Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 368 Three trump cards

But no matter what he said, Ye Bufan still looked indifferent and showed no intention of being moved at all.

"Mr. Gao, I think the current general manager is more suitable for us."


Gao Xiaogong almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. What is his identity? He is the vice president of Kunpeng Group, one person is inferior to ten thousand people.

If it wasn't for the purpose of nipping at the bud and suppressing Gao Daqiang from the source, how could he be here to be a general manager.

But even so, the other party ignored me and completely regarded me as an ordinary job seeker.

At this moment, Gao Daqiang had no intention of speaking for him at all, and left everything to Ye Bufan.

"He is just a little doctor. He doesn't understand business or management at all. There's no need to argue with him!"

Gao Xiaogong gave himself a comfort, then took a deep breath to suppress the anger in his heart. Gao Xiaogong continued to smile and said: "Brother Ye, you may not have entered the jade industry. In this industry, network resources are really important.

Only with connections can you get good supply channels. A long-term, stable, high-quality and low-cost supply channel can be said to determine the life or death of a company.

You may not understand it thoroughly. Just imagine, if a diamond sells very well, and you are about to make a fortune, suddenly it is out of stock. What is that? Taste?

And your brother and I have very good connections in this area. Gangpos, the famous diamond tycoon in South F country, is my friend.

He has 12 high-quality diamond mines in his hands. Let alone one diamond industry base, even three or five can maintain stable supply. "

He was not lying. Most of Kunpeng Group's diamonds came from Gangpos.

Gao Xiaogong came fully prepared this time. In order to get the position of general manager, he had summarized three trump cards for himself.

The first one was about his identity and experience, but Ye Bufan and Gao Daqiang didn't value it at all, and it didn't have the expected effect.

The second trump card is his own diamond resources. In his opinion, without his own intervention, it would be difficult for the newly established jade industry base to find good supply channels.

The corner of Ye Bufan's mouth curled up. He didn't expect that this guy was friends with Gompos, but he didn't know that Gompos was dead yet.

If he had put it before he went to Africa, Gao Xiaogong's words might have

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Can impress myself.

But it's completely different now. He doesn't need any supply channels at all. Even Gompos's family fortune has been emptied by himself, and he doesn't even have the supply capacity in a short period of time.

He said: "Mr. Gao, I appreciate your kindness. It's just that we now have enough raw materials in diamonds and we don't need to supply them in a short time."

Gao Daqiang also said to him: "Yes, brother, Xiaofan went to Africa and brought back a lot of diamond raw materials, which is enough for a short time."

Gao Xiaogong obviously disapproved and didn't think Ye Bufan could bring back many diamonds from a trip to Africa.

He said: "Brother Ye, Daqiang, we are not opening an ordinary jewelry store, but a jade industry base, and the demand for diamonds is absolutely astronomical.

Since we want to do big business, we have to take a longer view, enlarge the structure, and have a high standard. What you lack is experience in this area.

Once the jade industry base is operational, the inventory of millions will only last for three or two days and will not last long at all. "

Ye Bufan said: "Mr. Gao, you don't have to worry about this. We do have a lot of inventory."

Gao Xiaogong said disdainfully: "Brother Ye, how much can you purchase at one time? Always remember that what we are doing is a jade industry base, and we must have stable supply channels."

He was filled with contempt as he spoke. He is really a country bumpkin who has never seen the world. Even if you have tens of millions in inventory, is that still a lot? It's not worth mentioning at all, okay?

Just then, the door opened and Lu Banxia walked in from the outside, holding a piece of A4 paper in his hand.

She glanced at Gao Xiaogong after entering the door, and then said to Ye Bufan: "Chairman, I hired a professional to evaluate the value of the diamonds you just brought back. This is the result. Please take a look."

Ye Bufan said: "I'm not very good at this thing, so just tell me the results!"

Lu Banxia said: "According to the evaluation by a professional appraisal agency, our diamonds are worth 2 billion!"


Gao Xiaogong originally looked disdainful, but now he was stunned with surprise. He thought that the other party's diamond inventory only had tens of millions of diamonds at most, but he didn't expect that there were as many as 2 billion.

He was extremely shocked, but Ye Bufan frowned: "Are the identification results accurate? Why are they so small?"

Lu Banxia quickly explained: "Oh! I'm sorry, Chairman, I forgot to tell you that we are looking for an international professional identification machine

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Structure, the currency units used are US dollars. "


When Gao Xiaogong heard this result, he almost spat out blood. Two billion was still US dollars, which was equivalent to 14 billion in Chinese currency.

With such a large amount of goods stored, even their Kunpeng Group's global chain of jewelry stores can probably support it for ten to eight years.

You must know that the storage of goods is just rough diamonds. Once processed into finished products, the added value will increase tenfold or even a hundredfold, and the overall value will be hundreds of billions or even trillions.

"Then I understand, you go ahead and do your work."

After Lu Banxia went out, Ye Bufan said to Gao Xiaogong: "Mr. Gao, you just said that Daqiang and I are both laymen in this area.

Then please help us evaluate how long the diamond reserves of 2 billion US dollars can support the operation of our jade industry base? "

"Uh... this... should last for a long time. We won't need to supply it in a short time."

But no matter what, Gao Xiaogong has been thick-skinned enough after working in the mall for so many years.

He quickly adjusted his mood and said: "Brother Ye, actually people are still a little behind in the jade industry, the most important thing is in film and television.

If you want to get involved in the film and television industry, no matter how much money you have, if you don’t have connections, it will be difficult to achieve results in a short period of time.

Think about it, if your film and television industry base is established and you don’t have a director, actors, or singers on hand, no matter how much money you have, it will be of no use. "

"Oh?" Ye Bufan asked with a playful smile, "So, Mr. Gao has many connections in the film and television industry?"

Gao Xiaogong said with a proud look, "Of course, I am the vice president of the Hong Kong Film and Television Entertainment Association.

Even in mainland China, I have great influence and have enough resources and connections. Many CEOs of entertainment companies are my friends.

It is no exaggeration to say that with just one word from me, I can become a star in China within a few days.

If I become the general manager, our film and television company will soon be able to gather stars and achieve the best results in the shortest time. "

Seeing that the second trump card was useless, Gao Xiaogong had no choice but to take out his last trump card.

In his opinion, the connections he has accumulated over the years in the entertainment industry are by no means comparable to the little doctor in front of him. This is his biggest trump card.

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