Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 327 Zuma Tribe

Ye Bufan said: "No need to thank you. Your injury is now under control. You will be fine after you go back and recuperate for a few days."

Dai Feifei thanked her profusely again and called a taxi to leave. Ye Bufan and the others also returned to Andrew's manor.

As soon as they entered, Andrew greeted them with a smile on his face.

Henry was punched several times by Gompers in the car. At this moment, his body was covered with blood and he looked miserable.

Seeing that his son was injured, Andrew's expression changed and he asked, "What happened?"

Henry cursed: "It was all that bastard Gumbos who almost killed Master Ye and me."

Andrew asked: "Didn't you take Master Ye to buy diamonds from him? How could this happen?"

Henry told the story from beginning to end, and finally said: "That old fox Gompers will do anything for money. He actually wanted to kill Master Ye in the wildlife park."

Although Henry's story was very simple, Andrew was still frightened when he heard it, and at the same time he understood that it was Ye Bufan who saved his son again.

"Master Ye, thank you for taking action again."

He bowed deeply to Ye Bufan again, and then said, "That bastard Gumbos, I didn't expect this guy to do such a heartbreaking thing.

Master Ye, I'm really sorry. I deeply apologize to you for this matter. "

Ye Bufan waved his hand and said, "This has nothing to do with you, and he also received the punishment he deserved."

A few people chatted for a while, and the phone suddenly rang. After taking the call, he said to Ye Bufan excitedly: "Master Ye, there is news about the person you are looking for."

Ye Bufan looked happy. It seemed that Andrew's information channels were indeed powerful, and he found Cao Xiaowan in just one day.

He asked, "That's great, where are the people?"

He now has enough diamonds. As long as he finds Cao Xiaowan, he can return to China immediately.

"In the Zuma tribe."

At this point, Andrew's expression became serious again, "Master Ye, this matter is a bit troublesome. If in other tribes, I, Andrew, could help you get the person out immediately, but in the Zuma tribe, I can't."

Ye Bufan asked: "Why, is there anything special about this tribe?"

He is completely unfamiliar with the African continent now and needs to know as much as possible.

Andrew said: “The Zuma tribe is really special.

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It is a very unique existence among the 130 tribes in the southern country.

First of all, the Zuma tribe is very powerful. Although the people in the tribe do not like to use firearms, they have a population of nearly one million, and everyone is brave and aggressive, and ordinary tribes do not dare to provoke them.

Secondly, they live almost in a primitive state, are very uncivilized, and have a very low level of civilization. Many things do not make sense at all and are difficult to communicate with.

Because of this, they are in a completely unofficial state. Although they live on this land, they are not under the control of the government at all.

In the eyes of the Zuma people, there are only chiefs, not official officials.

The place where the Zuma tribe is located is very rich in mineral resources. There was once a businessman who wanted to develop there. However, the development failed, but he was burned to death on the order of the chief.

There is really nothing I can do about such a tribe. "

Andrew hesitated and then said: "Master Ye, the Zuma tribe is very exclusive, and it is really, really difficult to save people from there.

If all you're looking for are casual friends, I'd suggest just give it up.

It is almost impossible to bring a woman out after entering the Zuma tribe. "

Ye Bufan said: "Mr. Andrew, that person is very important to me, as long as you arrange for someone to take me to the Zuma tribe, I will do the rest.

Andrew said: "Mr. Ye, do you really stop thinking about it? The Zuma tribe is indeed dangerous.

Moreover, my people over there reported that the Zuma tribe is currently experiencing a special plague. It is said that many people have died and it cannot be controlled at all. "

Due to the hot climate on the African continent, diseases of one kind or another often break out. For example, the world-famous Ebola virus and AIDS came from here.

Many infectious diseases even have no names. People here call them plagues.

Ye Bufan said: "Don't worry, I have the ability to save people, and I am a doctor. I am not afraid of the plague at all. Maybe I can help there."

"Okay then, when are you going to set off? Let Henry take you there."

Ye Bufan said: "Of course, the faster, the better."

Andrew said: "Then let's have lunch now. I'll let people prepare and leave after eating."

An hour later, Ye Bufan and others had lunch. The vehicles that Henry had prepared were two specially modified Hummers.

On the African continent, many places have no roads.

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, so this off-road vehicle has great advantages.

Ye Bufan and his party set off. He and Henry He Shuangshuang were in a car, and the four bodyguards behind were in a car.

After leaving the capital of Southern Country F, everyone headed west, becoming more and more desolate as they went, but they also really experienced the different customs of the African continent.

The Zuma tribe was far away, and they had just reached the edge of the tribe until sunset.

Only when he got here did Ye Bufan realize that the Zuma tribe was very large, with many small and fringe tribes surrounding it.

After walking for a day, everyone was a little tired. Henry used to like to travel around and explore, so he was very familiar with the situation here. He took Ye Bufan to find a small restaurant where everyone could rest and have a meal.

It is said to be a hotel, but it is actually a shed made of special straw, which looks very simple.

A chubby black landlady was squatting next to her, cooking some kind of food. It smelled weird.

There were many people gathered around the hotel, chatting in groups.

What Ye Bufan and He Shuangshuang couldn't accept the most was that the sanitary conditions here were so poor. Flies were everywhere. No wonder people here easily got sick.

After everyone sat down for a while, the black landlady brought up a plate of dark food, which seemed to be some kind of meat.

In this environment filled with flies, it was really difficult for Ye Bufan to regain his appetite.

He said to Henry: "Pay the money, let's continue to set off, and try to find the person before dark."

"Oh well!"

Henry took out a dollar and slapped it on the table, followed Ye Bufan and prepared to leave.

But at this moment, a little boy who was playing and playing next to him suddenly fell to the ground with a plop, and then began to twitch non-stop and foam at the mouth.

"No, Cisse is possessed by the devil!"

The people around him immediately screamed in panic, and no one dared to step forward to rescue the little boy, so they all hid behind him.

Ye Bufan glanced at it with his consciousness. The little boy was shrouded in a gray aura and was infected with some unknown virus. It should be the special plague that Andrew mentioned before.

He stepped over, first checked the little boy's pulse, and then took out a silver needle and pricked it.

Seeing that he dared to touch the little boy, the fat landlady quickly shouted: "Don't touch him, or the devil will get you."

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