Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3242 Unlucky Xue Ze

"Ice Butterfly Wolf!"

Luo Bingyan recognized the other person at a glance, feeling mixed in her heart.

Fortunately, the opponent is an ice-attributed monster, which has the same attributes as my own. It is easier to deal with than other monsters.

What worries me is that the opponent is at a higher level and his strength is comparable to that of a mid-level Great Immortal. In this case, he is one level stronger than himself.


The Ice Butterfly Wolf in front of her didn't give her much time to think. When she discovered that there was a stranger invading, she immediately let out a roar and then jumped towards it.

Luo Bingyan's expression was stern, and she slashed out the ice sword in her hand, standing fiercely on top of the Ice Butterfly Wolf.

Unlike Shen Qiyun's previous battle with the Iron-clawed Three-Eyed Monkey, the Ice Butterfly Wolf was stronger and knocked Luo Bingyan away, almost missing the sword in her hand.


Although the Ice Butterfly Wolf had an absolute advantage, it stopped, but then it opened its big mouth, and a snow-white ice breath roared out.

As an ice-attribute fairy monster, any breath it exhales is filled with the ultimate ice-cold power.

Wherever it passed, whether it was grass, trees or rocks, they instantly turned into ice crystals.

Luo Bingyan hurriedly dodged, but her speed was still a little slower after all. She was affected by the edge of this cold air and instantly turned into an ice sculpture.

Fortunately, she was also cultivating ice attribute immortal energy, so she was not afraid of the cold air, and then she shattered the ice on the surface of her body.


The Ice Butterfly Wolf had already jumped over, but it was in vain.

Luo Bingyan realized that she was no match for this monster, so she immediately changed her strategy and kept dodging instead of confronting it. This made it much easier in comparison.

The Ice Butterfly Wolf is very fast, and Luo Bingyan's movements are also not slow. One person and one beast, you chase each other, running non-stop in this cave of hundreds of beasts.


Although the Ice Butterfly Wolf had the advantage in strength, it could not hurt the opponent at all. This made it extremely angry, and it raised its head to the sky again and let out a long roar.

"Ouch! Ouch!"

Just as its roar ended, two more roars rang out next to it. It turned out that this guy was actually summoning his companions.

As soon as the roar ended, two snow-white figures rushed over like lightning. Three ice butterfly wolves formed a triangle, surrounding Luo Bingyan in the center.

The first ice butterfly wolf had a fierce light in its eyes and jumped over fiercely.

According to its thinking, the prey in front of it can no longer escape.

After this pounce, it was nothing. There was only nothingness left in front of him, and the figure had completely disappeared.

When the quarter of an hour was up, Luo Bingyan directly crushed the teleportation jade talisman and sent herself outside the cave of beasts.

Although it was dangerous and dangerous, I still passed this level after all.

Xue Ze looked at the big bird in front of him. The feathers on its body were extremely bright and colorful, and it looked more like a beautiful peacock.

But in his heart, he was not happy at all, and was even extremely nervous.

This thing is the colorful fairy child beast, which ranks second in strength among the four kinds of fairy beasts in the Hundred Beast Cave, comparable to the late stage of the Great Yi Immortal.

And his strength is only at the early stage of the Great B Immortal, and there is still a long way to go before he can break through to the middle stage, let alone fight against the Immortal Monster in front of him.

"Damn it, why am I so unlucky!"

According to his previous thoughts, if he encountered the Iron-clawed Three-Eyed Monkey, he would be able to fight, and he would be able to pass this level without any suspense.

Even if they encounter a stronger Ice Butterfly Wolf, it won't matter. They can at least escape and persist for a quarter of an hour.

But encountering this colorful fairy beast would be troublesome. If you can't defeat it, escaping becomes a luxury.


Upon discovering the presence of prey, the colorful fairy childish beast let out a cry, then opened its huge wings and rushed over like a streak of colorful rays of light.

This guy is really powerful, his huge wings shake, and the surrounding space trembles.


Xue Ze sighed, and then a golden talisman appeared in his palm. It was the Baili Escape Talisman.

This time Zu Fangkui also worked hard and gave the talisman in his hand to his precious apprentice. Unexpectedly, he used it as soon as he arrived at the Beast Cave.

Xue Ze knew the value of this talisman very well. It was a life-saving treasure. It would be a pity to use it, which made him feel painful.

But no matter what, it helped him survive the disaster after all. As long as he could survive to the end, he would probably become the sect master's direct disciple.

Even though that monster was fierce, there was no way it could chase him hundreds of miles away.

He breathed a sigh of relief that the transmission was over, but when the scene before him appeared again, he almost cried.

I saw a colorful fairy beast standing in front of me. It looked very similar to the one just now, but it was larger and looked more ferocious.


Xue Ze was speechless. He never expected that his luck was so bad that he would be teleported from one colorful fairy beast to another. It was a pity for his Baili Escape Talisman.


This colorful fairy beast didn't know what was happening. It only knew that prey appeared in front of it. It spread its wings and opened its big mouth and pounced directly.


Xue Ze let out a long sigh, then crushed the black jade talisman in his hand, declaring that the assessment had failed.

When Sima Cuo saw clearly that there was an iron-clawed three-eyed monkey in front of him, he couldn't help laughing.

"It seems that this time the sect leader's direct disciple is none other than myself. This is such good luck!"

In his opinion, an iron-clawed three-eyed monkey was no match for him, so he simply took the lead in drawing out his sword and launched an attack.

His current goal is to kill the fairy monster in front of him. Even if others can survive for a quarter of an hour, the results will definitely not be as good as his own.


Seeing this human actually attacking him, the Iron-clawed Three-Eyed Monkey hissed angrily, then opened its third eye and shot out as soon as it reached the line of fire.

Sima Cuo made a move, and the sharp sword light chopped the fire snake in front of him to pieces, and then slashed the iron-clawed three-eyed monkey in the chest with his sword.

What he held in his hand was a low-grade immortal weapon. With one strike of his sword, a long and continuous bloody mouth suddenly appeared, and blood splattered.


The iron-clawed three-eyed monkey did not expect that the human in front of him was so powerful. Knowing that he was no match, he turned around and ran away.

Sima Cuo was chasing after him with his sword. Although he was in the early stage of the Great B Immortal, his strength was very tyrannical.

There is only a thin line between the mid-term, and he has an absolute advantage against an iron-clawed three-eyed monkey.

Just like this, a monkey is running in front, and he is chasing after him.

But just after running a few miles away, there was a sudden squeaking sound, and three larger iron-clawed three-eyed monkeys appeared in front of him.

At the same time, the injured monkey who escaped also turned around, and the four monkeys rushed towards him.


Sima Cuo's expression suddenly changed. With his strength, he had an advantage against one monkey. He could barely deal with two, but it was definitely too much to deal with four at once.

But if he just ran away, his plan to kill the three-eyed monkey with iron claws would be in vain.

Just when he hesitated for a moment, the four monkeys formed a circle, completely surrounding him in the center, and launched a fierce attack.

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