Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3464: Burning Heaven and Earth’s Heart Fire

Ye Bufan ignored Yan Chixing. These people ran away and were far less important than his own strange fire.

After a few more breaths, the Sky Flame Fire Crystal was completely absorbed and refined, and the fused alien fire completely turned dark green.

Although it was refined and fused, it was still closely connected to his mind.

He stretched out his hand and the flame returned directly to his palm, jumping non-stop.

Although the temperature of this flame cannot be felt by the outside world, Ye Bufan can feel it. After reaching the green color, the power of the strange fire increased more than ten times.

Previously, even the Nether Earth's Heart Fire was not a strong threat to powerful people like the Great Immortal and the Great Luo Immortal.

But today's green flames are definitely very different. How powerful it can be will be tested in actual combat in the future.

Now that this group of strange fires are fused, they must have a name of their own.

Ye Bufan thought for a while, and finally took the first two characters from Burning Heaven Purple Flame, and the last two characters from Nether Earth Heart Fire, and named them Burning Heaven Earth Heart Fire.

Seeing him successfully collecting the Sky Flame Fire Crystal, everyone around him was very happy.

Including Shen Qiyun, although she returned empty-handed, she was still sincerely excited.

Ye Bufan did not leave directly, but walked towards the center of Red Flame Valley.

Now that the Tianyanhuo Crystal has been taken away, the temperature here has dropped sharply, much lower than before.

He stepped to the bottom of the Crimson Flame Valley, where the Sky Flame Fire Crystal had appeared before. He scanned with his spiritual consciousness and then stretched out his hand, and three small fiery red stones flew out from the ground.

Sky Fire Stone, according to the inheritance records of the ancient medical sect, this thing has always been born together with the Sky Flame Fire Crystal, and it is also condensed from the essence of fire.

Although the effectiveness and power are not as good as the Sky Flame Fire Crystal, having it with you as a fire attribute monk can still double the speed of your practice.

Ye Bufan put away two and gave the remaining one to Shen Qiyun.

"Take this thing with you. It will come in handy for your practice in the future."

Shen Qiyun took the Skyfire Stone, filled with excitement and gratitude.

"Thank you, senior brother!"

Looking at the man in front of her, her heart was extremely complicated, with admiration, admiration, gratitude, and a hint of loss at the same time.

Before that, she was an extremely arrogant woman, believing that no man in the world could be worthy of her.

But at this moment, when facing Ye Bufan, I actually felt ashamed of myself. The other party was too outstanding and outstanding, and I always felt that I was not worthy of him. Especially when he glanced at Jin Meier, Leng Qingqiu and Xiaoqing who were standing next to him, he felt even more bleak in comparison.

Ye Bufan just did it casually and didn't care about her emotions. Now that the things here have been completely finished, it's time to leave.

"You guys go back, I'm leaving!"

He waved to Tiejia and the others, and then led everyone towards the outside of Scarlet Flame Valley.

"Congratulations to the Supreme God of War!"

The surrounding Tie Jia, Xuedu and others shouted in unison and followed behind to see him off.

Ye Bufan walked at the front and soon arrived outside the valley. At this moment, hundreds of thousands of barbarian troops were waiting here.

When these people saw them, they also looked respectful and automatically moved out of the way.

The group of people strode forward and were about to pass through the army's phalanx, when suddenly a trembling voice sounded next to them.

"Meier, is that you?"

Jin Meier followed Ye Bufan. When she heard the shout, she was shocked and turned her head to look.

I saw a man standing at the end of the barbarian army. It was the newly ascended Barbarian Emperor of Lunri, Wen Tian.

It turned out that everything went into chaos after Ye Bufan destroyed the Feisheng Palace that day. Dong Sen was taken away, and the other elders hurriedly returned to their tribes to report the situation.

The Lunri Barbarian Emperor, who was so popular just now, turned out to be no one. He left the Ascension Hall alone, and finally came here to join the Blood City Barbarian Emperor's tribe.

He became a primitive warrior with the lowest level. He was brought here today and placed at the end of the team.

Although the location was a bit far away, he could clearly see what had happened in the valley before, and he had been in a state of shock and confusion.

He never dreamed that this human race that he had hunted down before would become the Lord of the Prehistoric Heaven Realm in such a short period of time and be worshiped by the Prehistoric God of War.

Wen Tian couldn't figure out how all this happened even if he wanted to break his head.

Now that Ye Bufan is leaving, he has regained his senses and knows that if he doesn't take control of himself, he will have no chance.

When he was in Feisheng Palace before, he recognized Jin Meier when Ye Bufan showed her portrait.

It's just that Ye Bufan was so powerful at that time that he didn't dare to speak.

After all, I almost killed someone when I was a barbarian. I was not sure what the other person's attitude was. If he wanted to kill me, he could just move his fingers.

It was different now. Jin Meier was standing next to him. She was of the same bloodline and his granddaughter in terms of seniority.

It was a combination of various factors that led him to risk speaking.

But this frightened the Blood City God of War. He didn't expect that his men would be so unruly.

"You are so bold. You dare to call the Supreme Madam by her name. Come on, take it down for me!"

As soon as he gave the order, several guards around him immediately swarmed over and were about to take action.

"Wait a moment."

Jin Meier stopped her, "These are my people in the lower realm."

Ye Bufan waved his hand: "Bring the person here."


Xuedu agreed and immediately sent someone to bring the Lunri Barbarian Emperor here.

"This old slave has met the Holy Emperor!"

Emperor Lunri was very aware of his current status, but he did not dare to show his seniority in front of Jin Meier.

"Elder Wentian, I didn't expect you to ascend so quickly..."

Jin Meier was very excited to see her clansmen in the lower realm, and the two started talking.

Ye Bufan looked at Tiejia and Blood Capital, "This person has some connection with us. We will take special care of him from now on and bring him to the Holy City for training."

In fact, he also saw Emperor Lunri in Feisheng Palace. At that time, he was eager to find Jin Meier and didn't bother to pay attention to the old man.

From an emotional point of view, when Wen Tian was chased in the Holy Mountain and almost lost his life, it was already good enough not to care about it, let alone have any good impressions.

But now that she has a relationship with Jin Meier, she can easily give her some care.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, this person will enjoy the best treatment and the most resources in the wild world from now on."

Lunri Manhuang made the right bet this time. Ye Bufan's words completely changed his realm after his ascension, and also determined his future heights.

Ye Bufan nodded, and suddenly remembered that there were four barbarians as sacrifices in the Dragon King Palace. They were forgotten by him because they were too insignificant.

With a thought in his mind, he released the four people directly.

"And they, they have shared hardships with Mei'er before, so please take care of them in the future!"

These four people still haven't figured out what happened, and they were confused when they came out.


Tiejia nodded again, and then had someone take them to the back.

After arranging these people, Jin Meier and Lunri Manhuang had almost finished chatting. Ye Bufan set off again, leading everyone towards the dark sky.

(The four people did forget it before, now fill in the hole.)

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