Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3416 The gap is too big

Ye Bufan drove Jiutian. Although he maximized his speed, they still flew for half a month before they arrived at the boundary between the Demon Realm and the Wilderness Realm.

There is no way, the fairy world is too big, even though the two worlds are adjacent to each other, it still takes so long to walk.

After crossing the boundary monument and entering the prehistoric world, my perception suddenly changed, and the aura of the ancient prehistoric world came to my face.

Looking at the empty world, Xiao Qing said: "Brother Ye, this place is too big. Where can we find Sister Mei'er?"

Ye Bufan really had a headache. Looking for someone in such a vast world was no different from finding a needle in a haystack.

Moreover, his time is tight, and there are only two months left before the March deadline he set.

"Let's ask someone first and see what the situation is."

He has a map of the Flowing Light Sword Sect in his hand, but there is no detailed labeling of the Demon Realm and the Prehistoric Heaven Realm, only a rough outline.

They chose a direction and walked forward again. After about two hours, they slowly saw a hint of fireworks, and a not too big market appeared in front of them.

Ye Bufan felt happy, as long as someone could inquire about the situation.

The three people fell from the air and walked towards the market. This market was not too big, only about ten miles in radius, but the flow of people was still quite dense.

The prehistoric world is not much different from the human race. Not everyone is suitable to become a prehistoric warrior, and the vast majority are ordinary people.

The situation here is not the same as that of the Kunlun Continent. The barbarians at the bottom of the lower realm are extremely ugly, and the higher they are, the more they look like human beings.

The appearance here is not much different, but Ye Bufan and the others don't have that prehistoric aura, but ordinary people can't feel it at all.

The three of them arrived at the center of the market. He chose a high platform and jumped up, then looked at everyone present.

"Everyone, I want to ask you about a person, have you ever met him?"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and the portrait of Jin Meier that he had prepared appeared in mid-air.

"If anyone has seen it and can provide information, I will be very grateful!"

His voice was not loud, but it reached everyone's ears clearly, and everyone looked back.

After seeing the portrait, everyone shook their heads. It was obvious that no one recognized it.

Ye Bufan felt slightly disappointed. Just as he was about to put away the portrait, a voice suddenly came from a distance.

"I have seen this woman." Everyone present turned their heads and saw a tall young man walking over from outside the market.

This guy has a pair of triangular eyes, and his eyes are moving around, and his eyes are wandering. At first glance, he is not a kind person.

Sure enough, when they saw him appearing, everyone in the market started to dodge, with fear in their eyes.

Ye Bufan looked at his triangle eyes. The Liuguang Sword Sect's classics still had a rough introduction to the classification of barbarian tribes.

According to his calculations, the strength of the guy in front of him is equivalent to that of the Golden Immortal of the human race, and he should be a second-level prehistoric warrior.

"Brother, have you seen the person I'm looking for?"

Ye Bufan's attitude was still very polite.

"Of course I have."

The triangular eyes put on a look of compassion, "This is also a poor woman, she was injured not long after she ascended from the lower world.

Later, he was rescued and brought home by my kind-hearted mother, and now he is recuperating at my home. "

"Really? Have you seen Sister Mei'er? Take us there quickly!"

Xiaoqing looked excited. She didn't expect that things would go so smoothly. She found Jin Meier's information just after entering the wild world.

Ye Bufan sneered secretly in his heart. He didn't believe such a coincidence. The guy in front of him must have another purpose.

But he didn't care. All conspiracies and tricks were just a cloud in the face of absolute strength.

"That's great. Thank you, big brother, and please lead the way.

As long as I find my wife, I will be rewarded heavily! "

“That’s natural, these days I have been worrying about how to help this girl find her family.

Since you are her husband, it is just right. Take him back as soon as possible.

After all, it is not safe for a girl to wander outside. You must know that the world is in chaos and there are many bad people. "

Triangle Eyes said with a kind smile, "You three, please come with me."

After saying that, he turned around and left, leading the way, followed by Ye Bufan and three others.

Seeing this scene, everyone around them shook their heads and sighed, many of them showing pity.

Some people even whispered, but when they looked at him with sharp triangular eyes, those people immediately shut up, obviously not daring to provoke him.

Even if Ye Bufan's spiritual consciousness is suppressed, with the sensitivity of his six senses, he can naturally see everything.

But he just sneered secretly in his heart and did not tell the truth.

The triangular eyes led the three of them away from the market and soon came to a small valley. This place is surrounded by mountains, and there is not even a single person in sight. It looks extremely desolate and gloomy.

Xiaoqing's mind was simple and she didn't see anything at all. She asked eagerly: "Where is your home? Why do you live in such a remote place? When can you get there?"

The triangular-eyed man stopped, looked back at the three of them, and smiled. His eyes were like those of a big bad wolf looking at three lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

"Here we are, right here."

Xiao Qing had a look of surprise on his face and looked around, but he didn't see any house or even a single figure.

"Are you stupid? You can't even find your own home? Is there anyone here?"

"You stupid human being, you really have no brains!"

This guy looked at Ye Bufan with a sneer, "Boy, I heard that your human race has many treasures.

Hand over the storage ring, and then offer these two girls, sir, I can consider sparing your life. "

Ye Bufan smiled slightly: "You want to rob, do you have the ability?"

"Boy, are you not convinced? I am a second-level ancient warrior."

In order to prove his strength, Triangle Eyes turned to look at a boulder next to him and punched it out.

This stone was quite huge, three feet high and weighing almost dozens of kilograms. However, under his punch, it instantly disintegrated and turned into stone debris all over the sky.

He clapped his hands with a sneer on his face: "Did you see it? Hand over the treasure quickly, or I will smash your bones with one punch."

"Is that all you can do? Smash a piece of rock?"

Ye Bufan smiled jokingly and turned to look at Xiaoqing, "You should also smash one for him."

Triangle Eyes looked puzzled. Shouldn't the other party be trembling under his own strength? What's the reaction?

Just when he was confused, he saw Xiao Qing punch out and hit a hill next to him.

There was a loud roar, flying sand and rocks, the earth trembled, and the hill was flattened by a punch.


Seeing this scene, Triangle Eyes' face turned pale with fear.

He just smashed a stone, and he flattened a mountain directly. The difference in strength was too big.

Only then did this guy realize that he had hit a brick wall. The three people in front of him were beyond his reach, so he immediately turned around and ran away.

At the same time, a red light flashed out from his hand and shot straight into the sky, lighting up almost half of the sky.

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