Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3471 The Leader of the Ancient Witch Cult

Zhong Yi escaped some distance and breathed a long sigh of relief when he found that Xiao Qing and others were not chasing him.

He had never experienced such a fearful feeling in thousands of years. It was really like walking through the gates of hell.

But he didn't give up, and he wasn't in a hurry to leave. He was just observing secretly in the dark.

In his opinion, the opponent would definitely not be able to take away dark spiritual herbs like Netherworld Flower.

Once these people fall into the abyss, he still has a chance.

Ye Bufan ignored Zhong Yi who was running away. What he wanted now was this rare magical flower in front of him.

Leng Qingqiu said: "Xiaofan, how about I go."

She had already seen that this demonic flower's spiritual attacks were extremely domineering, and she was the strongest among them all.

"No, I'll do it."

Ye Bufan had no intention of letting the three of them pick the Netherworld Flower. Xiaoqing was a fairy monster, physically strong, but mentally weak.

The same is true for Jin Meier. The barbarians are also powerful in their physical body.

The most important thing is that few people have seen this demonic flower. From the current point of view, even Daluo Jinxian cannot get too close.

Although Leng Qingqiu is stronger, I'm afraid he can only get closer and still be unable to pick it off.

In this case, it is best to do it yourself.

He stepped out in one step, stepping on the dark void, and moved closer to the Netherworld Flower.


The Netherworld Flower floated in the darkness, swaying its blood-red petals and making strange laughs.

At the same time, powerful attacks were overwhelming. As soon as Ye Bufan got close to Baizhang, he felt a stinging pain in his head.

What a powerful mental attack!

Ye Bufan stopped and slashed out with the Divine Consciousness Knife, cutting off the mental power attacking the Consciousness Sea, and then he felt a little more comfortable.

Because he was well prepared and possessed the divine consciousness technique, his situation was much better.

Although he felt a little uncomfortable, he did not fall into the dark abyss like the great Luo Xian in black before.

After mastering the method, Ye Bufan approached again. Once within a hundred feet, the spiritual attack of the Netherworld Flower became more powerful.

However, he also mastered the method of confrontation. He slashed out with the Divine Consciousness Sword one after another, cutting all these attacks into pieces.

Zhong Yi hid in the dark, expecting to see the young man fall into the abyss, but he didn't expect that he would stand firm and move forward bit by bit.

"What's going on?" This made him feel surprised. You know that the great Luo Xian just couldn't resist, how did this young man do it? Could it be that his cultivation is stronger?

Ye Bufan moved forward step by step, but the closer he got, the stronger the mental attack became. When he reached about eighty feet, the Divine Consciousness Sword became somewhat unable to withstand it.

He stopped, but did not step back. He just stood there and kept using these mental attacks to hone the consciousness sword.

He was very familiar with this situation. He had used this method to greatly improve his mental power in Demonic Sound Pond.

Now that I have encountered this rare opportunity again, I will naturally not let it go.

The sonic attacks of Demon Sound Pond are like swords, which are relatively easy to deal with.

And the mental attack of this Netherworld Dala Flower is like an overwhelming wave, one wave after another, one wave after another, and it is extremely difficult to deal with it in every possible way.

However, it is precisely because of this that the Divine Consciousness Sword can be better honed.

Unknowingly, Ye Bufan entered a state of trance again.

The Divine Consciousness Sword kept slashing out, each one as fast as the other was stronger than the last, and his mental strength also improved through this kind of training.

When he could withstand the attack of the Netherworld Flower, he subconsciously took another step forward and continued training.

The three of them, Xiaoqing and others, were guarding the back. As long as anyone came close, they would hit them away with a stick to ensure that no one could interfere with Ye Bufan's practice.

Time passed bit by bit, and two days passed in the blink of an eye.

As it got closer little by little, it had reached a range of sixty feet.

There was a loud roar in Ye Bufan's mind, and his mental power suddenly erupted like a fountain that had been accumulated for a long time.

The early stage of Daluoxian!

His mental power once again took the lead and reached the realm of Daluo Immortal.

"Hahaha, finally a breakthrough!"

Ye Bufan felt ecstatic in his heart, but he didn't expect that he would gain something again by a strange combination of circumstances.

His mental strength improved greatly, and he moved forward again under the protection of the Divine Consciousness Sword, directly reaching the position of fifty feet.

But that's all. It's already very difficult to move forward after reaching this point.

He originally wanted to practice some more, but he was shocked to find that the Netherworld Flower was much darker than before, and it seemed that it was not far away from withering.

"No, this thing has a lifespan of only three days, so you must hurry up and pick it."

He didn't know how long he had been practicing just now, but it must have been a long time, and he had to pick this thing up immediately. Even if his mental strength greatly improves, he still can't get close to the Netherworld Flower.

Since people can't get through, let's try another way.

With a thought in Ye Bufan's mind, two Taoist bodies appeared beside him and rushed forward together.

But the spiritual attack of the Netherworld Dhara Flower was so powerful that the Taoist body couldn't bear it as soon as it advanced two to three feet and dissipated into the void.

Ye Bufan frowned. It seemed that this illusory thing was still not enough. In this case, let's use Erlang.

Since Ye Erlang practiced the Immortal Book of Immortality, his strength has reached the peak of Daluo Immortal. The most important thing is that he is not afraid of mental attacks at all.

Facts have proved that his method is still very effective, and Erlang completely ignores the laughter of Netherworld Flower.

After a few steps, he came closer, reached out and pulled the Netherworld Flower over, and sent it to the Dragon King's Palace.

Without this demonic flower, the spiritual attack will disappear immediately.

A smile appeared at the corner of Ye Bufan's mouth. It seemed that one thing was falling, and everything became so simple when he found the right direction.

During this period of time, Zhong Yi has been hiding in the dark, hoping that Ye Bufan will fail, hoping that all the people in front of him will fall into the abyss, and then he will think of a solution.

But after waiting and waiting, my eyes were so wide that they almost bulged out of their sockets. They did not fail, and finally took away the Netherworld Flower.

"Damn it, how did he do it? Can he just use a clone?"

He witnessed everything with his own eyes, but did not understand the key point, thinking that Ye Erlang was just a clone.

Ye Bufan put the Netherworld Flower into his pocket, felt happy in his heart, and turned back to Leng Qingqiu and others.

Just as he was about to leave, an arrogant laugh burst through the air.

"Hahaha, boy, you really did not disappoint me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure flashed, and an old man in black appeared in front of several people.

"It's the leader!"

After seeing the old man in black, Zhong Yi's face was full of excitement and he ran over in a flash.

"This subordinate has met the leader!"

This old man in black is Xiyue, the leader of the ancient witch sect. He had received news about the Netherworld Flower and rushed here as soon as possible.

However, he was also a cunning man. He knew that this demonic flower was extremely difficult to pick, so he hid in the dark and wanted to see if he could reap the benefits.

Unexpectedly, the young man actually picked the Netherworld flower. This made him so happy that he immediately ran out to pick peaches.

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