Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 385 The thief shouts to catch the thief

At this time, the old professor-like old man also stood up and said indignantly: "Brother, don't worry, as long as your money and mobile phone were lost in the car, we will definitely help you find them back."

Then he shouted to everyone at the top of his lungs: "Thief in the car, listen to me, I know you steal things to survive.

But it’s okay to steal from rich people, and ordinary people can barely tolerate it, but you must not steal money from disabled people. That would be like a thunderbolt.

It is not easy for this big brother to earn money. He has to repair many pairs of shoes for others to earn 3,000 yuan, which is the tuition for his children to go to school.

If you take away the money, it may ruin the life of other people's children. Even if you are not a good person, you should still have your own bottom line.

As long as you are still a human being of flesh and blood, as long as you still have some conscience, send the money back to others as soon as possible, and I can guarantee that Big Brother will not hold you accountable.

If you persist, once the police intervene, you will be waiting to go to jail for the rest of your life. "

The old man looked like an old professor, and he spoke with dignity, giving people a feeling of complete trust.

Having said this, he said to everyone present: "Please cooperate and give this big brother a chance and give the thief a chance.

Everyone closed their eyes, I counted 60, and asked the thief to throw the money in the aisle. As long as the money was taken back, everyone would pretend that nothing happened.

Everyone listened to my command and began to close their eyes. "

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes first, and then started counting: "1...2...3..."

Seeing him like this, the passengers in the car also actively cooperated and closed their eyes one after another, hoping to use their actions to impress the thief and let him return the stolen things to the lame man.

The girl in white was even more cooperative. Although she was standing, she closed her two beautiful big eyes tightly.

Seeing her extremely serious look, Ye Bufan was slightly moved. This child was indeed so kind. At the same time, he closed his eyes.

However, with his spiritual consciousness, closing his eyes did not delay him from seeing everything in the car clearly.

When the old professor counted to ten, the lame man suddenly opened his eyes and looked around the carriage to make sure that no one had noticed him.

Then he took out a wallet and a mobile phone, and stuffed them into the girl in white's bag very quickly, without any sign of sadness just now.

And this guy looks like

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For a master of this skill, let alone if everyone has their eyes closed, even if they open their eyes, it would be difficult for anyone to detect his behavior. It is really too fast.

"I'll stop you. I've done so many things just to frame others!"

Ye Bufan himself was originally a college student, and his sister was also working and studying outside. In addition, the girl in white was beautiful and kind, and he didn't want such a good person to suffer, so he decided to help her.

After the lame man had done all this, he patted the old man's shoulder to indicate that everything was done, and then closed his eyes again.

As expected, these people are all together.

With a thought, Ye Bufan put the wallet and mobile phone in the girl's bag into the storage ring, and then put them into the old man's pocket.

Soon, the old man finished counting 60, and all the passengers in the carriage opened their eyes.

Everyone glanced around the car in unison, wanting to see if the thief had any conscience and threw his wallet and mobile phone back.

People were disappointed. The aisles were empty, with no sign of wallets or cell phones.

"You bastard, this thief is so shameless. Everyone is trying to save face for him, but they still haven't returned the wallet..."

"If I find this kind of person, I will have to break his legs..."

"The thief must be found out no matter what and sent to prison. This kind of person deserves to be in prison for the rest of his life..."

A sense of justice erupted in the carriage, and everyone condemned the unscrupulous thief.

The lame man then cried again: "Oh my God, you damn thief, you can't be so heartless, that's my son's tuition!

Please pay me back quickly. How can my son go to school without money? He is a good student with excellent moral character and academic skills. He cannot be ruined like this. "

This guy was really good at acting. He cried so much that he had runny nose and tears. He looked extremely pitiful.

At this time, the old man stood up again with an angry look on his face: "Damn thief, you have no shame, right?

We have just given you a chance, but unfortunately you don’t know how to cherish it, so don’t blame us for being merciless. "

He said to the lame man: "Brother, what's your mobile phone number? I'll call you.

Maybe the thief has just got the thing and has not had time to move it. He can be caught immediately as soon as the phone rings.

Even if he has turned off his cell phone, there is no need to worry. In the worst case, we can just drive to the police station and ask the police to preside over it for us.

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When the time comes, everyone in the car will be searched one by one to see if he can hide anywhere else. "

The girl in white nodded and said, "Yes, uncle, you don't have to worry, as long as the thief is still in the car, the things can't escape.

I just kept listening to the noise in the car. No one opened the window or opened the door. Your wallet and mobile phone must still be in the car. "

Hearing the two people talking, other people in the car echoed. The cripple wiped his tears and said, "Thank you, good Samaritans. I must get the money back. That is my son's tuition."

"Don't worry, brother, I'll make a call now."

After speaking, the old man took out his mobile phone and said, "Brother, what is your phone number?"

The lame man said with a grateful face: "139..."

The old man entered the phone number, then pressed the dial button, and soon a melodious music sounded in the car.

"My old father, my dearest person..."

The lame man said excitedly: "Yes, it's this ringtone. My son set it for me."

"As expected, this bastard hasn't had time to turn off his phone yet. He can't run away now..."

Everyone was thinking this in their hearts, and followed the sound of the music. Finally, they were shocked to find that the music was coming from the old man's pocket.

The old man was holding his mobile phone with a look of pride in his eyes, thinking that he had done everything perfectly.

But when he saw everyone looking at him, he immediately felt something was wrong, and then realized that his cell phone was ringing on his body.

Under everyone's gaze, he reached out and took out a mobile phone and a wallet from his pocket. The atmosphere instantly became awkward.

"What's going on? Is this the old man the thief?"

"I pretended to be a bitch, but it turned out that I was a thief and wanted to catch a thief. I did something bad at such an old age and ended up being a thief..."

"It's unlikely. I think this is an old professor. How could he steal other people's things?"

Everyone in the carriage was talking a lot, their eyes focused on the old man's face, waiting for him to give an explanation.

The lame man was prepared and prepared with all his strength, waiting to continue according to the plot and catch the girl in white.

But I never expected that the plot would change. The mobile phone and wallet that I stuffed into the girl's bag ended up in the accomplice's pocket.

The sudden change made him a little overwhelmed, and he stood there dumbfounded.

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