Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3128 Let me help you lie?

At that time, Ye Bufan was overthinking this time. Even if he attributed it all to talent, Hua Bingyu would not have any doubts.

After all, I saw it with my own eyes not long ago. It was the legendary annihilation thunder catastrophe. Only evil geniuses who have not appeared for ten thousand years will be tabooed by heaven.

For ordinary people, it is unbelievable to be promoted to the realm of true immortals in ten days, but it is nothing to the immortals who have survived the thunder tribulation of extinction.

She added: "Then what happened to the previous barrier? Even that old monster with white hair and evil king couldn't break through it. How did you get in?"

Hua Bingyu really couldn't understand how Ye Bufan brought herself in such a powerful Thunder Temple barrier.

"Well...my master left me a talisman before he died, saying it could break all kinds of enchantments.

I don't know what level of talisman this is, but the effect is pretty good after using it this time. "

Ye Bufan looked serious, his eyes were sincere, and he was talking nonsense seriously.

This was the rhetoric he had thought of before, and he could not expose the little guy no matter what.

He still hasn't figured out the origin of the little thing, but the treasure that even the Immortal King covets must not be revealed to others easily.


Hua Bingyu nodded, not sure whether she believed it or not, but she didn't ask any more questions.

After a slight pause, his eyes fell on the dark palace door, and a complex look flashed across his beautiful face.

"When the barrier was about to be breached, why didn't you escape into the Thunder Temple?"

Ye Bufan was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect her mind to jump so fast.

"Because you are injured and must be treated immediately. You don't know what's going on inside.

If you fall into any formation or restriction, and there is no way to treat your injuries, then it won't be a problem. "

"You can leave me and run away alone. There is no need to take mine with you."

Hua Bingyu's eyes were burning as she spoke, as if she wanted to see into Ye Bufan's heart.

It is not easy to become an immortal, and most immortals are very selfish, so she can't understand why the man in front of her wants to protect her even to the death.

"What is this? You fell into the hands of the old monster to save me. If I leave you and run away, am I still a human being?"

Besides, I'm still a man. If I leave my woman behind in times of crisis, I might as well just go into the palace and become a eunuch. "

Hua Bingyu was slightly stunned. What Ye Bufan said next really surprised her.

For thousands of years, she has become accustomed to her status as a strong person, and she doesn't even think about problems from a woman's perspective.

Only then did he realize that he was a woman and the other person was a man. In his eyes, men should protect women.

There was another brief silence, and then he said: "Let's stop what happened today. Just pretend it never happened."

Ye Bufan had a smile on his face, "Elder, can you agree to my small request?"

Hua Bingyu glared at him. She had already forgotten that she had been taken advantage of, and the other party still wanted to make demands.

"Tell me, what do you want?"

Ye Bufan said: "Those things about me, can you keep them a secret for me and don't tell others?"

"what did you say?"

Ye Bufan said: "What the elder saw before, including my cultivation, can you keep it a secret.

You also know that I like to keep a low profile and don’t want too many people to know. "

Although his cultivation has improved rapidly recently, he still knows that he is a weakling. Once there are too many secrets, it is definitely not a good thing for others to know.

Hua Bingyu's cultivation level is high enough and her character is decent, so she doesn't have any evil thoughts towards herself.

But just because she is not tempted does not mean that others are not tempted either. Once people find out that her cultivation level has improved so quickly, there will probably be countless troubles coming.

Including myself, I still have many secrets, so it’s better to be as unnoticed as possible.

The policy he set for himself was to develop in an obscene manner. Although it was good to show off, he had to be strong enough, otherwise his life would be easily lost.

Hua Bingyu looked at him with a half-smiling expression, "Are you asking me to lie for you?"

Ye Bufan said with a smile: "Actually, I am also thinking about the elder. Think about it, if someone knows that the elder is following me quietly, something may happen, which may damage your innocence. reputation."

"No one from the Flowing Light Sword Sect dares to spread my gossip."

Hua Bingyu said, "I can keep it secret for you, but you must also agree to a condition."


Ye Bufan was stunned for a moment, "What do you say, Elder?"

Hua Bingyu said: "In the next few days, the sect master will select his direct disciples. I want you to promise me that you will be selected successfully."


Ye Bufan never expected this condition, "Um...elder, let me ask, who are my opponents?"

"The entire Flowing Light Sword Sect's disciples, including the direct descendants of the leaders of each peak."


Ye Bufan almost spat out blood. As a newly ascended monk, he had to face tens of thousands of disciples from the entire sect. Is there any way to survive?

Finally, he stabilized his mind. If the sect master recruited more disciples, he might still have a small chance.

"Sir Elder, how many disciples will the sect leader recruit at a time?"

After saying this, his eyes were full of expectation, hoping that the sect leader would recruit as many as possible.

"It's better to have a shortage than to have too much. Either we don't recruit, or we only accept one at most."


Ye Bufan instantly fell into despair. How could it be possible for him to recruit one person among tens of thousands of disciples? This was simply impossible.

But then he felt relieved. Anyway, he agreed to this kind of thing, and it didn't matter if he couldn't do it.

As an outer disciple at the lowest level, there is no shame in losing.

"I promise, Mr. Elder."

Hua Bingyu glanced at him, as if she had penetrated his mind at a glance.

"Since you promised, you can't go back on it, and you must do it. If you can't do it, I will send you to the palace to be a eunuch."

"Ugh...that's so bullying."

If the opponent wasn't too strong, Ye Bufan would really have the urge to beat him up, and would send him to the palace as a eunuch at every turn. Is there anyone who bullies people like that?

Is your family brokered by the palace? You are always going to send me to the palace. Do you really think those things are leeks? After cutting one crop, there is another crop?

When I become stronger one day, I will knock you down and vent my anger on my frightened second brother.

But he only dared to think about these things in his heart, but did not dare to express them in any way.

"Sir Elder, are you kidding me?"

Hua Bingyu smiled coldly: "Do you think I'm joking with you?"

"This... Elder, this is really not possible!

Not to mention that I don't have that ability, even if I have a little bit of cultivation, it will be exposed immediately once it is revealed, so why should I be conservative?

How about this? I don’t ask for confidentiality and I don’t participate in the selection of my direct disciples. What do you think? "

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