Urban ancient fairy doctor

Picture 3600: Dog eyes look down on people

The Xuanyuan Pavilion Hacker Group has nearly a hundred members, and any one of them will be the king of the network.

These people usually have their own pride, which can be said to be unruly.

But when they got the order to do something for the fourth elder, everyone was as excited as if they had been given a shot of blood.

They control almost the entire earth's information, so it is impossible not to know that the Battle of Kunlun protected the safety of the entire earth.

The subsequent battle on the northwest frontier completely shattered the Western Crusades and revealed the pride of China.

Precisely because he knew too much, Ye Bufan was the hero of the entire nation in each of their hearts, like a god.

On weekdays, they wanted to pay homage, but unfortunately they had no chance to see this elder.

Today, I got the opportunity to carry out the orders of the Fourth Elder. I threw away all the tasks under my command and rushed to hack a kindergarten.

These people push their speed to the extreme, fearing that if they slow down a little, their peers will get ahead of them.

In this case, the efficiency was surprisingly high. In about two minutes, the content Ye Bufan needed was on his mobile phone.

One of the hackers also directly hacked the online TV here and broadcast live.

Zhao Min and Wu Lijuan felt as if they had seen a ghost when they saw the TV suddenly turning on by itself.

Ye Bufan ignored them, didn't check his phone, and watched the live broadcast on TV.

The screen flashed, and soon Little Leaf appeared in the video.

The little guy was playing with his toys with a bright smile on his face. Then the little fat man came over with a look of arrogance and arrogance.

"Little Ye Zi, from today on, you have to listen to me and do whatever I ask you to do!"

Little Leaf raised his head and glanced at him: "Why? I don't want it!"

"Because your family is poor and my family is rich!"

It was obviously not the first time that the little fat man had done this kind of thing. He said it with confidence. His young age could not conceal his arrogance.

Little Leaf shook his head: "I'm not poor, my family is not poor!"

"Compared to me, you are poorer. My family lives in a big villa."

"My family also has one. My family has a manor and several large villas. My grandparents also have many..."

Xiao Yezi blinked his big eyes with a serious look on his face.

As Ye Bufan's daughter, she usually lives in the Ye family's huge manor. When she goes out, she goes to the eldest son's family, Dongfang family, and Su family.

Any one of these big families is at the top of the imperial capital. The villa is just ordinary in her eyes. She can't understand why it seems to be such a big deal here.

The little fat man shouted unconvinced: "My family has five cars, including a sports car!"

"Cars? I have so many at home, I can't even count them. Anyway, there are so many! There are also planes, so many planes."

"My dad is the president, you must listen to me."

"I don't want it, my dad is still a great hero..."

"You're bragging, I'm going to teach you a lesson..."

The little fat man didn't get the upper hand. He was so angry that he reached out to grab Xiao Yezi's hair.

Xiao Yezi used Xianqiong Jade Liquid to pluck hair and cleanse marrow. Coupled with the innate excellent genes, even ordinary warriors cannot compare with him. How could he be touched by the little fat man and avoid it casually.

After trying several times in succession and failing to catch him, the little fat man became completely angry and raised his palm to slap Little Ye Zi in the face.

"You bragging poor guy, I'll beat you to death!"

The more Ye Bufan looked at it, the more gloomy he became. Forget it if it was just two children. When the key thing happened, Wu Lijuan was watching from the side.

As a teacher, she had no intention of stopping him. Instead, she stood by with a look of ridicule and disdain on her face, just waiting to see Xiao Yezi being beaten.

Xiao Yezi was like a princess in the Ye family. When had she ever been wronged like this?

He got angry after being bullied one after another. He raised his hand and slapped the little fat man in the face.

The little fat man was used to bullying the weak and afraid of the strong, but he couldn't withstand Xiaoye's slap, and he was beaten until he sat on the ground and howled miserably like a slaughtered pig.

"Young Master..."

Wu Lijuan was watching the fun from the side, but she didn't expect such a result. She immediately rushed up and slapped Xiao Zizi.

Little Ye Zi was naturally unwilling to suffer the consequences and raised his hand to block.

Unexpectedly, her strength was too great. After cutting off the hair and cleaning the marrow, her arm was harder than steel, and she directly broke the opponent's forearm.

This was good news. The little fat man and she howled like pigs together, and finally attracted the director of the garden, Zhao Min.

After Zhao Min arrived, he scolded Xiao Zizi severely without any hesitation, then called four security guards to surround her, and then started dialing Lan Xi's number.

Seeing this, Ye Bufan understood everything, and his expression was terrifyingly gloomy.

He looked sharply at the two people in front of him: "You are a school. I sent my child here. Is this how you bully her?"

Meeting his gaze, Wu Lijuan took several steps back in fright. Then she thought that the other party was just a walk-on, and immediately became tough again.

"Who bullied her? She brought this all on herself. Why should she hit the young master of the Ma family? Don't you know that you are a poor man?

Also, she is poor even if she is poor, but she cannot face the reality, yet she has to go to a school like ours. Is this the place she should come to?

And you two adults, it doesn’t matter that you are poor, but you bring up your children badly.

If you hadn't taught her to brag, how could things have happened today, so the responsibility lies with you, and you must be responsible..."

Ye Bufan said coldly: "Who told you that my daughter was bragging? What she told is the truth."

“Bah, what I despise the most are poor people like you who pretend to be poor even though you have no money.

If you really have dozens of cars at home, will your wife ride a bicycle to take the kids to school every day? Do you really think we can't see it? "

It turns out that as the Qingye King of Kunlun Continent, Lan Xi is not interested in cars. She doesn't like driving and hates car exhaust.

She likes to be close to nature, so she rides her bicycle to take Xiao Zizi to kindergarten every day. Zhao Min and Wu Lijuan happen to see her and directly define her as a poor person.

This was also because Su Ruyue wanted to keep a low profile, wanted to give the little guy a pure and happy childhood, and didn't want people to hug her all day long.

Therefore, she hid her identity when making arrangements, and did not explain that Xiao Yezi was the princess of the Ye family.

Because of this, Zhao Min had no idea what kind of existence he was facing, and he also followed it with cynicism.

“If it’s just that your family has a lot of cars, forget it, maybe there are forty or fifty Sanbengzi.

But your daughter also said that she has a plane at home. Isn’t this bragging? Do you really think you are the richest man in the imperial capital? I really dare to say anything..."

Ye Bufan smiled coldly. If he were to compare wealth, let alone being the richest man in the imperial capital, he would not be able to find anyone richer than him even in the whole world.

But he was too lazy to talk nonsense with these two contemptuous women and said directly: "I will give you two choices now, either apologize to my daughter, or get out of the kindergarten and let you beg for food!"

Wu Lijuan and Wu Lijuan were stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

Zhao Min immediately tore off the pretense of being the director and shouted arrogantly: "You are just a walk-on, I don't know who gave you the courage to speak like this!

Okay, let’s see how you get me to beg for food! "

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