Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3557 Sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight

Hua Bingyu said: "The reason why the Blood Shura clan has grown so fast is because their cultivation method is extremely special.

It is somewhat similar to the Holy Blood Sect, in that it cultivates the power of blood.

The difference is that it obtains the blood of other races through killing to nourish its own cultivation and soul. This method of cultivation has developed their cruel and easy-to-kill habits.

With the rise of the Blood Shura clan, other races have suffered massacres, especially the human race, which has suffered extremely heavy losses.

It is precisely because of this that they have the title of Shura Clan. "

Ye Bufan frowned slightly. Although the Holy Blood Sect belonged to the dark lineage, it was still a fairly standard practice.

In contrast, this blood Shura relies on hunting other people to improve his own cultivation, which is a completely evil way.

Such a cultivation method that violates the law of heaven will inevitably be strangled by other sects.

Sure enough, Hua Bingyu continued: "The actions of the Blood Shura clan angered the powerful powers of the Heaven Realm, and they all came together to destroy them.

But at this moment, the Blood Shura clan is already extremely powerful. Even if they gather these powerful men from the Heaven Realm, they cannot completely wipe out the clan.

If strangled by force, it is bound to be a lose-lose outcome.

Later, those powerful people found a compromise and teamed up to send them into the space turbulence, thus eradicating their serious trouble.

Thousands of years have passed since this incident, and now there is only one legend left. Many people do not know the existence of this race.

But we never expected that they would come back again and appear in our Lower Heaven Realm.

After Hua Bingyu finished speaking, everyone present showed extremely fearful expressions.

It turns out that the catastrophe for the human race speculated by the sect leader Gong Qingxuan refers to the return of Blood Shura.

It's no wonder that this race is originally extremely powerful and bloodthirsty. After being exiled in the turbulence of space for so long, it must be full of resentment and murderous intent.

Once it returns, it will definitely be a sea of ​​blood, and it is no exaggeration to call it a catastrophe for the human race.

At the moment they were speaking, the Blood Shura clan outside had been completely aroused and they were constantly attacking the mountain guarding formation. Their blood energy was overwhelming and the momentum was terrifying.

Ye Bufan said: "Can you tell how strong these people are?"

"The strength of the Blood Shura clan can be seen in the lines on their foreheads..."

Hua Bingyu explained the level of strength of the Blood Shura clan from beginning to end, and finally said: "These hundred people have light golden lines on their foreheads, and their strength is comparable to that of the Immortal King.

The strength of one golden pattern is the lowest, equivalent to the early stage, and the strength of four golden patterns is the strongest, comparable to the peak level of the Immortal King. "

After listening to her story, there was a gasp of air in the room.

According to this level calculation, aren't the one hundred people in red outside equivalent to one hundred Immortal Kings?

Moreover, there are ten people with four light golden lines, which is equivalent to ten powerful people at the peak level of Immortal King.

If calculated according to normal calculations, not to mention the Flowing Light Sword Sect, not even the entire Qingweitian could contend with such a powerful strength.

Gathered together, these blood Shura are enough to wipe out the entire lower heaven.

This race was originally extremely bloodthirsty and murderous, and now it is holding back its resentment. One can imagine the tragic consequences.

On the mountain peak thousands of miles away, the expressions of the four of Feng Wuji became extremely serious.

The Blood Shura clan frantically attacked the mountain-protecting formation, and such a big movement had already attracted their attention.

As a powerful person at the peak level of Immortal King, Feng Wuji's spiritual consciousness has clearly detected the situation there.

At this moment, his heart was also full of horror. He did not expect that the catastrophe for the human race predicted by Tiandao Sect would be so violent.

One hundred Immortal King-level Blood Shuras are too powerful.

The most important thing is that this race cultivates extremely quickly. Once it sweeps the entire Lower Heaven Realm and gets enough blood nourishment, it is impossible to be promoted to Immortal Lord or even Immortal Emperor. Then it will be a disaster for the entire Immortal World.

Jian Wuhen asked: "Senior brother, are you sure that is the Blood Shura clan?"

"You can't be wrong, it should be them."

"But according to the legend, haven't all the Shura clan been exiled into the turbulence of space? Why did they come back?"

The speaker was another disciple of the Sifang Sword Sect, Qiu Changlie.

"God knows how they got back!"

Feng Wuhen was shocked and angry when he learned the other party's identity.

I really thought that even if there were some situations in the Lower Heaven Territory, they could be easily solved with the strength of my four brothers.

He can also accomplish a great feat and be rewarded by the sect when he returns.

But now it seems that this is not the case at all. There are one hundred Immortal King-level Blood Shura, and there are ten who are at the peak of the Immortal King alone.

With such powerful strength, the four of them were completely unable to compete.

Jian Wuhen said: "Brother, what should we do? Should we take action?"

"Take action?"

Feng Wuhen waved his hand, "Isn't that going to death?"

Qiu Changlie said: "A small Liuguang Sword Sect cannot resist the Blood Shura clan. What should we do if they come to us for help?"

A cunning smile appeared on Feng Wuji's lips: "Originally, we came here under orders, and we cannot ignore things like this.

But that boy named Ye gave us the best excuse. Since the Liuguang Sword Sect was disrespectful to us, it’s no wonder that we stood idly by. "

"What a great idea, senior brother!"

Jian Wuhen gave a thumbs up and asked again, "But Blood Shura is so powerful that he will soon wipe out the Flowing Light Sword Sect.

What should we do next? Do you want to ask the master for help? "

"No need for now!"

Feng Wuji said, "Let's just sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. Although the Lower Heaven Territory is rubbish, there are also some powerful people at the peak level of the Immortal King.

It would not be easy for the Blood Shura clan to destroy them, and there would inevitably be huge losses.

We watched secretly from the side and waited until their strength was greatly reduced before we stood up and took down them in one fell swoop.

When the time comes, the four of us will be the heroes who save the Lower Heaven Territory, and we will definitely be rewarded by the Tiandao Sect and the sect when we return to the Middle Heaven Territory. "

Another disciple, Ling Yanchi, frowned slightly: "But if this happens, the number of casualties in the Lower Heaven Territory will probably be astronomical."

Feng Wuji sneered disdainfully: "Why do you care so much? They are just ants. Is there any difference between the death of one and the death of ten thousand?"

Jian Wuhen nodded: "Senior brother is right!"

They have made a strategy of not taking action or helping, and Ye Bufan is also intensively discussing countermeasures.

After Hua Bingyu introduced the situation of the Blood Shura clan, she asked: "Xiaofan, is there any good way to deal with it?"

She was actually helpless when she asked this question. Putting aside Ye Bufan's strength, the Flowing Light Sword Sect had no ability to resist at all in front of the Blood Shura clan.

She is the only middle-stage Immortal King in the entire sect, and she is completely worthless in front of hundreds of Immortal King-level experts.

Although the attack of the Blood Shura clan has been blocked by the mountain-protecting formation, this is only a temporary expedient. No matter how many immortal crystals Ye Bufan has, he cannot continue to support him forever.

After she said this, the entire sect looked over. Now this man has become everyone's hope.


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