Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3474 Double Whammy

Seeing that the tragedy was about to happen, many people around them turned their heads and couldn't bear to watch anymore.

The man with triangular eyes stood there with a sneer on his face. He had often seen this kind of scene before. There was no trace of intolerance or pity in his heart, only the desire to please his master.

But at this moment, his vision suddenly went dark, and a huge figure smashed over, knocking him to the ground.

This guy almost didn't get smashed to death. Fortunately, he had the cultivation of a great spirit immortal, so he managed to save his life after all.

Struggling to push the black figure away, he was shocked to find that it was the bloodthirsty tiger that pounced on him.

Turning around, he saw a young man standing in front of the family of three, protecting them behind him.

Ye Bufan kicked away the bloodthirsty tiger and looked back at the panicked family of three.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay, take this and go!"

After speaking, Ye Bufan flipped his wrist and sent a small jade bottle to the three of them.

Inside are three pills, which were absorbed and refined in the Demon Refining Bottle after entering the Dark Sky Realm.

Although the level of the elixir is not high, it is enough to allow the family of three to improve their cultivation greatly. They no longer have to worry about being bullied casually in the future.


The middle-aged woman was really frightened. She did not expect that such a situation would happen. She was at a loss and didn't know what to say.

The strong man said to the woman: "You take Yaya and leave quickly. My benefactor and I are here."

"No need, just go away, I can handle it myself."

Ye Bufan flicked his finger, and a healing elixir fell into the stout man's mouth.

Then he raised his hand and waved, and the invisible force directly sent the family of three hundreds of feet away.

The three of them saw Ye Bufan's strength and said no more. They knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times before quickly fleeing from here.

The incident happened suddenly, and Pan Li and others were also in shock.

"Asshole, you actually let go of the meat of our young master's pet!"

Triangle Eyes was the first to come to his senses. This guy was beaten half to death. He became so angry that he immediately pounced on him with bared teeth and claws.

At this moment, he has seen that Ye Bufan's identity is just that of a human race, and he cannot be his opponent here.

It was precisely because of this that he took action unscrupulously.

But he never expected that just as he was halfway through, his neck was caught by a big hand and he was lifted up in the air like a chicken.


The triangular eyes were full of fear at this moment. He originally wanted to make a great contribution in front of his master, but he didn't expect that this young man would be so arrogant.

"Boy, you're looking for death!" Pan Li was furious when he saw Ye Bufan first beating his pet, and now beating his bitch.

"Come together and destroy him!

Don't beat him to death, I will feed him alive to my pet! "

This guy was furious and looked fierce.

The people behind him did not hesitate and immediately pounced on him.

"You bastard, you are seeking death!"

Xiao Qing was already ready to make a move, and immediately rushed forward with a mace in hand.

The first guard had just rushed forward, but before he could take action, the huge mace hit his head, smashing him into a puddle of meat pie.


The people behind were all shocked. No one expected that this little loli was so powerful.

Xiaoqing didn't give them a chance to react at all. He hit each of them with a stick, and almost in the blink of an eye, the seven of them turned into seven meat pies, and the rich smell of blood floated in the air.

The people around were dumbfounded. They thought they were done for by provoking the Little Demon King, but they never expected that they were so powerful.

Even Pan Li was dumbfounded. He had a special status and the guards sent by his family were all top-notch strong men.

In the past, he relied on his power to bully others, relying on the strength of these subordinates to bully others. Even if he encountered a little resistance, he could rely on his strength to crush him. He never thought that one day he would be killed like a chicken.

The triangular eyes hung in mid-air, seeing everything clearly.

Originally, she wanted to count on those people to save her, but now she was so frightened that her spine trembled, and she didn't even have the courage to struggle.

Ye Bufan pinched his neck with his right hand and waved to Xiaoqing with his left hand.

"Get that beast over here!"


Xiao Qing agreed and walked towards the bloodthirsty tiger.

It wasn't just people who were frightened. This fairy monster was also frightened. When he saw Xiaoqing walking towards him, he felt the powerful momentum and turned around and ran away.

But how could he run away? As soon as he turned around, the big tail fell into Xiaoqing's hands, and he dragged it up and left.

The bloodthirsty tiger struggled desperately, clawing at the ground with its four claws. In the end, it only scratched out four ravines, but it had no impact at all.

With Xiaoqing's strong body, how could he compete with it? He was dragged directly in front of Ye Bufan, and then kicked him hard on the butt.

It is said that if a tiger's butt cannot be touched, it means he is not strong enough.

At this moment, the bloodthirsty tiger was kicked, but he could only lie on the ground and tremble, without even the slightest bit of temper.

This guy no longer had the ferocity he had just before. He looked at the young man in front of him with a pair of tiger eyes in fear, not knowing how he would punish him.

"Open your mouth!"

Ye Bufan held the triangular eye in his hand and gave the order.

"No, never!"

Triangle Eyes, who had just calmed down for a while, screamed in horror. He already understood that this young man wanted to feed the bloodthirsty tiger with himself.

Pan Li also understood and shouted loudly from behind.

"No, follow my orders and don't open your mouth."

The bloodthirsty tiger was hesitant, not knowing who to listen to, but at this moment Xiaoqing kicked it hard on the butt.

"Do you want to die? You didn't hear what my elder brother said!"

Feeling her terrifying aura, the bloodthirsty demon tiger trembled in fear, and opened its bloody mouth without paying attention to Pan Li anymore.

"No, please don't, please let me go, please don't..."

Although Triangle Eyes had no idea how many people fed this monster, he even enjoyed admiring the fear of those people before they died.

Now that the roles were rotating, when it was actually my turn, I was so scared that I was shaking all over.

Ye Bufan ignored it and issued the order again.

"Bite me!"

Although the bloodthirsty demon tiger is only at level five and his IQ is not too high, he still knows that the man in front of him is the master of his life.

Without any hesitation, he took a bite.

Feeling the fishy smell in the big mouth and looking at the white teeth, Triangle Eyes was so frightened that he let out a miserable howl.

But then there was a clicking sound in his ears, but his body felt nothing.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that he had been pulled back by Ye Bufan, and the moon-loving tiger had bitten him.

At this moment, his whole body was soaked with cold sweat, as if he had walked away from the gate of hell.

"Big...big...sir, thank you for not killing me..."

This guy was really scared to death just now, his voice was trembling when he spoke, and his teeth kept chattering.

"If I don't kill you, I'm thinking too much!"

Ye Bufan smiled coldly, "You are such a dog slave who helps the tyrants do evil. Don't you usually like to use others to feed this monster? Don't you say that it is a great honor to be its meat?"

I first let you live to experience what it feels like to feed monsters. Now it is real. Mental blow plus physical punishment, this is your best destination. "

After speaking, he shook his hand, and the triangular eyes flew directly into the mouth of the bloodthirsty demon tiger.

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