Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 378 Red Skeleton

Bufan said: "In this case, there is only one possibility. Someone poisoned Aunt Xia!"

"You bastard, let me know who poisoned my mother, and I'll kick him in the balls!"

Gao Daqiang was extremely angry, but just after he finished speaking, he suddenly felt dizzy, and then fell to the ground with a plop.

He was already tall, but his sudden fall caused the whole room to shake.

Gao Jiajun had just rescued his wife when his son fainted again and hurriedly shouted: "Daqiang, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Bufan hurried over to check Gao Daqiang's pulse, and soon said with a serious expression: "Daqiang is also poisoned, just like Aunt Xia."

Gao Jiajun said in a panic: "He just came in and didn't even take a sip of water. How did he get poisoned?"

"Since there is no drinking water, the air must be poisonous."

Ye Bufan looked around and saw a pot of flowers in the corner, and his expression suddenly changed.

This is a flower about half a meter tall, with green leaves and particularly bright red flowers.

"Uncle Gao, where did this flower come from?"

Gao Jiajun said: "This flower was given by Xiaogong. He knew that your aunt likes flowers, so he gave him a pot like this. Why, is there a problem?"

"The name of this flower is Pink Skull, and its aroma is highly poisonous. Let's leave quickly!"

Ye Bufan said and was about to walk out the door, but suddenly the world started spinning and he fell next to Gao Daqiang, and then fainted.

"This... Xiaofan, Xiaofan, wake up!"

Gao Jiajun shouted, and three of the four people in the room fainted, leaving only himself.

He didn't understand, if the potted flower was poisonous, why was he fine?

He was about to call someone when the door opened and Gao Xiaogong walked in from the outside, followed by two tall bodyguards.

He walked up to Ye Bufan and said with disdain: "That bullshit miracle doctor didn't fall into my hands in the end."

Gao Jiajun said angrily: "Gao Xiaogong, you did all this?"

"Yes, I did it."

Gao Xiaogong didn't care at all about Gao Jiajun's anger, and said with a sly smile, "The man named Ye is right, this pot of flowers is called Pink Skull, its fragrance is highly poisonous, and it is an extremely rare species.

In order to get this potted flower back, I spent a total of 200,000 US dollars. "

Gao Jiajun said angrily: "Beast, how could you do this? Have you forgotten that if it weren't for me, you would have

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They starved to death on the streets. "

"Yes, you saved me back then and recognized me as your godson." Gao Xiaogong's expression changed at this point, "But since you have me as your godson, you shouldn't look for any biological son.

I have worked hard for the Gao family for so many years, why should he inherit the family property just because he is your biological son? This is simply not fair. "

"Asshole, you ungrateful thing, white-eyed wolf!"

Gao Jiajun said and punched Gao Xiaogong in the face, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, he was kicked to the ground by the bodyguard next to him.

Gao Xiaogong said with disdain: "Old Man Gao, at your age, I advise you to be more honest."

Gao Jiajun shouted: "Someone is coming, someone is coming quickly!"

He wanted to call the bodyguard outside the door, but after calling for a long time, there was no movement outside the door.

Gao Xiaogong smiled and said: "Okay, stop shouting. I asked them to go outside and guard before I came in. No one can hear you even if you shout at the top of your lungs.

Don't forget that I am your godson, so what I say still works. "

"you you……"

Gao Jiajun was so angry that he was shaking all over, but there was nothing he could do.

Gao Xiaogong pulled up a chair and sat down: "Old man Gao, don't think you are the only smart one. Can't I see that you asked me to come to Jiangnan City to be a whetstone for your son?

In fact, your son is pretty good, and he is not as stupid as he appears. I have spent so much effort and failed to get into his company.

But so what? This is called being clever but being misled by cleverness. If he had let me take control of the brothers' investment company, I might have been able to live for a few more years. Now I can only go to see the King of Hell early. "

After all, Gao Jiajun was also a person who had gone through great storms. He knew that now was not the time to lose control of his emotions. He suppressed the anger in his heart and said: "No matter what, I adopted you back then.

Can you let my son go out of consideration for so many years of friendship? "

"Old Man Gao, why are you so impatient? You started negotiating terms before I finished speaking."

Gao Xiaogong pointed to Ye Bufan on the ground and said, "Actually, you can only blame this boy. It was him who ruined my good deeds one after another and ruined my plan. Otherwise, you and your son could have lived for a while longer.

I have to say that this kid does have some skills. I just arranged for people to assassinate them on the road, but a dozen gunmen didn't finish them off and even ran back.

But no matter what, in the end he still

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It fell under my red and pink skull. "

Gao Jiajun said in confusion: "Since your flowers are so powerful, why am I fine?"

"That's because I don't want anything to happen to you." Gao Xiaogong said, "If you are poisoned, Gao Daqiang and Ye Bufan will definitely be alert, so I put the antidote in your water glass in advance."

Gao Jiajun sighed and said, "I didn't expect you to be so scheming. It seems I was mistaken."

"If you obediently leave your family property to me and don't find any biological son, I will also provide for you until you die. But you don't know the blessings in the midst of blessings, so you can't blame others."

Gao Xiaogong said with a proud look on his face: "Okay, Old Man Gao, now we can discuss the terms."

Gao Jiajun said: "Let us go, and I will give you 10 million."

"10 million?" Gao Xiaogong smiled disdainfully, "Old Man Gao, it's already this time, and you're still deducting the life money from me.

Others don't know, but I know your assets very clearly. You obviously have 20 million, but you gave me 10 million. Who will give the rest? Are you still leaving it to this stupid big guy? "

Gao Jiajun said: "Don't be too greedy. To tell you the truth, I have done notarization in Hong Kong City before.

Without my will, all my assets will be donated to Chinese charities, and you will not get a cent. "

"Of course I know this." Gao Xiaogong said, "That's why I didn't kill you directly. Now that you are still alive, you can completely change the will."

As soon as he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand, and the bodyguard next to him immediately handed over a pen and paper.

Gao Xiaogong slammed the pen and paper in front of Gao Jiajun, "Make a new will for me now, and give all your inheritance to me."

Gao Jiajun said: "Do you think I am a fool? Knowing that I will die, I will leave my inheritance to you, a white-eyed wolf?

If you let our family of three and Xiaofan go, I can give you half of my property. This money is enough for you to eat, drink and have fun for a lifetime. You can't be too greedy. "

"Old Man Gao, do you think I'm a fool? If I let you go, can I still have a good life?"

A ferocious look flashed across Gao Xiaogong's face, "I know you don't want to, but you are the meat on my chopping board now. I can do whatever I want. It's not up to you whether I do or not."

After he finished speaking, he quickly pulled out a dagger, walked up to Gao Daqiang, put it on his neck and said: "Old man Gao, do you want to make this will or not? If not, I will kill him now!"

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