Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3372 Ice and Snow Bear


The Ice and Snow Bear looked down at the ants at his feet, his eyes full of greed.

Although the bodies of human immortals are small, they contain endless energy. If you swallow one, you will get great benefits.

Now that Xiao Qing has transformed into a human form, he has not released the aura belonging to the eighth-level monster, and it cannot feel it.

In its eyes, this is just a small human race, an ant-like existence.

As for the transformed demon beast, it has never thought about it. After all, the strongest one in the demon realm is only the ninth-level fairy demon beast, and there is no way to transform into a human form.

Now I see a small human race rushing up to me instead of running away. This is blasphemy against me.

The ice and snow bear opened its huge mouth and sprayed out a mouthful of ice breath.

It is an extremely high-level ice-attribute fairy monster. This breath contains endless ice-cold energy. It instantly freezes everything within a hundred meters in front of it, and even endless ice crystals are suspended in the air.

This is its regular method of killing, first freezing its prey, and then tasting its own food.

But something unexpected happened this time. Although the cold energy was powerful, it was nothing in front of Xiao Qing.

Now that she is an eighth-level monster with dragon soul bloodline, why would she care about the cold aura of a seventh-level monster?

Even his speed was not affected at all, and he strode towards the Ice and Snow Bear, leaving only countless broken ice crystals along the way.


The Ice and Snow Bear, who was originally waiting to enjoy the delicious food, instantly widened his huge eyeballs.

It never expected that this small human race was not afraid of its own cold energy.


This made it feel offended again, and endless anger arose in its heart, followed by an angry roar, and then it raised its huge paw and slapped it down.

This guy is just like a small mountain. Just one claw is overwhelming and powerful, enough to cover a distance of dozens of meters in radius.

The five sharp claws protruding from the front are like five super machetes, shining with an attractive cold light.

Xiaoqing did not dodge at all, and saw that he was slapped hard.

The Ice and Snow Blizzard Bear felt happy in his heart. After all, he was an ant, but he still couldn't escape from his grasp.

But at this moment, a huge force came from under the bear's paw, which directly lifted its huge body and flew backwards.


The Ice and Snow Bear was in mid-air, with panic in its eyes. It couldn't figure out how it flew out.

The huge force just now seemed unstoppable. At this moment, its claws were painful and numb, and it had almost lost the ability to move.

Xiao Qing just punched the big guy and knocked him away.

Then she rose into the air, following him like a shadow, and her delicate and cute little fist hit the Snow Blizzard Bear's chest directly.

Then a weird scene happened. Xiaoqing's thin body was really small and pitiful in front of the ice and snow bear, completely out of proportion.

But after the punch fell, the Ice and Snow Bear's body that had just stabilized was like a straw being thrown away, and suddenly flew back.

It broke countless trees along the way, and finally even collapsed a hill before barely stopping.

Normally speaking, the defense rate of the bear among the alien monsters is extremely strong, and even the Great Immortal cannot hurt it in the slightest.

However, Xiao Qing was severely injured by this punch. He opened his mouth and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"You bastard, I made you bully me in the first place!"

Xiaoqing roared again, and reached the top of its head in a flash, reaching out to grab its two huge ears.

Compared with its huge body, the Ice and Snow Bear's ears were not too big, but at this moment they were instantly elongated in Xiao Qing's hands.

Then the entire huge body flew up, and then hit the ground hard like a sack.

With a loud bang, this guy's huge body fell to the ground, creating a large crater dozens of feet deep.


The ice and snow storm bear roared again. As a seventh-level monster, when had it ever suffered such humiliation?

But before the guy could recover, Xiaoqing flew up and kicked him on the butt again. The huge bear body flew up and hit a mountain peak hard.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..."

Then there were roars and roars that resounded throughout the world.

At the same time, the Ice and Snow Bear was beaten around by Xiaoqing like a sandbag, flying up and down, sometimes sinking deeply into the ground, sometimes flying high into the air.

Even a seventh-level monster with strong defense could not withstand such a violent beating.

Ye Bufan stood nearby with a faint smile on his face. This scene looked quite funny.

Xiaoqing's body was much smaller than the Ice and Snow Bear, but he pressed the opponent down and beat him hard.

It's like a hamster beating an elephant. It's simply unimaginable, but it's happening in reality.

Bang bang bang, blood spurted out wildly, the Ice and Snow Bear was beaten to bruises all over its body, and blood spat out mouth after mouthful.

After a short time, its roar changed.

It started out full of anger, then became more and more miserable, and finally turned into a miserable howl.

After beating for about a quarter of an hour, Xiao Qing had almost vented his anger, and the last punch hit the white hair under the Snowstorm Bear's neck hard.


This time, what the Ice and Snow Bear spit out was no longer blood, but a snow-white bead.

The inner elixir of the immortal demon beast is the essence of its lifelong cultivation.

Xiaoqing reached out to grab the inner elixir and swallowed it directly. As a fairy monster, this thing is definitely a great tonic.


The Ice and Snow Bear once again let out an extremely sad howl, looking into the distance with a look of reluctance.

But before it could finish shouting, Xiaoqing punched extremely violently again.

Just hearing a bang, the body of the ice and snow storm bear, which was as big as a small mountain, instantly turned into a blood mist that filled the sky.

This guy was so big, with flesh and blood flying everywhere, the blood stained the land within a hundred feet, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Ye Bufan raised his hand and waved, and a burst of energy blew away the bloody smell in front of him.

"Okay, Brother Ye, I have my revenge, and the beating was so good!"

Xiao Qing ran back with excitement on her face.

"It's not over yet."

Ye Bufan held back a glance into the distance and said, "Trouble is coming again. It seems you are still going to fight."

As soon as he finished speaking, an angry roar came from the distance.

The sound was so loud and deafening, it was ten times more violent than the ice and snow bear just now.

Then the ground continued to tremble, and the surrounding rocks fell like raindrops.

The three people turned to look, and another huge white bear appeared in their sight.

If the ice and snow storm just now was a small mountain, this one in front of me is a huge mountain.

The eighth-level monster, the Ice and Snow Bear King.

Generally speaking, ice and snow blizzard bears are seventh-level monsters, but occasionally some are promoted by bloodline by coincidence, and then go one step further to reach the level of ice and snow bear king.

The one in front of me is obviously the lucky one, and more importantly, it is the father of the ice and snow bear just now.

Before dying, the ice and snow bear sends out more than just a scream, but a signal for help.

Because of this, when the inner alchemy was swallowed up, he showed endless unwillingness in his eyes, and after all, he could not wait until the arrival of the old bear.

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