Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3297 He looks at me

The maid took the storage ring and counted it. There was no error in the number, then turned around and walked back.

Many immortals around were stunned. This young man was really rich. This was a billion immortal crystals. He took them out casually and didn't seem to feel any distress at all.

Ye Bufan didn't care about what other people thought, and reached out to grab the booklet in his hand.

Although I have never seen the Immaculate Book, just from the aura emanating from the booklet, I can be sure that this thing is definitely true.

That kind of ancient desolate atmosphere cannot be disguised by anything.

I reached out and turned to the first page, and what I saw was the general outline.

"Those who practice this technique must have no roots or stains."

Ye Bufan frowned slightly. This general outline was too simple. There was only one sentence, but the simpler it was, the more confusing it was.

Turning over the second page, the third page, and the fourth page look similar to ordinary exercises, and nothing special can be seen at all.

After briefly browsing, Ye Bufan put it away directly. This thing has been tens of thousands of years old and countless powerful geniuses cannot understand it. How could he understand it in a short time? It is better to have time to study it slowly.

At this time, the second lot, which was a dark golden armor, had been put on the auction stage.

The beautiful auctioneer said: "This golden scale armor was originally a rare defensive weapon that can resist the attack of the Great Luo Immortal.

It's just that it is now in dilapidated condition, its efficacy has been severely degraded, and it can only resist the attack of the Great Yi Immortal.

However, it is also a rare treasure. If a high-level weapon refiner can be found to repair it, it will be a priceless treasure. "

She said this, but others disagreed. High-level Immortal Weapon Masters were even rarer than Immortal Alchemy Masters, so how could they be so easy to find?

If it was really that easy, Zhaixinglou would have found someone to repair it a long time ago. The price would have to be at least a hundred times higher. How could he sell the broken treasure armor?

Ye Bufan had different ideas from others. Looking at this treasured armor, his heart felt hot.

With his knowledge of weapon refining inherited from the ancient medical sect, he is enough to repair this protective magical weapon. Moreover, he has recently harvested a lot of weapon refining materials, which is basically enough.

In other words, if this treasured armor is in his hands, it will immediately restore him to his former glory, and even the Great Luo Immortal will not be hurt at all if he wears it.

The beautiful auctioneer made a brief introduction and announced the start of the auction: "The starting price is 500,000 yuan for low-grade immortal crystals, and each increase in price shall not be less than 50,000 yuan."

"Six hundred thousand……"

"Eight hundred thousand……"

"One million..." Although the enthusiasm of everyone present was far less than before, this is a rare defensive weapon after all.

It is also good to take it back and give it to your juniors, at least it can resist the attack of the Great Yi Immortal.

"two millions……"

Li Sha raised the number plate in his hand.

Although he has reached the level of a Great Immortal, one of his favorite concubines is a Xuan Immortal. Taking this thing back will definitely please the beauty.

The immortals present were not very enthusiastic about this thing at first. Seeing that the young city lord of Jubao City participated in the bidding, the others put down their number plates in a sensible manner.

First of all, they are afraid of other people's status and background, and they can't afford to offend them at all.

Secondly, if you don’t have enough financial resources, if you can’t compete with others for the Immortal Crystal, you are completely humiliating yourself.

Li Sha smiled proudly. This result was expected. After all, his identity and strength were all here.

The beautiful auctioneer on the stage also recognized his identity, and when she saw this scene, she directly raised the auction hammer in her hand.

"Two million once, two million twice..."

Just when he was about to drop the hammer, a lazy voice came.

"four million……"


Everyone was stunned for a moment. They originally thought that the auction had been settled, but they didn't expect that someone would dare to snatch the things that the Young City Lord wanted.

Everyone turned to look together, and happened to see the little golden fairy holding a number plate in his hand with a faint smile on his face.

Who is this guy? Why are you so bold? You just offended the Zhengyang Sect, and now you come here to challenge the young city lord.

Doesn't he know that this is the city lord's favorite son and the only heir?

Li Sha's face also became extremely gloomy. It would be better if someone else was bidding against him. Isn't a little golden fairy stepping on his face?

If you are compared to someone else, where will you put your face in the future?

He turned around with a sinister look: "Boy, don't you know who I am?"

In his opinion, this Ye Bufan should have seen his appearance before, why is he still so bold?

In the eyes of others, if Shaocheng took the initiative to get angry, this little golden immortal should give in immediately.

But the result was beyond everyone's expectations. Ye Bufan looked at Li Sha, and then looked at the chief steward Zhong Zijia next to him.

"Master Steward, who is he?"


Strictly speaking, what Li Sha had just done had violated the rules of the Star Reaching Tower.

Just being under the same roof, Zhong Zijia and Li Fengxing were also very familiar with each other, so they just turned a blind eye and ignored them.

But now that Ye Bufan pointed it out in public, it was no longer possible to pretend to be confused.

He took a step forward and looked at Li Sha with a sharp look: "Violate the rules of my Star Reaching Tower, threaten other distinguished guests, give them a warning, and you will be expelled directly next time."


Li Sha was so angry that his eyes were on fire, but he didn't dare to get angry when facing Zhong Zijia. He could only give Ye Bufan a fierce look, and then grabbed the number plate in his hand again.

"Eight million!"

Compared to Ling Jiang just now, he is much richer.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Ye Bufan again, wanting to see if he would just let it go.

"Eighty million!"

Ye Bufan looked lazy and didn't care about other people's eyes. He directly raised the number plate in his hand.


Everyone was dumbfounded. This was a direct hard blow, and it was too hard.

Previously Li Sha called it two million, but others doubled it and called it four million.

Now the young city lord followed suit and doubled the amount and paid eight million. As a result, this guy doubled the amount and doubled it ten times. How can anyone continue?

If Li Sha calls for 10 million or even 20 million, he has already lost in terms of momentum.

The most important thing is that this broken golden scale armor only costs five million at most. If the price is too high, it is completely paying the IQ tax. No matter how much fairy crystal you have, you can't do this.

Li Sha gritted his teeth with hatred and looked over with a sinister look again.

Ye Bufan immediately put on a frightened expression: "Chief steward, is he trying to intimidate me by looking at me like that?"


Everyone was confused by his operation. This guy must be too shameless. He complained after just one look.


As a dignified young city lord, when had he ever been so angry? Li Sha reached out and grabbed the good cards and prepared to bid 800 million.

Seeing him like this, the guard next to him quickly stretched out his hand to hold down the number platoon, with a look of eagerness on his face.

"Young City Lord, please don't be impulsive. We will be fooled if we act impulsively. Don't forget the instructions given by the City Lord."

At the mention of his father, the impulse in Li Sha's heart dissipated a little.

This time Li Fengxing gave him one billion low-grade immortal crystals, and his goal was to get the final ice soul marrow. If he spent 800 million on impulse, he was destined to fail in the end.

In desperation, he could only slap the number plate on the table and gave up the bidding.

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