Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3647 Revenge

Under the gaze of everyone, a shocking scene happened.

Before Shao Fengyun could touch Luo Bingyan, her neck was caught and held in his hand like a chicken.


At this time, everyone in the Luo family was shocked. Although Shao Fengyun's cultivation level could not be said to be too strong, he was still in the early stage of a Great Spirit Immortal.

The aura exuded by Luo Bingyan just now was even more powerful than the opponent's, and she had already reached the middle stage of the Great Spirit Immortal.

Luo Wushan and others were shocked and surprised. Although the eldest lady had been missing for decades, this time was not that long for an immortal.

It would have been amazing for other people to be able to advance by one level, but the other party actually reached the level of Great Spirit Immortal and was even more powerful than Shao Fengyun in one fell swoop.

Such a fast cultivation speed is really unbelievable.

The most shocked person was Shao Fengyun. He originally thought that the other party was just a great immortal, and his attack was like killing an ant.

But she never expected that with one move, she would be choked by the neck, suppressing her cultivation, and she couldn't break free even if she wanted to.

Her eyes were wide open, full of shock, surprise and hatred.

"Little bitch, let me go quickly..."

Her voice was hoarse and she could barely squeeze out these few words.


What she responded to was an ice blade that pierced her right chest.

Shao Fengyun couldn't scream even if he wanted to, because the pain made his body convulse.

Luo Bingyan held her tightly without saying a word, and her whole body exuded overwhelming murderous intent.

It was this woman who destroyed her family and killed her father. She even suspected that her mother's death was related to them, but there was no evidence.

But now I don't need evidence, I just need revenge, I just need to vent the hatred that I have accumulated for many years.

Just now Ye Bufan asked her to do it, and she did so.

The knife just didn't pierce the opponent's heart, just because he didn't want this vicious woman to die too happily.

Immediately afterwards, the second knife stabbed out and penetrated the opponent's lower abdomen, the third knife penetrated the opponent's left leg, and the fourth knife...

She held Shao Fengyun in her left hand and stabbed out one knife after another with her right hand, venting the hatred in her heart.

The Luo family standing nearby were completely dumbfounded. They were shocked at first by Luo Bingyan's ferocity, and secondly by Luo Wuqian's lack of any reaction. In this case, shouldn't they take action to save the talent, right?

Little did they know that Luo Wuqian was covered in cold sweat at this moment, and his heart was filled with fear.

The moment Luo Bingyan grabbed Shao Fengyun, he was ready to take action, but suddenly a strong pressure crushed him to death.

This kind of pressure is really too strong, many times stronger than him.

Luo Wuqian could clearly feel that as long as he took action, he would definitely suffer a devastating blow from the other party.

Feeling the surprised looks of everyone around him, he could tell that the person's pressure was only directed at him, and others didn't even feel it at all.

With such a strong control, how strong must the opponent be? Daluoxian or Immortal King?

The most terrible thing is that he didn't find out where his opponent was at all. He looked around and couldn't find the strong man.

At this moment, he realized that Luo Bingyan did not come to the door blindly. She had found a real backer, who was many times more powerful than himself.

This guy cares about Shao Fengyun's life and death, but far less than his own life.

Under this kind of pressure, he chose to stay there without any movement.

But he, the great elder, did not take action, and the rest of the Luo family were either too shocked to react or just ignored it.

The scene was quiet, except for the sound of Shao Fengyun's blood dripping onto the ground.

Luo Bingyan stabbed a total of thirty-six times, leaving seventy-two bloody holes. The last one was slashed out with a backhand, directly cutting off the opponent's head.

The soul overflowed and was chopped into pieces by her knife.


The people next to them were stunned, and they all felt like they were in a dream. Everything happened so suddenly, and their brains still haven't been able to fully digest it.

After the eldest lady, who had been missing for decades, came back, she was so powerful that she first killed her younger brother Luo Tianyang, and now she killed her stepmother with her own hands.

What is this operation? What's going on behind this?

Luo Bingyan didn't care what others thought, she held the heads of Shao Fengyun, mother and son in her left hand.

Holding an ice skate in his right hand, he walked towards Luo Wigan.

Now the revenge is half done, and this old guy is the culprit. He must be killed in order to be worthy of his parents' soul in heaven.

Luo Wuqian swallowed hard, seeing all this with his own eyes, but he was powerless.

He could bear it just now, but now that he saw Luo Bingyan coming towards him, he could no longer bear it and could only desperately use his immortal energy to break away from the pressure on him.

But instead of rushing forward to take action, he turned around and ran away.

With such a strong man beside him, how could he have the courage to take action? The most important thing was to be able to save his own life.

Normally, with his immortal cultivation, he would be able to escape incredibly fast.

But as soon as he moved, there was a heartbreaking pain in his mind, as if his brain had been cut in half with a knife.

The Divine Consciousness Knife showed no mercy to such a person, Ye Bufan, and directly destroyed his consciousness sea with one strike.

Without the support of mental strength, the immortal energy on his body collapsed instantly, and he fell to the ground with a plop in mid-air.

The people around were stunned again. What is going on? Why did the Great Elder run? Are you afraid of the eldest lady?

But isn’t he a great immortal? How could you be afraid of a great spirit fairy?

Forget about running, why did he fall to the ground as soon as he moved? Did he have some strange disease?

In the midst of everyone's astonished gazes, Luo Bingyan arrived in front of him in an instant, raised her knife and lowered her hand, and the long ice knife instantly pierced the opponent's chest.


The sea of ​​consciousness was destroyed and his chest was pierced. Luo Wuqian felt that life was worse than death, and he let out a heart-rending scream.

Luo Bingyan's eyes were blood red, and her whole body was full of murderous intent. She stabbed out an ice knife again, directly piercing his mouth.

The next scene just happened, the second knife, the third knife, the fourth knife... each knife was extremely vicious.

She has been entangled in hatred for so many years, and the person she hates the most is the Great Elder Luo Wugan.

Now I finally had a chance to take revenge, and I slashed with the ice knife in my hand one after another.

She didn't know how many times she had chopped off. When she finally cut off his head, Luo Wugan's body had completely turned into a puddle of flesh.

Yuan Shen had just escaped and was panicking and preparing to escape.

How could Luo Bingyan give him this opportunity? She slashed out again and smashed it into pieces.

In this way, under the witness of countless people, Luo Wuqian, the eldest elder of the Luo family, was beheaded on the spot.

No one around them responded at all. Firstly, the incident was too sudden, and secondly, the person who took action was the eldest lady Luo Bingyan, the daughter of the family head they once respected.

It wasn't until the matter was over that Luo Wushan asked: "Miss, what on earth is going on?"

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