Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3628 The real bait

"How could this happen? How could this happen? This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

Feeling that the Forbidden Blood Curse, which she had spent half of her bloodline to activate, had just disappeared, Jacqueline's face was full of disbelief, as if she was crazy.

"No, it shouldn't be like this. I am a blood curse that can destroy everything. It transcends the forbidden curse. No one in this interface can resist it..."

"You are right. Your blood spell is indeed very powerful. Perhaps no one can resist this interface, but I don't belong here."

Ye Bufan's expression was indifferent. He was now at the peak of the Immortal King's strength. Even in the Lower Heaven Realm, he was the top existence, not to mention in the lower realm of the earth.

He took back the demon refining bottle and glanced inside.

It has to be said that the blood curse triggered by the other party is really astonishingly powerful. At this moment, a bright black pill appears at the bottom of the bottle, containing endless power.

"It's a good thing."

Ye Bufan nodded with satisfaction. Such pure power of darkness is rare.

"Kill you, I want to kill you, you ruined everything for me!"

Jacqueline rushed over madly. She was an extremely ambitious woman. The recovery of her spiritual energy allowed her to be reborn, and her ambition expanded uncontrollably.

I originally thought that with my own scheming and strength, I could control the world and let Western magic regain control of the world.

But the plans failed twice in a row. The last time he encouraged others, and this time he appeared in person, they both failed at the hands of Ye Bufan.

The huge blow and huge psychological gap left her in a state of mental collapse, and she controlled the lightning to rush over.

It's a pity that she was originally weak, and she just burned half of her blood essence, and now her strength is not even comparable to that of an ordinary magician.

Moreover, there is no way to attack when he loses his mind, so how can he be Ye Bufan's opponent.

"You shouldn't have existed in this world, let's bury you completely now!"

As soon as Ye Bufan finished speaking, Dark Moon swept out silently, and Jacqueline was directly crushed to pieces by the sharp sword light.

So far, all the awakened Western powers in the spiritual recovery have been completely wiped out, and no trace remains.

"Little guy, you are really good now!"

Seeing that all threats were eradicated, Situ Changkong and others breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time they were filled with excitement.

"Senior Situ..."

Just as Ye Bufan was about to turn around and speak, his expression suddenly changed, and the violent immortal energy poured out crazily, sweeping up everyone, and then disappeared from the place instantly.

Almost at the same time, nearly a hundred rockets roared from a distance, covering the entire valley, leaving no trace behind. It was a complete carpet bombing.


The sound of artillery fire, accompanied by thick smoke, swallowed up the entire valley and did not dissipate for a long time.

No living thing could survive under this violent bombardment, including the birds and animals here, flowers, trees, and even rocks were completely blown to pieces, and the ground was turned up.

When the smoke dissipated, only ruins remained in the originally beautiful small valley.

A hundred miles away, Gurant and a bald man looked at the computer screen in front of them, with bright smiles on their faces.

"It's all over. Magicians and powerful men from China all died in our hands."

Gurant laughed loudly and turned back to give a thumbs up to the bald man.

"Mr. Asli, your move is really powerful.

There is a very smart man in China named Zhuge Liang. I feel that your strategy is 10,000 times smarter than him!

Obviously, the biggest profit this time is our military industrial group. That old witch still wants to take a piece of the pie from us. It is simply a daydream! "

The bald man also had a proud look on his face. He reached out and touched his bald head and laughed.

"My strategy is indeed to advance, attack, retreat or defend. If the old witch can completely eliminate the Chinese people, then we will continue to cooperate with her.

If, like now, they are no match for the Chinese, then deal with them all together.

She caught those people before and wanted to use them as bait, but in our eyes she is the real bait.

Now that his merits have been fulfilled, if he kills the boy named Ye, China will be in disarray from now on, and it will be much easier to attack them again! "

The two of them were talking to each other with great joy, and at this moment, there was a burst of applause behind them.

"It's a really good idea, but it's a pity that you two losers can't do it."

The expressions of Gurant and Gurant suddenly changed. You must know that they were heavily guarded behind them, with dozens of gunmen guarding them. Why did someone suddenly come?

The two people looked back and were horrified to find that Ye Bufan, Situ Changkong and others were standing behind them. No one was missing and they were unscathed.

Gurant's eyes widened: "This...how is this possible? You...why are you not dead?"

Asli's reaction was faster. He was shocked at first and then recovered immediately, waving to the men behind him.

"Shoot, kill them!"

There were hundreds of gunmen in black behind him. These people used to use rocket launchers, but now they grabbed their guns and started shooting wildly.

Bullets whistled like raindrops.

It's a pity that this kind of attack is too weak for Ye Bufan now, and it's not enough to watch.

He just raised his hand and waved, and the invisible force carried the bullet and flew back. Hundreds of gunmen fell down in response, and no one was spared.


Asli was dumbfounded for an instant, his big bald head covered in cold sweat. Such a terrifying scene had never been seen in science fiction movies.

Gurante next to him was even more so, his legs softened and he knelt on the ground.

The rockets failed to kill them, and even the bullets couldn't hurt them at all. He really couldn't think of anything else he could do.

"Mr. Ye, please let us go. It was all our fault before. As long as you ask, we will compensate you immediately. No matter what the conditions are..."

"Let you go?"

Ye Bufan smiled coldly, "Conspiracy against China is a capital crime. There is no reason to let you go. If you have any objections, go to your God!"

As soon as the words fell, Dark Moon silently flew out, and then Gulant's head flew high with eyes wide open.

"You...stop it!"

Although Asli was still standing there, his legs were shaking and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"I tell you, you can't kill me, otherwise China will be in catastrophe!"

Ye Bufan smiled playfully: "Really? Then tell me, where did this disaster come from?"

"We have strong strength in our hands. Three of the most advanced seaplane carriers are about to be launched. We also have a large number of biological and chemical weapons in our hands.

If you kill me, my men will attack immediately, and then the whole of China will be buried with me! "

Asili finally figured it out. If he wanted to survive, he could only use the trump card in his hand to scare the opponent.

After he said this, Situ Changkong and others' expressions changed. As core members of Xuanyuan Pavilion, they naturally knew how big a threat this was.

Ye Bufan smiled coldly: "Are you trying to scare me with this? In that case, go down and ask Puyol if you still have these trump cards?"

Asli's eyes widened and he didn't understand what the other party meant, but then his head flew high and he completely lost consciousness.

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