Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3301 Killing the Young City Lord

"Does this need to be said? Are rubble and pearls comparable?"

Gu Fanjiu looked at the man in black robe next to him, "If there is nothing wrong with your mind, then choose this unqualified elixir."

"Now I know."

The man in black robe was very respectful to the eighth-grade elixir master and did not discount his opinions at all. He turned to look at Ye Bufan.

"This young master, the ice soul soul is yours!"


Everyone onlookers were stunned. This result was beyond everyone's expectations.

I thought that the three sixth-grade spirit-breaking pills in the hands of the young city lord were a sure win, but I didn't expect that I would lose to this little golden fairy in the end.

Seeing this result, Li Sha's face turned extremely ugly, and he snorted coldly and walked away!

The auction has ended and everyone else is leaving.

Ye Bufan paid for the Immortal Crystal and the elixir, and then collected the Ice Soul Soul Marrow. He did not dare to stay any longer and hurriedly left the Star Reaching Tower.

Although everything seemed calm now, he was very aware of the dangers contained within.

Participating in the auction this time not only established strong enemies one after another, but also exposed many things that he had hidden.

As the saying goes, wealth should not be revealed, and he had just spent almost two billion immortal crystals. He would not believe it if no one coveted it.

The most important thing is the Shenyuan Pill refined from the Demon Refining Bottle. Although he said that he got it at an auction, there are probably not many people who believe it.

Even if some people believe it, they won’t believe that there is only one in their body, maybe there are more.

In this case, there will be an unknown number of enemies around, and no one will take action for the time being, because this is the Star Reaching Tower, and the Immortal King is in charge.

Even in Treasure Collection City, these people would not act rashly and would wait for the opportunity.

But once he leaves, I'm afraid the attacks he will suffer will be overwhelming, and he will be unable to resist with his current strength.

Fortunately, the escape route has been prepared before. The most important thing now is to return to the Ancient Medicine Sect Dan Tower and use the teleportation array to escape from here.

If the situation is really urgent, just use the Baili Escape Talisman you just got. I believe you can get out of the immediate crisis.

Ye Bufan took Yu Huafei and walked quickly after leaving the Star Building. He could clearly feel that at least ten consciousnesses were locked on him.

Fortunately, these people just stared and did not take action.

He was very fast, but when he hurried back to the ancient medicine sect's alchemy building, he found a figure blocking the way, it was Li Sha who had left before.

Ye Bufan frowned. Others were worried about Jubao City and did not take action here, but this did not include the young city lord in front of them.

But now this is his only escape route, and he has to return to the Alchemy Tower no matter what.

"Boy, you didn't expect that, did you?"

Li Sha smiled coldly, seeming to be very satisfied with the other party's reaction.

"You dare to be the enemy of this young city lord in Jubao City, you are impatient with life.

Hand over your storage ring quickly, and I may be able to spare your life if I am happy, otherwise I will have to cut you into pieces today. "

He did not take action directly, but looked greedily at the storage ring on Ye Bufan's hand.

Even if there is nothing else, the proceeds from the auction are definitely a huge fortune.

Ye Bufan gritted his teeth. He knew that there were countless powerful people snooping around at this moment, and he had to get rid of this guy quickly, otherwise he still wouldn't be able to leave.

"go to hell!"

Without waiting for the opponent to make a move first, he directly used Dark Moon Silence, and slashed towards Li Sha's head with the dark sword light.

Li Sha was stunned for a moment, but then his face was still full of disdain.

"So what if you hide your cultivation? At most, you are just a Great Immortal. You are still an ant!"

He directly reached out and grabbed it, not taking Dark Moon Silently into consideration at all.

But at this moment, a huge coercion came overwhelming, suppressing his cultivation to death, and his immortal hand was instantly dispersed.


Li Sha's expression changed drastically, and his eyes were filled with fear. He never imagined how the other party could be so powerful!

In fact, Ye Bufan also had the attitude of giving it a try. He had defeated two great immortals before, and he wanted to give it a try this time to see if a miracle could happen again.

After all, this is the only way out. Once he cannot use the teleportation array in the Dan Tower, he may be surrounded by wolves, and it will be difficult to escape.

As a result, a miracle happened again. Li Sha was unable to resist his sword, and Dark Moon penetrated his head silently in an instant.

"Ah! My father will never let you go!"

A wisp of soul overflowed, and Li Sha let out a shrill howl.

But at this moment, Dark Moon's silent sword light swept over again, instantly crushing the soul.

Ye Bufan was well aware of the crisis at this moment, so he moved his hands cleanly and without any sloppiness.

There are so many strong men watching around, so if you want to take action, you have to be quick, otherwise there will be no chance of survival.

After killing Li Sha, he rushed into the Dan Tower in a flash and rushed directly to the teleportation array on the second floor.

When the formation was activated, he was instantly enveloped in a burst of light and disappeared into the alchemy tower.

In the surrounding void, more than a dozen strong men were shocked by the scene in front of them, and they were all stunned.

Originally, they were still thinking about how they could get a piece of the pie if this little golden fairy fell into Li Sha's hands, but they didn't expect that the young city lord would be completely destroyed in the blink of an eye.

This is simply too magical. You must know that Li Sha is at the peak of the Great Immortal, and he can't even block a move. Could it be that this little Golden Immortal is hidden by the Great Luo Immortal?

After a brief period of confusion, more than a dozen figures appeared in front of the Alchemy Tower. The leader was the man in black robes. Beside him were Ling Jiang and seven or eight other great immortals.

As for the immortals with lower cultivation levels, they can only watch from a distance. There is no way for them to get close here.

Seeing Li Sha's body falling to the ground, everyone was extremely shocked. The black-robed Daluoxian raised his head and looked towards the Alchemy Tower.

"Space fluctuation, not good, there is a teleportation array above."

Here his cultivation level is the highest and his senses are the most acute. His figure flashed on the second floor.

Others followed closely and soon surrounded the teleportation array set up by Ye Bufan.

"What a cunning boy. It seems that he has already thought of a way out."

"Let's chase!"

The black-robed Da Luoxian stepped forward and entered the teleportation array, but at this moment, a burst of black smoke rose and the teleportation array completely exploded.

"Damn it, that kid actually destroyed the teleportation array!"

Seeing this scene, everyone felt extremely sorry. It had to be said that this little golden fairy was really too cunning.

First, he arranged an escape route, set up the teleportation array, and escaped as soon as he came back.

And without any hesitation, he destroyed the teleportation array there instantly after leaving, cutting off everyone's pursuit route.

"what to do?"

Everyone looked at each other, not wanting to let go of this escaped piece of fat.

After all, it was the Innocent Heavenly Book and Ice Soul Soul Essence, and everyone wanted to take it for themselves.

"Who killed my son!"

At this moment, an angry roar came from outside, and Li Fengxing arrived.

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