Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3555 Blood Shura Clan

The middle-aged man is named Xuehe, the king of the Blood Shura clan.

After he turned around, other members of the Shura clan also looked over, and then all of them showed ecstatic expressions.

The man in red behind Xue He was full of ecstasy: "Space fluctuation, this is the space fluctuation caused by someone touching the space!

Hahaha, great, we finally found our way back. "

The Blood Shura clan has lived in this turbulent space for countless tens of thousands of years. During this period, countless clan members have died, and they have barely managed to reproduce to this day, but there are only a hundred clan members left.

With their strong strength, they have broken through countless spaces over the years, but they can only move from turbulent flow in one space to turbulent flow in another space.

There are no one knows how many spaces there are in this vast sky, most of them are uninhabited spaces with turbulence running rampant.

And they kept shuttling back and forth, unable to find their way back.

But today was different. They actually felt space fluctuations, which were traces left after the human race touched the space.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the space here is torn apart, they can immediately return to the fairyland they long for.

"This is it, let me mark it first!"

Xuehe's figure flashed to the place where the space had just fluctuated. He raised his hand and waved a bloody red light, which stayed there, looking extremely dazzling in the darkness.

"Everyone, hurry up and restore your strength. In three days, we will break through the space barrier here and return to the fairyland!"

After drifting in space for so many years, it is extremely difficult for them to break through the space barriers with their strength. They must accumulate strength and work together.

These people received the order from King Shura, and all of them sat cross-legged in the void, running their skills to restore their own strength, in order to achieve the best condition.

Three days later, Xue He opened his eyes first, and a blood-red light flashed in his eyes.

"Are you all ready?"

"Lord Shura King, everything is ready!"

The Shura clan present responded in unison, each of them showing extremely excited expressions.

I have been wandering in space for countless thousands of years. I have already had enough of this kind of life, and I can't wait to return to the fairyland immediately.

"Now that you are ready, let's come, success or failure depends on this!"

After Xue He finished speaking, he took out a long bloody knife about ten feet long, holding the handle of the knife with both hands, and stood in front of the bloody mark he had made before.

Behind him, nine men in red with four blood-gold streaks on their foreheads lined up in a row, pressing their palms on each other's vests.

Next came twenty people with three golden lines on their foreheads, followed by thirty people with two gold lines, and finally forty people with one gold line. The lines on the forehead are a symbol of the strength of the Blood Shura clan. The black level is the lowest and its strength is comparable to that of the Earth Immortal of the human race.

Silver is more powerful, equivalent to the human race's immortal.

However, during so many years of wandering, these two levels of the Blood Shura clan were either swallowed up by the turbulent flow of space, or buried in the mouths of giant space beasts, and have completely disappeared.

The blood Shura with golden lines is equivalent to a human immortal, the light golden color is comparable to the Immortal King, the golden color is comparable to the Immortal Lord, the red gold color is comparable to the Immortal Lord, and the purple gold color is comparable to the Immortal Emperor.

Each color is divided into four levels. One golden line is equivalent to the early stage of the Immortal King. By analogy, four light golden lines are equivalent to the peak of the Immortal King.

Now they are lined up in a long queue of hundreds of people, and they are also using the secret technique of the Blood Shura clan, which can concentrate everyone's power into one person in a short time.

It is this method that has been used to tear apart space for so many years. Otherwise, one person alone would not be able to shake the space barrier.

Xuehe was infused with the blood of his tribe, and the red light on his body suddenly surged. The four golden lines on his forehead kept twisting, as if they were alive.

Then a roar came from his mouth.

"Break it for me!"

The long knife in his hand was slashed out, and the evil energy was overwhelming. A sword light hundreds of feet long appeared in the dark space debris.

Then there was a violent fluctuation, and a gap of about ten feet was cut out in the space in front of him.

As the space was broken open, a strong spiritual energy came overwhelmingly.

"The fairyland, it really is the fairyland, we finally found the way back!"

Everyone in the Blood Shura clan showed ecstatic expressions. In the past, every time they broke through a space, all they got was deathly silence.

There was no life at all, let alone aura.

"Immortal world, despicable human race, you wait, our Shura clan is back, use your delicious blood to sacrifice!"

Although they were ecstatic in their hearts, the Blood Shura clan had accumulated countless experiences by traveling through space for so many years.

The moment the gap appeared, everyone rushed in at the fastest speed.

Hundreds of blood Shura figures disappeared, the space crack slowly closed, and everything returned to calm.

In front of the mountain gate of Flowing Light Sword Sect, it is right where Donghua Immortal King used the space blade to escape.

A huge crack suddenly appeared, and then a hundred men in red with monstrous aura rushed out.

It turns out that there is a certain destiny, and the space fluctuations discovered by King Shura and the others were exactly caused by the Space Blade used by Immortal King Donghua.

A treasure like the Space Blade is best at cutting space. While helping Immortal King Donghua escape, it also pointed the way for the Shura clan.

"Hahaha, we are finally back!"

Their feet finally touched solid ground. Headed by King Shura, the hundreds of people laughed loudly.

Everyone's expressions were distorted due to excessive excitement, and they looked extremely ferocious.

"Immortal world, human race, we are back again, even if we die, we will be buried with you!"

Xue He's eyes were blood red, his body was full of murderous intent, and he was full of resentment.

The Blood Shura clan was previously exiled in the turbulence of space by the strong men of the human race. They have suffered countless sufferings over the years.

It was still possible to reproduce at the beginning, but the turbulent flow of space was full of dangers, and lives would be lost if you were not careful.

As time goes by, the earliest generation of exiled Blood Shura clan have all burned out their lifespans and fallen into the void.

These people are all descendants of later generations. Because the environment is too harsh, the number of the entire tribe is getting smaller and smaller, and there are fewer and fewer women.

Now there are only a hundred grown men left, and their strength has been greatly weakened. They are all blood Shura of their level.

If this continues, sooner or later it will result in genocide.

It happened that they found their way back at this moment, and the resentment and murderous intent that had accumulated in their hearts for tens of thousands of years exploded instantly.

"Kill, kill, kill... I want to kill all the humans, and I want to avenge my ancestors!"

To be precise, the hundred people in front of me are all descendants of the Blood Shura clan.

They had never lived in the fairy world before, and everything was based on what their ancestors said.

Although they have never seen the human race, the suffering they have endured for so many years has filled their hearts with resentment and murderous intent towards the human race who exiled their ancestors.

After a period of wanton venting of emotions, these people's eyes changed and they saw the mountain gate of Liuguang Sword Sect not far away.

A man in red raised his finger and pointed over: "Lord Shura King, that seems to be the legendary human race!"

Shura King Xuehe looked at the mountain gate fiercely, with murderous intent all over his body.

"Whether it's human or not, no matter where it is, crush them all!"

At this moment, there was only resentment and murderous intent in his heart. As for the opponent's strength, he didn't care at all whether he was the strong man who exiled his ancestors back then.

Even if you die here, it is hundreds of times better than enduring endless suffering in the turbulence of space.


Hundreds of people from the Blood Shura clan let out an earth-shattering roar and charged towards the mountain gate of the Flowing Light Sword Sect together.


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