Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3616 The Lodin Family

"Where did you come from? You dare to be so rampant here? Believe it or not, I will beat your head into a rotten watermelon..."

There were more than 200 gangsters present, including those who did not believe in evil. A bald man raised the firearm in his hand and pointed it at Howard, the God of Death.


There was a gunshot and the head exploded, but it was not Howard who died, but the big bald man.

It was the bearded man who took action. He killed the bald head with one shot and then fell to his knees with a plop.

"Big...big...Sir, please spare my life!"

He has a certain status in the underground world. He once saw Howard, the God of Death, from a distance at a party, and now he has remembered the other person's identity.

The name of the God of Death is no joke, and the bearded man is very aware of the gap between himself and the other party. If he dares to offend in the slightest, he may not be able to save his life.

Because of this, he got rid of the bald head first and then knelt down to apologize.

He is known as a devil in the underground world of Apple City, and these people present are also his subordinates.

The boss who saw him all knelt down. Although the others didn't understand what was going on, they could see that the man in front of them was definitely a ruthless person who could not be messed with, and they all fell to their knees.

The onlookers were dumbfounded from a distance. Hundreds of people were kneeling here, and they were existences that no one would dare to mess with in ordinary times. It was really shocking and breathtaking.

At this moment, these people are all wondering who this black cannon man who got off the helicopter is, and how can he be so powerful?

Among the crowd, Stevenson stood there completely stunned. Others fell to their knees, making him look extremely out of place.

Howard looked over, and even though he was wearing sunglasses, he could feel his cold and murderous eyes.

"Do you want to die?"

"You... don't mess around. I am the only heir of the Lodin family. If you dare to touch me, my father will not let you go..."

"Are you scaring me?"

Howard's figure flashed, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Stevenson, and his big palm-like hands strangled her neck.

The hand of death, full of murderous intent, twisted his head off in the next moment.

And at this moment, Ye Bufan's voice sounded in his ears again.

"Bring him up to me!"

Howard then dissipated the murderous intent from his body, turned around and walked towards the hotel.

And Stevenson was like a little chicken being held in his hand, with fishy liquid dripping from his pants.

At that moment, he truly felt the power of death and the call of hell.

Although his life was saved in the end, he was so scared that he peed his pants.

He entered the hotel, and it took a long time for the bearded man and the others outside to dare to get up from the ground, and then fled.

The people watching were shocked and confused. They really didn't know who this big black man was and how could he be so powerful?

The most important thing is, who is the master he just mentioned?

If he is so powerful, what kind of existence will his master be?

Although these people were extremely confused, they did not dare to get even half a step closer and could only watch from a distance.

Howard came to the presidential suite, threw Stevenson to the ground, and then knelt down with a general cry, his whole body trembling with excitement.

"This subordinate has met his master!"

"Would you like to get up?"

Ye Bufan waved his hand and asked him to step aside, his eyes falling on Stevenson.

The guy got up from the ground, held his neck and coughed violently for a long time before regaining his breath.

"Are you from the Lodin family?"

Stevenson was originally frightened by Howard, but when he heard Ye Bufan's question, he suddenly felt confident.

Now that the other party knows his identity and his family, things will be easier to handle.

He believed that in country M, no one would dare to go against the Lodin family after knowing his identity.

"Yes, I am the only heir of the Lodin family, and the head of the family is my father Puyol.

If you are sensible, let me go as soon as possible, and then kneel down and apologize, otherwise our Luoding family will not let you go! "

"Yes, he is still the heir of the family, so he should know a lot of things."

Ye Bufan smiled coldly, then stood up and put his hand on his Baihui point.

The Luoding family, he had heard about this big family before when he was in Xuanyuan Pavilion.

If Angel Pharmaceutical previously dominated the entire western pharmaceutical group, the Luoding family is the largest supplier of gunpowder.

There is a saying in the market that if the Lodin family falls, the military strength of country M will be weakened by half immediately.

It seems exaggerated, but it is. The Lodin family has a huge military system, supporting half of the sky of Country M.

At the same time, there are also extremely powerful forces in this country. Whoever ascends to the throne of controller must obtain the approval of their family, otherwise it is impossible to succeed.

When he came here, Zhang Daoquan once confessed that Country M was about to make a move recently.

The Lodin family is obviously the best breakthrough point. From them, we can find out what is going on.

Because of this, Ye Bufan asked Howard to bring him here after hearing Stevenson's self-report.

"What are you going to do? I am the eldest son of the Lodin family, and I am the only heir..."

Stevenson had a bad premonition and wanted to scare the other party with his family background.

But before he could finish his words, he stopped, his eyes were dull, and he completely lost his energy.

With Ye Bufan's current strength, it would only take a matter of minutes to perform the Soul Searching Technique on an ordinary person.

He quickly read all the other party's memories, and his expression became cold.

He raised his hand and threw a fireball, completely turning Stevenson into nothingness.

As a member of Xuanyuan Pavilion, Sima Wei also knew something about the Luoding family. Seeing him like this, she asked, "What's wrong? Is there any special situation?"

Alicia also asked: "Yes, dear, is there anything special about the Lodin family?"

Ye Bufan quickly regained his composure and sat back in his seat: "How much do you know about this family?"

Alicia thought for a while and said: "The Lodin family is very big, very powerful in the entire M country, has a very close relationship with the military, and has extremely strong financial resources..."

Helena followed up and said: "This family is indeed very famous, and I heard about it a little bit when I was in the Divine Court."

Ye Bufan said: "Then do you know what they do?"

Alicia said: “They are a military-industrial conglomerate, and this is what they do.

And it is very powerful and can produce many high-precision weapons.

I was reading the news some time ago and it was said that Lodin Group built three of the most advanced seaplane carriers for Country M.

Not only is the drainage volume above 100,000 tons, but it also has many advanced technological applications, but none of them have been announced to the public yet. "

Sima Wei nodded: "Yes, China has also received some news, but so far it has not obtained much useful information."

At this point, her eyes lit up: "Did you learn anything from the soul search just now? This is very useful to us in China!"

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