Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3346 I don’t know how it came about


Facing a naked woman, Ye Bufan really didn't know how to explain it.

"Asshole, you ruined my innocence, you also ruined my position as princess, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to cut you into pieces!"

Baokong Chan, who was completely awake, was completely filled with anger at this moment.

She was originally an extremely snobbish woman. She was originally engaged, but later she was attracted by Donghua Immortal King, so she resolutely broke off the engagement and came to Donghua Immortal City.

For so many years, I have always dreamed of becoming the mistress of this royal city and becoming a real princess.

Seeing that my dream was about to come true, I suddenly lost my innocence.

It can be said that everything is ruined. Once Donghua Immortal King knows that he is an unclean person, there will be no real princess waiting for him. It is unimaginable how serious the consequences will be.

After thinking about all this, she fell into madness. In her opinion, it was the man in front of her who ruined her.

He didn't even bother to put on his clothes. He whipped out his long sword and slashed at it crazily.


Ye Bufan is still in a state of confusion. What is going on?

Although the other party was only an early-stage Great Immortal, something like that had just happened between the two of them. He couldn't take action no matter what, so he had to step aside quickly.

At the same time, his brain was spinning rapidly, analyzing the situation in front of him.

The woman just shouted about innocence and princess. In this Donghua Immortal City, there is only one family that can be called a princess. Could it be said that she is the woman of Donghua Immortal King?

Thinking of this, he suddenly shuddered, like a bucket of cold water being poured on his head.

Looking around again, this is obviously the layout of the palace.

He glanced around with his spiritual sense and confirmed that this was not the Jiang family's villa, but the real palace.

Then the answer came out, the woman in front of me was really the princess, and he really cuckolded the fairy king!

Now his back started to feel cold. Why did he come to the palace of Donghua Immortal King? Why did he accidentally get into the princess's bed?

Who did it? Who sent himself here?

But now the situation was urgent. Seeing Baokong Chan coming towards him again with his sword, he didn't think much anymore and rushed out of the room in a flash.

The top priority is not to figure out how we got here, but how to get out of here.

"Put your clothes on first." Before going out, he sent a message to Baokongchan, hoping that this woman would calm down in exchange for a chance to escape.

This trick really worked, Baokong Chan realized that he was still naked.

With a scream, he quickly grabbed a piece of clothing and put it on, but at this time, Ye Bufan had disappeared from his eyes.

"Someone broke into the palace at night!"

Ye Bufan did not have He Honglian's cultivation, and soon after he appeared, he attracted the attention of others.

Fortunately, no one has broken into the Immortal King's Mansion for many years, and everyone is in a state of relaxation.

By the time several Daluo Immortals came after hearing the news, he had already escaped from the Immortal King's Mansion and even rushed out of Donghua Immortal City.

These people guarding the palace did not chase them out. Firstly, they did not know where the target was. Secondly, they did not understand what happened, for fear that others would enter again.

Donghua Immortal King was drinking at the expense of Tang Jianchen and Lu Gongming when he suddenly heard the commotion outside and frowned slightly.

He asked the guard leader next to him: "Let's go and see what's going on. Why is it so noisy?"

The man ran out, quickly ran back in a panic, and whispered a few words in the ear of Immortal King Donghua.

"Boy, I have some personal matters to deal with, so I'll excuse you for a moment."

Immortal King Donghua smiled slightly at the two people, but when he turned around, his expression was extremely gloomy.

Walking quickly outside the main hall, his figure disappeared from the place in a flash. When he reappeared, he had arrived at the room where Baokong Chan lived.

When he came into the room, his expression suddenly changed. As a man with countless princesses, he naturally understood what the aura in this room represented.

Then he looked at the disheveled Baokong Chan, and his originally kind face suddenly turned ferocious.

"What's going on? Did you lose your Yuan Yin?"

"Your Majesty, you have to make the decision for me..."

Baokong Chan had a pitiful look on his face and cried like a flower and rain.

She is a very scheming woman. She knows that she is in a situation where she has lost her perfect body, and she can only hope to win the other person's mercy.

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me what exactly happened?"

These words all came out from the teeth of Donghua Immortal King, which shows how strong the hatred in his heart is.

"Someone just broke into my room suddenly, and then...then..."

"Damn it!"

The Donghua Immortal King's face had completely turned green. He kicked Baokong Cicada and flew out like a ball. It hit the wall behind him heavily and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"My lord, spare your life, I was forced to do so!"

At this moment, Baokong Chan didn't even care about his injuries, his face was full of panic.

Having been with this man for nearly a thousand years, she knew his temper very well, and now she could clearly feel his murderous intent.

"Who is that person? Where is he?"

"I...I don't know who he is. He has escaped now."

Baokongchan was extremely nervous, and her body kept shaking as she spoke.

Immortal King Donghua stretched out his hand, and the table next to him flew over with the pen, ink, paper and inkstone on it.

"Draw it for me what it looks like."


Baokong Chan agreed, picked up the pen and began to draw on the rice paper.

As the concubine of the Immortal King of Donghua, she can be said to be proficient in all aspects of music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and is particularly talented in painting.

After a few breaths, a handsome and handsome young man appeared clearly on the paper.

"Ye Bufan, it's you!"

The Immortal King of Donghua has been searching for Ye Bufan and has a clear grasp of his appearance, recognizing him at a glance.

At this moment, he felt like his lungs were going to explode. As the overlord of Donghuatian, the majestic No. 1 Immortal King, he was actually cuckolded.

He never expected that he had just sent out an invitation to marry Leng Qingqiu, and the other party would come to give him such a big gift.

In fact, he was completely wrong. Ye Bufan still doesn't know that Leng Qingqiu is in his palace. Everything is a mistake.

"Master Immortal King, you must make the decision for me..."

Baokongchan once again put on a pitiful look, hoping to win the mercy of Donghua Immortal King.

"I have raised you for a thousand years just for your vitality. But you, a woman, have lost it. What's the use of keeping you?"

Donghua Immortal King had a ferocious face and a sinister expression. Baokong Chan was startled. It was the first time in so many years that he saw this man showing such a terrifying expression.

"Lord Immortal King..."

She wanted to say something else, but before she could finish her words, Immortal King Donghua waved out his palm, and instantly it turned into a blood mist that filled the sky, leaving even the soul behind.

This woman had been dreaming of a real princess, but never figured out her identity until she finally lost her life.

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