Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 382 Lu Banxia’s first love

Ye Bufan was slightly stunned and then smiled: "What's wrong? Is someone pursuing you? Do you need me to be your shield?"

Lu Banxia nodded. She has recovered very well in recent times. She is no longer the normal person she was before. Regardless of her figure, appearance or temperament, she is definitely a first-class beauty. It is not surprising that someone is pursuing her.

She looked at the clock on the wall, stood up and came to the window, pointed to the door and said, "That's him."

Ye Bufan also stood up and looked out the window. He saw a black BMW 7 Series parked in front of the group's gate, and a young man in a straight suit stood next to him.

This man looked to be in his mid-twenties, tall and tall, about 1.85 meters tall, and very handsome. He was definitely a rare handsome guy.

He held a handful of Blue Enchantress in his hand and glanced inside the group building from time to time, apparently waiting for someone.

Ye Bufan said with some surprise: "Ban Xia, this young man is not bad. He seems to have good financial conditions and is very handsome. Don't you like him?"

Lu Banxia sighed and said with a complicated expression: "Xiao Fan, some people can't just look at their appearance."

Looking at her expression, Ye Bufan asked: "Why, are you familiar with him?"

"Of course I'm familiar with him. His name is Chang Hao. He was my first love back then and my only lover so far."

Lu Banxia looked out the window again, but his eyes became extremely empty, and his face showed an expression of recalling the past.

"He was my high school classmate. He was also good at studies at the time, handsome, and liked to play basketball. He was the basketball captain of our school.

At the same time, his family conditions are also very good. His father was the mayor of Jiangnan City at that time and had unlimited fame.

Because of this, he is the Prince Charming in the eyes of many female classmates. Many girls pursue him, but they are all rejected.

At that time, I was the campus beauty of our school. We were two in the same class. Many people said that we were the golden boys and girls.

One day he suddenly confessed his love to me. At that time, I was just in love, and I was full of curiosity about things between men and women, so I agreed. "

Ye Bufan knew that things would definitely not be that simple, so he asked: "What happened next?"

Lu Banxia continued: "We had a very good relationship at that time. He vowed to me that he would never marry me unless I was in this life. No matter what I become, he would love me forever.

Later I went to study in country m, and we made an appointment

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, I will marry him when I return to China.

After arriving in country m, I have been keeping the promise between two people and rejected the pursuit of countless men. Although some of those men are better than Chang Hao, I still have no hesitation.

Later, my grandfather passed away and I suddenly became insane. According to my father, Chang Hao came to see me once, but since then he completely disappeared and never appeared again. "

Speaking of this, a flash of loneliness and sadness flashed across her face, "I once thought that the most sincere love between the two of us would never change no matter what hardships we went through.

The reality is completely different from what I thought. Just one illness completely crushed the beautiful love I had longed for, and the vows we once made were nothing.

After you cured me, many classmates told me that Chang Hao had many girlfriends during this period, and his life was extremely nourishing, and he never took me seriously.

But this is good, it allowed me to completely see a person's true nature.

Originally I thought everything was in the past, but starting three days ago, he came to the group door every time after get off work to pester me, hoping to resume our previous relationship.

For this kind of person, I feel sick just looking at him now, but there is no other way.

I've been hiding for three whole days. I can't keep hiding like this just because I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend and make him give up completely. "

After listening to her story, Ye Bufan sighed and comforted: "This kind of thing will happen in the past. There is no need to feel sad for this kind of person."

Lu Banxia said: "The sadness is gone. I have no feelings for him now. I just want to solve this problem quickly, otherwise I will get upset when I see this person."

"Don't worry, I'll help you solve it."

Lu Banxia said gratefully: "Xiaofan, thank you."

The two briefly discussed, she took Ye Bufan's arm, and the two walked towards the door like a couple.

Chang Hao held the roses and kept wandering at the gate. The security here was very tight, and he couldn't get in even if he wanted to.

On the surface, he looked calm and carefree, but in his heart he had already begun to curse.

"They are all contemptuous things. If my old man hadn't already retreated, whoever dared to stop me would have had to break your legs.

And that bitch Lu Banxia, ​​I've been guarding you here for three days, and you didn't come out to show your face.

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Take yourself seriously. "

After hearing that Lu Banxia had been completely cured and became a normal person, he immediately ran here.

There are two reasons for this. First, he has played with women a lot over the years, but none of them can compare to Lu Banxia.

He couldn't bear to watch such a beautiful woman get into someone else's bed, which made him feel uncomfortable when he thought about it.

The second reason is that Lu Banxia is the only heir to Xinglin Garden, and that Xinglin Garden is worth more than 100 million Chinese coins.

After his father retired from the market leader position, the family's money could not cover his extravagance.

This guy didn't know that Xinglin Garden had been transferred to Ye Bufan's name, and he was pursuing Lu Banxia in order to get the assets of Xinglin Garden.

Just when he was full of complaints, he suddenly saw Lu Banxia walking over.

"Ban Xia, you are finally willing to come out to see me."

Chang Hao ran up holding the roses. Suddenly he saw Ye Bufan next to him, his expression changed and he said, "Who is he?"

Lu Banxia said: "Let me introduce you, this is my boyfriend Ye Bufan."

Chang Hao was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Ban Xia, are you still angry with me? That's why you found such a person as a shield. How can he be worthy of you?"

Hearing him belittle Ye Bufan, Lu Banxia's expression turned cold, "Chang Hao, you should be more respectful to my boyfriend."

"Ban Xia, don't be angry, just listen to my explanation." Chang Hao said, "I know what I did was wrong back then, but I couldn't help it. You were insane at that time, and my dad was in the city. Location.

If you think about it from my perspective, how could a son of a city chief marry a crazy woman?

Now that your illness has healed, it means that our fate is still there. Don’t worry, I will definitely treat you well in the future and compensate you well..."

"That's enough!" Before he could finish speaking, Lu Banxia shouted sternly, "Chang Hao, what is past is past, and I don't want to say anything more to you. You are the son of the city leader, and I am not worthy of you.

From now on, you are you and I am me. I already have a boyfriend. Please don’t harass me again in the future. "

Chang Hao said: "Ban Xia, please stop being angry, okay? Even if you want to find a shield, you should find someone who is similar. What's going on with such a bumpkin?"

Ye Bufan looked at him and said playfully: "What, you look down on me?"

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