Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 312 Fire Pit

Da Jinya said: "I have traveled all over the world in these years, almost all five continents in the world. There are really few countries with better public security than China. Even in those developed European and American countries, few people dare to do so at night. Get out."

After taking a sip of wine, he continued: "In addition, try not to touch the women here as much as possible.

You may have heard about the situation here. 50% or more people are infected with HIV. If you don't pay attention, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

If you have a good girl by your side, you won't make this mistake. "


Hearing what he said, Ye Bufan and He Shuangshuang showed a hint of embarrassment on their faces, not knowing how to answer.

Da Jinya said with emotion: "Brother Ye, now you know how miserable your brother and I have been. I really don't know how I got here in the past ten years.

When you go back, you must ask Huniu to have a good talk with their old man. Let me go back. Our family has only three generations, and they are still waiting for me to continue the family line. "

Ye Bufan said: "Brother, I came to Africa this time to save someone. See if you can help me."

Da Jinya said: "Tell me what happened."

Ye Bufan recounted what happened to Cao Xiaowan, and finally said: "I want to find this woman and bring her back to China."

He knew that Da Jinya was from the special department and should be more capable than himself.

"Brother Ye, it's not easy for you to handle this matter."

Da Jinya said: "In South F Country, there are more than 130 tribes, and the total population is countless. The official figures are simply not accurate. There is no census here, and no one knows how many people there are. .

Another point is that the language here is difficult, so it is even more difficult to find someone. "

He Shuangshuang said curiously: "Didn't you say that the official language here is English?"

Da Jinya said: "That's right. It's true that the official language is English, but it's only in big cities and only in the government. Less than 10% of the people on the entire African continent speak English. Here, the most common language is used. It's Zulu.

In those tribes, large and small, I'm afraid not many people can understand you when you speak English. The most important thing is the accent.

You should know the accent. For example, in Hunan Province in China, no Hunanese dares to claim that they can understand all Hunan dialects. Sometimes people speaking across a river have different accents. "

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Ye Bufan said: "What about the authorities? There is no population information registration? As long as we can find Kanu, things will be easy to handle."

"Official?" Da Jinya smiled, "Brother Ye, this place is completely different from China. Many tribesmen only have chiefs in their eyes, and there is no so-called president at all.

There, the words of the official boss are not as useful as the chief's farts. "

Hearing what he said, Ye Bufan frowned. According to his previous thoughts, as long as he finds Kanu after arriving in Africa, the matter will be solved. With his own ability, he will definitely be able to bring Cao Xiaowan back to China.

But now he can't be found, and even if he has great abilities, he can't use them.

Da Jinya took another sip of wine and sighed: "This kind of woman, if you ask me, has no fucking brain. I have seen too many of them here over the years.

If we were poor in China 30 years ago, it was understandable that we would like to find foreigners, in order to have a better life.

But now that China is powerful, hundreds of times stronger than many countries, it still likes to find foreigners. Isn't this mentally ill? It's completely like pushing yourself into a pit of fire. "

He Shuangshuang asked: "Are many women from China deceived into Africa?"

"Anyway, there are quite a few. I have met countless people over the years. At the beginning, I even reached out to help two people when I had nothing to do, but then I gave up because I couldn't help anymore.

And we are all adults. Since you have chosen this path, you must bear the consequences. "

He Shuangshuang asked again: "Are all those women living a miserable life when they get here? There must be a few who are living a good life, right?"

"Have a good life, you are too naive."

Da Jinya said: "The economy here is very backward, and it is very difficult to live a good life. Unless some wealthy families control resources, they will definitely not be able to compare with ordinary life in China.

In addition, the customs and cultures of different places are different. Women here are not much different from goods, but their status is much different from that in China.

According to my observations and conclusions over the years, women here generally fall into three situations.

The first situation is relatively good. If you meet a man who is more or less conscientious, you can at least have enough to eat and don't have to suffer too much.

For example, some time ago I met a woman who married here and followed her husband around to sell pornographic discs. This was already a very good result.

The second type is also the most common one.

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The average man here has four or five wives, of which there is only one real wife, who has a relatively high status, and the others are just auxiliaries, without any status in the family.

And there is always one of these women who has to go out and sell herself to make money for the family and support the family.

When Chinese women come, this task falls on Chinese women, because the women over there have thin skin and tender flesh, and are much prettier than black people, so they naturally make more money.

In recent years, many tribal niggas have realized this situation and have gone to China to make up their identities and deceive a few Chinese women to come back. The purpose is to make more money. This is the case with the Cao Xiaowan you are talking about.

The most hateful thing is that there are many brainless women like this. They always think that the moon outside is rounder than that of China. They don't know how terrible this continent is.

Once you fall into this fire pit, you are bound to contract AIDS, and being able to come back alive is simply a luxury. "

He Shuangshuang felt extremely heavy after hearing this, and asked again: "What about the third type? Is there anything worse than this?"

"Of course there is. Many tribes here are really similar to primitive people, and what they do is beyond our imagination."

Da Jinya said: "In some uncivilized small tribes, women are shared, which is not much different from collective property. Whoever wants to use it can use it.

Many tribes have the habit of offering sacrifices, and the most practical ones are human sacrifices. A large number of women are killed every year during the sacrifices, including those Chinese women who were deceived.

In addition, cannibals are real and I have seen them before. "

He Shuangshuang's scalp felt numb after hearing this. In the past, her knowledge of this continent was the beautiful grasslands and beautiful giraffes, and she had never thought about these dark things.

At the same time, I couldn't stop feeling sorry for those stupid women. It seemed that they had had such a good life in China that they came here as if their heads had been kicked by a donkey.

Ye Bufan frowned and said, "Brother, you mean it's very difficult to rescue Cao Xiaowan?"

"Yes, very, very difficult."

Da Jinya said seriously, "If you want to save that woman, you have to overcome at least three difficulties.

First of all, it is very difficult to find Cao Xiaowan.

The territory here is vast and the transportation is very underdeveloped. If you have to visit more than 100 tribes to find a person, it is simply more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack. "

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