Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3742: Place a Bet

Ye Bufan could tell at a glance what this guy was up to, and turned to look at Miao Jiuxi next to him.

"Master Manager, I would like to ask if this Void Snow Snow can be used on the spot after I buy it?"

Miao Jiuxi was extremely shrewd and immediately saw Ye Bufan's intention and said cooperatively, "Of course, this kind of treasure can be used directly and does not require any refining.

No matter which distinguished guest takes the photo, if you need it, I can provide a place in Zhaixinglou, and you can leave after using it. "

The two asked and answered questions, and the seemingly normal conversation completely dispelled Han Lingkuang's luck.

Originally, this guy wanted to save some fairy crystals and let Ye Bufan buy them and grab them himself, but he wanted to use them right here, so it was a waste of time to grab them.

Thinking of this, he no longer cared about the pain and directly increased the price by ten million.

"I'll pay 90 million."

Ye Bufan smiled slightly, all he had to do was squeeze out the fairy crystal in the other party's pocket.

"One hundred million!"


Han Lingkuang's face was ashen as he saw this guy going on and on raising the price to such a high price.

If this continues, there is no telling how much the other party will increase the price.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, followed what Jian Juechen did just now, directly raised the price to 120 million, and then shattered the number plate in his hand with a snap.

All he wanted to show was an attitude.

Han Lingkuang didn't believe that the other party could offer more than himself. After all, it was the Han family who stood behind him.

How could a poor boy from the Lingyun Sword Sect be able to obtain so many fairy crystals?

"Okay, I admit that I don't have as much money as you, so I'll give it to you."

Ye Bufan put down the number plate in his hand and smiled brightly.

Everyone could tell that this guy was trying to trick the eldest young master of the Han family and had no intention of buying it.

Han Lingkuang gritted his teeth with hatred, but he had no choice. He was determined to get Void Feixue, and he had to get it no matter what.

Soon the waiter brought the Void Feixue over. He paid for the fairy crystal, took the Void Feixue, gave Ye Bufan a hard look, stood up and left.

The same was true for Jian Juechen. He sentenced Ye Bufan to death in his heart and left the store with a gloomy expression.

Others also left one after another, and Qin Muyue took out a new lollipop and put it in her mouth.

"You are such a troublemaker, you have caused trouble to three families at once.

Come with me, and hide in our Qin family from now on, and don't come out again for the time being, otherwise you might be beheaded at some point. "

"Thank you Fairy for your kindness, but it's no need. I have arrangements."

Everything Ye Bufan did was planned, how could he leave with Qin Muyue.

"You really don't know how to live or die."

Qin Muyue shook her head, "For the sake of the lollipop, take this and call me if you need anything."

As she spoke, she took out a jade talisman for communication and threw it over, then turned and left.

Ye Bufan smiled slightly. He had a good impression of Qin Muyue, and the little girl was still very good in nature.

Then he and Miao Jiuxi went to the back hall, and the two of them rechecked the accounts.

Ye Bufan's two Void Flying Snows sold for a total of 240 million.

An ordinary person would have to take a 10% commission from the Star Reaching Tower, but as he is a Supreme Member, this standard is reduced to 5%.

After all, Zhaixinglou paid him 228 million in immortal crystals, plus the remaining 15 million from before, and he had a total of 243 million in his pocket.

Ye Bufan was very satisfied with this number. With so many fairy crystals, he could achieve his goal, and he also got the Nine Nether Blood Lotus.

After settling the accounts, Miao Jiuxi said with concern: "Master Ye, you should be more careful. I don't think the Sifang Sword Sect and the two major families will give up."

"Thank you, Chief Manager, for your concern. I have my own arrangements for this."

Ye Bufan left the Star Building after saying goodbye. After going out, his expression suddenly became nervous and he hurried back to the inn.

After entering the door, everyone was waiting here and greeted him immediately when they saw him entering.

In order to protect privacy, the inn here has originally set up many restrictions, and ordinary people's consciousness cannot scan in.

Just in case, Ye Bufan arranged seven or eight isolation barriers one after another, and then looked at everyone.

"There are three million fairy crystals in here. After I leave, go to the Zhao family's block to place your bets and do as I say..."

Ye Bufan threw a storage ring to Ling Jianfeng, and then gave him careful instructions on what to do.

Then he gave Shen Qiyun a storage ring containing 40 million fairy crystals, "Take this, hide your identity, and see when the Zhao family adjusts the odds on me before you place your bet."

Don’t bet on one family, there are also Sifang Sword Sect and the Han family’s gambling shop..."

After allocating two storage rings, Ye Bufan still has 200 million in hand, which should be enough for him to break through the existing bottleneck.

After warning everyone again, one person hurried out of the inn and left Yuangu City in a panic. Not long after he left, Ling Jianfeng took Ling Jianfei out of the door.

The two of them found a secluded corner, looked around to see if there was no one around, and then quietly took out a black robe and put it on themselves.

He also wore a black scarf on his face, covering his face tightly.

After doing all this, the two of them walked towards the Zhao family's gambling house.

"Two distinguished guests, would you like to place a bet?"

When the boy saw the two of them, he immediately greeted them enthusiastically.

This is a gambling house, and most people show up with their true identities. Occasionally, there are some people who don't want to reveal their true identities.

Therefore, it is not uncommon to see two people dressed like this often.

Anyway, what a place like a gambling house only recognizes is the contract, and it doesn't matter who takes it.

Ling Jianfeng deliberately lowered his voice, making his throat hoarse.

"What are the odds of Ye Bufan versus Han Lingduan now?"

The young man said politely: "The odds for this match are that Ye Bufan wins to 10 to 1, and Han Lingjuan wins to 10 to 1."

In fact, normally speaking, Ye Bufan's displayed strength is that of the Great Luo Immortal, while Han Lingduan is the peak Immortal King. The odds should not be so low.

But after learning from the previous experience, the Han family paid out 50 million immortal crystals at once, so they became cautious, fearing an accident, so they did not dare to drive too high.

Not only them, but also the surrounding casinos are like this. After all, Ye Bufan is a bit opaque, and the odds are basically the same.

After the young man finished speaking, Ling Jianfeng frowned, seemingly dissatisfied with the result.

"Young Master Han only pays one out of ten if he wins? Isn't it a little too little? After all, he is a disciple of the seven great families, and he is still the peak Immortal King."

The young man said with a smile on his face: "You two gentlemen can't help me. I'm just a young boy. The odds are set by the higher-ups, so they must have their own reasons.

Not only our family, but also those around us. "

"Wait a moment, let's discuss it."

Ling Jianfeng pulled Ling Jianfei to the side and whispered: "Isn't the odds of 1 in 10 too low?"

Ling Jianfei said: "Father, why do you care so much? Ye Bufan ran away anyway, and you will win no matter how much you bet.

It's just picking up immortal crystals for free, without any risk. "

"That's right. Only our father and son know the news now. If others knew about it, I'm afraid the odds wouldn't be the same."

Ling Jianfeng nodded, turned back to the young man, took out a storage ring and handed it over: "This is three million immortal crystals. We will bet Han Ling to defeat Mr. Han to win!"

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