashed across the faces of Zhu Mingyu, Wu Zihao and others. They were able to help the little sparrow remove its freckles just now. Maybe it was just some special cosmetics that worked, but it is not that easy to lose weight.

Generally speaking, it is very rare to lose 10 pounds in half a month, let alone lose 10 pounds immediately. This is simply a fantasy, even if they die, they will not believe it.

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