Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3360 Space Blockade

"Still want to run?"

Immortal King Donghua's eyes flashed with light, and a sneer formed on the corner of his mouth.

Although he did not dare to touch the extermination thunder calamity for the time being, it was impossible to escape.

His cultivation reached the peak of the Immortal King, and his speed was unbelievable. He followed Ye Bufan in a flash.

The same is true for others. Although Ye Bufan is fast in terms of speed, he cannot surpass Daluoxian. Countless people follow him.

These people did not dare to get close due to the power of the natural disaster, but they would not be pulled away and always maintained an appropriate distance.

At the same time, they were still extremely shocked in their hearts.

You must know that the sixth level of thunder calamity has passed, but the thunder clouds in the sky show no signs of weakening at all.

On the contrary, it is getting stronger and stronger, the lightning flashes, the thunder god rolls, and the aura of destruction becomes more and more breathless.

This can only explain one result. This is not the sixth level of thunder tribulation, but the highest level of nine levels of thunder tribulation.

Being able to bring about the annihilation thunder calamity is still at the ninth level, which shows how afraid Tiandao is of the young man in front of him.

But it’s normal to think about it. In the past, just with the cultivation of Great Yi Immortal, the Immortal King’s Mansion was turned upside down and even razed to the ground. Who in the entire heaven can do this?

Donghua Immortal King's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he could not let this young man leave alive no matter what, otherwise he would be a serious problem for him in the future.

"You're following so closely!"

Ye Bufan turned around and glared at these people, but there was nothing he could do. At this moment, the seventh level of thunder tribulation descended.

After the baptism of the previous six thunder tribulations, his Thunder God body-forging technique has improved a bit, and now he has reached the third level of bone-forging and marrow-cutting realm. In terms of physical strength, he can already compete with the Great Immortal.

The time was almost up. Although he might be able to survive the eighth thunder tribulation with the current top-grade immortal weapon, the Thunder Gourd, he might be seriously injured if he didn't.

If he relied on his strong physical body in normal times, even if he suffered some injuries, it would be fine and he would recover quickly.

But it's different now. There are powerful enemies around, and a little carelessness may cost you your life.

Now he must stay in top condition to have a chance of escaping.

Because of this, after surviving the seventh level of thunder tribulation, the immortal energy in his body began to circulate crazily, instantly breaking through the bottleneck of the Great Spirit Immortal.

Just like before, as soon as his side broke through, there was an unwilling thunder in the sky, and then the thunderclouds began to dissipate quickly.

"What's going on? How come the seventh level is over now? Shouldn't it be enough to complete the ninth level?"

Everyone looked at the translucent sky and the shining sunshine, and everyone showed a look of astonishment.

Ye Bufan seized this opportunity and turned into a line of light and shadow and rushed towards the far corner.

A thousand meters away is his hidden teleportation formation, which is also the escape route he designed before.

Wanting to rely on speed to escape from the Immortal King is almost impossible.

Therefore, this teleportation array has become his only hope of escaping. He was previously afraid that the power of the Heavenly Tribulation would be too strong and would destroy the array, so he did not dare to get too close.

Now that he has just survived the catastrophe, he seizes the opportunity to rush towards the teleportation array without any gaps.

Now his cultivation has reached the early stage of the Great Spiritual Immortal, and his physical body is comparable to that of the Great Spiritual Immortal. As his strength increases, he can use Flowing Light and Floating Shadow at an astonishing speed.

All of this was carefully calculated and done in one go. However, Donghua Immortal King's attention was always on him, so how could he escape quietly.

"Enough fuss, do you want to leave?"

Donghua Immortal King showed a sneer on his lips and was about to attack Ye Bufan.

But at this moment, a sword light pierced the sky and struck him with a diagonal stab.

Everyone looked over together, and the person who took action was a man in black, covered from head to toe.

It can also be seen from this that this person's cultivation level is also that of an Immortal King.

It's just that the move is a bit weird, it looks like an attack, but it's very guilty. The whole person is far away, just slashing out a sword light.

"Get out of here!"

Immortal King Donghua was annoyed, and he couldn't ignore the sword coming at him. He raised his hand and grabbed the sword light, smashing it into pieces.

Just when he was about to strike back, the man in black turned around and ran away, disappearing in the blink of an eye.


Everyone present was stunned for a moment, and ran away? This attack is too hasty!

Donghua Immortal King was also a little surprised, but he couldn't care so much now. Others could run away, but he couldn't let Ye Bufan run away too.

Just as he was about to take action again, another sword light struck from the other side.

There was another man in black, his sword light was even more powerful than the one just now, and he had already reached the middle stage of the Immortal King.

However, both of them have similar fighting styles. Neither of them gets close to each other, they just strike out from a distance.

"Get out of here!"

Being interrupted one after another, Donghua Immortal King was completely angry and punched out.

His full-strength attack was so powerful that he instantly shattered the sword light into pieces, and also sent the man in black flying a hundred feet away.

The man also turned around and ran away, and soon disappeared.

Everyone around was shocked, and everyone could tell that these two people were here to help Ye Bufan.

Being able to invite the two Immortal Kings to take action shows their abilities and background.

The ones who took action were naturally Tang Jianchen and Lu Gongming. Although these two people were unwilling to do so, they had to take action because of the vows they had made before.

So they all jumped out and feinted, then turned around and ran away. This not only saved themselves, but also completed the mission.

But this was enough. Although the time was short, Ye Bufan was extremely fast and had already reached the position of the teleportation array.

Stepping down, the formation activated and light flashed.

"No, he's going to run away!"

Everyone around them was refreshed by Ye Bufan's performance one after another, and they were shocked again and again. They did not expect that this young man had prepared the teleportation array here in advance.

From the time he broke into Donghua Tianwang Mansion and made a fuss, to the subsequent performances one after another, everything was planned.

Such talent and scheming are really frightening to think about.

The most important thing is that he is still an array mage.

Seeing that the teleportation array had been activated, some people were shocked, some were angry, some sighed, and some breathed a long sigh of relief.

Jiang Ran has been mixed in the crowd. Although he is the head of the Jiang family, there are so many powerful people here today that he, a great Luo Immortal, does not stand out at all.

Seeing what Ye Bufan had done before, he was shocked and extremely happy.

He seemed to understand why the other party wanted to rob his daughter and burn down the Jiang family courtyard. It seemed that everything was done intentionally by this young man.

Although he understood in his heart, he did not dare to show anything and secretly prayed that this young man could escape from the hands of Donghua Immortal King.

When the formation was activated, Ye Bufan was wrapped in space energy and he breathed a long sigh of relief.

Everything they had done before seemed to be in order, but in fact they were risking their lives every moment. Fortunately, there was no danger, and Tang Jianchen and the others took action just right.

But just when he relaxed, the situation suddenly changed, and he saw a huge immortal hand coming from all over the world, completely blocking the space around him.

The teleportation array that had been activated immediately came to a standstill. Although the space energy was still there, it was unable to break through the space constraints here.

At this moment, Ye Bufan's back was soaked with cold sweat.

Is this the strength of the Immortal King? This is too powerful, too heaven-defying, and it can actually block the space around itself.

I had calculated everything before, but I never expected that Immortal King Donghua was so powerful. Although he was interfered with twice in a row, he still failed to give himself a chance to escape.

This scene was beyond the expectations of countless people. Everyone originally thought that Ye Bufan was about to escape, but unexpectedly, he still failed to escape from the clutches of Donghua Immortal King.

"Hahaha, the Immortal King is so powerful!"

Song Tan, the head of the Song family, was extremely happy. He was also frightened when he saw Ye Bufan's terror before.

For such a powerful enemy, the best result is to be killed. Once he escapes alive, it will not be a good thing for the Song family in the future.

There is also Ge ​​Xiongtu, the head of the Ge family, who has the same idea.

Jiang Ran secretly shook his head. The Immortal King was too powerful. Even if the other party used frequent tricks and careful thoughts, he still couldn't compete with the real strong man.

Ye Bufan's brain was spinning rapidly, but after thinking about all his trump cards, he still couldn't fight against Donghua Immortal King. After all, the strength gap was too big.

At the same time, he had already felt the weakening of the space energy of the teleportation array.

If you wait a moment longer, I'm afraid it will be completely ineffective. Even if Donghua Immortal King removes the space blockade, he will not be able to escape.

He let out a long sigh in his heart, facing an absolutely powerful person, he was still defeated after all.

Once he falls into the hands of Donghua Immortal King, his fate can be imagined, and he may not even be able to die by then.

Just when he fell into deep despair and was even about to explode his soul, a huge sword suddenly struck him.

Everyone present was startled. They turned around and saw a sword light that was a hundred feet long, slashing directly at the immortal hand of Donghua Immortal King.

But at the other end of the sword light was a thin man in black.

The combination of the thin body and the huge sword light looks extremely weird, but the powerful aura makes anyone feel scared.

In terms of cultivation and momentum, they are all superior to the two Immortal Kings just now.

Who is this? How could he have such powerful swordsmanship and such powerful strength?

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