Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 334: Eliminating Evil and Strengthening Pill

But just as the one-eyed dragon raised the gun, suddenly an extraordinary figure of flowers and leaves disappeared in front of him, and then there was a sharp pain in his wrist.

With a snap, the hand holding the gun fell to the ground along with the gun.

And Ye Bufan stood nearby, holding a short knife in his hand. The sword was shining but without a drop of blood.


The one-eyed dragon let out a scream and called to his subordinates: "The idea is too tough, retreat quickly!"

As a member of a professional mercenary group, you must think of an escape route every time before taking action. After giving the order, the seven people quickly evacuated in seven directions.

According to their previous strategic settings, this evacuation method is the best, as it can be quick and thorough while also spreading out targets.

But at this moment, a sharp whistle sounded in the night sky, followed by shouts.

"Protect the great wizard!"

It turned out that the sentries guarding the surroundings noticed the movement here, and immediately raised the alarm when they discovered that the great wizard had been attacked.

Ye Bufan lived in the center of the entire Zuma tribe. When he found out that the god in his heart was being attacked, the people of the Zuma tribe immediately became angry and rushed over like a tsunami, waving their weapons.

The people of the Raptor Mercenary Group were stunned. Before the action, they had made all kinds of conjectures, but they never thought that they would face the entire Zuma tribe. They never dreamed that the assassination target would become the great wizard here. .

At this moment, it has become even more difficult to escape. I originally thought it was just an ordinary assassination, but I didn't expect to fall into the vast ocean of the People's War.

Ye Bufan stood there and did not pursue the Raptors mercenary group. After all, there were He Shuangshuang and Alice to protect, and he didn't know if there were any hidden killers on the other side.

But looking at the current situation, even if I don't take action, the results of these people will not be much better.

Facing the chaotic scene, he said to Alice: "President Alice, there are many rooms here, why don't you stay here tonight, it's safer."


Alice was also frightened by the scene just now. She was just an ordinary doctor before and had never encountered a killer before.

Besides, being able to live with the Prince Charming in her heart is what she dreams of.

Ye Bufan let Alice and He Shuangshuang live in the same room, while he lived alone in the opposite room.

He still had a lot to do tonight, and he had to refine the medicine to eliminate the plague before dawn.

After the two girls rested, he took out the device

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Gu began to make elixirs.

The elixir he refined is called Quxie Fuzheng Dan. Although it is of very low grade, it is very effective against the current epidemic.

The medicinal materials required for this elixir are nothing special. There are reserves in the storage ring. Since the level is very low, it is extremely simple to refine. Thousands of pills can be refined in one furnace.

Near dawn, Ye Bufan refined tens of thousands of evil-repelling and strengthening pills and put them in a huge bag.

After dawn, there was a commotion at the door, and Garrincha appeared in front of Ye Bufan's door with the captain of the guard.

He opened the door and welcomed him out. Garrincha said: "Dear wizard, did the assassin last night disturb you?"

Ye Bufan waved his hand: "It's okay, this is nothing."

"These people who offended the great wizard have been captured."

Garrincha waved his hand behind him as he spoke, and the guard captain asked people to carry all seven members of the Raptor Mercenary Group over.

At this moment, these seven people were in extremely miserable condition. Five of them had been beaten to death by the angry tribesmen, leaving only the one-eyed dragon and the bald one who were still dying.

Ye Bufan said to the one-eyed dragon: "Tell me, who sent you here?"

One-Eyed Dragon sighed and said: "Our mercenary group has always just collected money to do things. We really don't know who the employer is."

Even though he didn't say anything, Ye Bufan could guess that he had just arrived in Africa not long ago and didn't have any enemies. It must have been the fault of that guy from Gombos.

He didn't ask any more questions and said directly to Garrincha: "Master Chief, these people should be dealt with according to the clan rules."

Garrincha waved to the guard captain: "Take him away."

Two living people and five corpses were immediately carried down. Although the result was not seen, with the barbarity of the Zuma tribe, the Raptor Mercenary Group would definitely not end well.

Garrincha and his tribe did not leave. Ye Bufan knew what they meant and brought over the bag filled with evil-repelling and strengthening pills.

"Lord Chief, this is the elixir I refined overnight. It can cure the illness of the tribe. If the illness is mild, take one pill. If the illness is serious, take two pills. It should be enough."

"Thank you to the great wizard for the magic medicine."

Garrincha did not expect Ye Bufan to be so efficient and prepare the medicine so quickly.

At this time, Alice walked out of the room. She picked up a soybean-sized exorcism-fighting pill and asked in disbelief: "Dear Ye, are you sure this little pill can cure everyone's illnesses?" ?"

Ye Bufan smiled slightly: "

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Of course, you can follow and witness it. "

"Of course I want to witness it and see how miraculous Chinese medicine is."

Alice has been here for a week and has been trying to conquer this special virus, but has never found an effective way.

She followed the captain of the guard to distribute medicine to the sick tribesmen or their family members, wanting to see with her own eyes whether the pills were effective.

The residents of the tribe had no doubts. In their opinion, the great wizard had boundless power and it should be easy to cure their illnesses.

After the pills were distributed, those who were sick immediately started taking them, and half an hour later, a miracle happened.

The patients who were originally carried on stretchers stood up on their own. Those with high fevers no longer had high fevers, and those with convulsions stopped. They all became more energetic.

"This... my God, is this a miracle?"

Looking at everything in front of her, Alice couldn't believe her eyes.

As the president of the World Medical Association, she is full of curiosity about traditional Chinese medicine. What kind of medical skill is it? It's so magical!

"Long live the great wizard!"

The surrounding tribesmen knelt on the ground together, expressing their gratitude in their own way to the magic medicine given by the great wizard.

She turned back, took Ye Bufan's hand and shouted excitedly: "My dear, I want to learn Chinese medicine from you, and I want to become your teacher!"

Ye Bufan said: "President Alice, if you are interested in Chinese medicine, you can learn more about it. If you want to study, forget it. Chinese medicine is not suitable for you?"

"Why? Do you look down on me? I am a famous medical genius. I will definitely learn Chinese medicine well."

Alice suddenly understood and said, "I understand, do you have a special apprenticeship etiquette there? The apprentice must devote himself to the master. Don't worry, I can do it. I can do whatever you ask me to do."

"Uh..." The black line on Ye Bufan's head indicates which indigenous tribe this blonde beauty heard the rules from.

He glanced at He Shuangshuang, who was looking at him eagerly, and said with some embarrassment: "Miss Alice, I know you are excellent, but Chinese medicine is based on ancient Chinese culture.

If you don’t know anything about Chinese medicine, you don’t know what yin and yang are, you don’t know what the five elements are, and you don’t even understand ordinary Chinese language, you won’t be able to learn Chinese medicine.

In contrast, you already have profound knowledge in Western medicine, so there is no need to start a new one. Western medicine can also benefit mankind. "

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