Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3452 What is the third level?

Everyone around was shocked, wondering why the little girl suddenly became furious, and this anger made everyone feel palpitating.

If Jiang Fangzhou were here, he would probably have already begun to sing an elegy to the ancient hero.

The dragon has reverse scales, and you will die if you touch it!

What is Xiaoqing's reverse scale? The first is Ye Bufan, and the second is the game console.

Moreover, it has always been her dream to break through the third level for such a long time. Seeing that success was imminent, she was interrupted by this old guy.

Now it is no longer a question of whether to die, but how miserable it will be.

Ye Bufan knew all this, but he just smiled and shook his head. He couldn't control the other party's death.

Moreover, he has clearly seen the situation in front of him. If Shen Qiyun reveals a flaw, the other party will definitely not give up, so there must be a solution.

Gu Xia was also quite shocked. He originally thought that catching the little girl was just a matter of easy grasp, but he didn't expect that the other party could actually dodge.

Just as he was about to take action for the second time, a fist suddenly appeared in front of him.

The fist was not big, as crystal clear as white jade, but its power was devastating.


Gu Xia was shocked. The punch was too fast and powerful, and he couldn't even dodge it in time.

There was no time for him to think too much, and then there was a heavy blow to the chest.

Although he had already desperately used the Immortal Body Protector, he was still unable to stop him. With a click, his sternum collapsed and he flew backwards.

But this was just the beginning. Before his body could fly out, Xiaoqing grabbed his hair and pulled him back.

The little girl was extremely angry at this moment. She didn't want to kill the other person all at once, but wanted to vent her anger.

He grabbed Gu Xia's hair, swung it up and threw it to the ground hard, once, twice, three times, smashing all the hard rocks on the ground to pieces.

The people around him were completely dumbfounded. They all stared wide-eyed, and their eyeballs almost flew out of their sockets.

What's happening here? This is the great elder of the Xuanwu Sect, a powerful man at the pinnacle level of the Great Luo Immortal.

Now he is being beaten like a rag doll and beaten like a dog, with no ability to resist at all.

The one who collapsed the most was Gu Xia. He had lived for more than 10,000 years and he had never met such a powerful opponent.

It's not that he didn't want to resist, but the immortal energy in his body was crushed to the point of collapse, and his whole body was pressed to death, so there was no way he could resist.

Only then did he realize that he

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What a terrifying existence he has provoked. If he had another chance to come back, he would run as far as he could and would never provoke this little aunt.

But there has never been an if in this world, and there has never been a medicine for regret. It is too late to regret now.

After being thrown violently by Xiao Qing, he felt that all the bones in his body were shattered, his internal organs had been displaced, and then he completely lost consciousness.

"You bastard, I let you grind and whine, I let you grind to no end, I let you mess up my third level..."

Xiao Qing kept venting the anger in his heart, beating him until he was almost beaten, and then punched out, and the poor Great Elder Gu Xia turned into a blood mist all over the sky.

But even so, the anger in Xiao Qing's heart still did not completely subside. Her eyes turned and fell on the second elder Fan Ying.

"None of you are good, so go to hell!"

Xiaoqing roared angrily, and his figure instantly came to the second elder and kicked him out.

Poor Fan Ying has not yet recovered from the shock. If someone had told him before that the Great Elder would be beaten to death by a little girl without the ability to resist, he would not believe it.

But now this is what happened. The worst thing is that he has become the next target.

Although he is also at the peak of Daluo Immortal, his strength is even worse than that of Gu Xia. Even the opponent was beaten like this, how can he still have the courage to resist.

The guy's first reaction was to turn around and run away, but there was no way he could escape.

Xiao Qing's kick was as fast as thunder. He just turned around and kicked him hard in the back of the heart.

There was just a bang, then it exploded and shattered into a cloud of blood.

Then without stopping, he rushed towards the third elder Liao Changping next to him.

"You bastard, you ruined my third level!"

These were the last words Liao Changping heard, and then his body exploded and was also shattered by a punch.

Until his death, he still didn't understand what this third level was, and why did it make the female devil so angry?

The strong men from the Xuanwu Sect originally came here with the three elders, and they were so aggressive that they thought they were killing gods and Buddhas.

But he never expected that the little girl would directly kill three people as soon as he arrived here.

Even the three elders were dead. How could they dare to stay here? They immediately dispersed and fled like crazy.

Except for a few slow runners who were eliminated by Xiao Qing, the remaining dozen people disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"If you run fast, don't let me meet you next time."

Xiaoqing shook his fist

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, the anger in my heart dissipated a lot.

She turned around and returned to her previous position, sitting on the stone and taking out the game console, trying to see if she could still find the feeling she had just now.

It was over on her side, and it was as if nothing had happened.

But everyone around him was as shocked as wood carvings and clay sculptures. Standing there, there were huge waves in their hearts.

Lei Wanhe swallowed hard. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it.

Xuanwu Sect is one of the top sects in Zixiaotian, and its strength is not inferior to that of Yu Lei Xian Sect.

Among them, the three elders are even more powerful. Each of them has reached the peak of Da Luo Immortal. It is not impossible to aspire to be the Immortal King in the future.

But these three such tyrannical beings were slaughtered like chickens, leaving not even a soul behind.

Shocked, puzzled, disbelieving.

He couldn't figure out who this little girl was. How could she be so powerful that she could kill the peak Daluo Immortal in an instant? Could she be an Immortal King-level existence?

In comparison, this is a hundred times more powerful than Hua Bingyu. The most important thing is that this little girl has no scruples in her actions and can be as ruthless as she wants.

At this time, a chill ran down my back, and I felt extremely scared.

Just now he was going to provoke Ye Bufan. At that time, Xiaoqing said that he was just itchy and deserved to be beaten, and he was full of disdain in his heart.

Now it seems that they are not talking nonsense, everything is true. If this female devil is angered,

It's not a question of beating him up at all. Otherwise, he may be completely destroyed.

He was so scared that he looked like a bear, not to mention Lei Ming and Lei Ling'er standing behind him.

The two of them had any intention of revenge against Ye Bufan before, but now they have completely given up.

They have such a strong backer, killing them is like crushing an ant, how dare they have any extravagant hope.

Zhao Wuxiang stood there, equally shocked beyond measure.

This kind of power made him feel shocked from the bottom of his heart and feared from the depths of his soul. There was no doubt about it.

If he stood in front of Xiao Qing, he would not be able to block any move.

It was ridiculous that Zhou Quan, who was so brazen before and claimed to protect Ye Bufan, now seems to be a complete joke.

Looking back now, I didn't save Ye Bufan when I stepped forward, but saved Lei Wanhe.

At the same time, I was also confused. According to the description of my daughter Zhao Ya, wasn’t the powerful woman next to Ye Bufan another woman with a sword? Why is this little girl even more evil?


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