Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 309 Master Fu’s Thoughts

Master Ge's name is Ge Wengong, some people also call him Goddess Ge. He is famous in Jiangbei and even in the entire Jiangnan Province. Countless high-ranking officials and dignitaries are her guests.

As the saying goes, a rising tide lifts all boats. Due to Master Ge's high status, as his top disciple, Fu Zhaoze is also famous.

This time, I was invited by a big shot in Africa, and was given 10 million Chinese coins just for the appearance fee.

Because of this, he is very arrogant. Even if he is sitting alone on the plane at this moment, he still looks like a high-ranking person.

But when he saw He Shuangshuang, Fu Zhaoze's eyes suddenly lit up.

Although he is Master Ge's apprentice, he is both money-grubbing and lustful. Over the years, he has been playing with women in the name of solving problems.

Even though he had seen countless women, he had never seen a woman who made his heart beat like this.

pretty! It's so beautiful! And there is a sense of heroism.

Fu Zhaoze's heart suddenly felt itchy. The seat next to him was still empty. He hoped that this woman could sit next to him, so that he would have a chance to make a move.

But the result disappointed him. Ye Bufan and He Shuangshuang went straight to the back and sat down. The two seats were next to each other.

It turned out that He Shuangshuang was on leave for half a month, and she originally wanted to use this time to improve her relationship with Ye Bufan. Suddenly, she received news from He Pengfei that Ye Bufan was about to rush to Africa.

Realizing this was a good opportunity, she immediately found out Ye Bufan's flight information through her connections with the He family, and then bought the adjacent seats.

So it was not an accident that the two people sat together, but a careful plan.

Fu Zhaoze did not wait for He Shuangshuang, but at this moment a bearded man walked in and sat on the seat next to him, which made him even more disappointed.

Soon, all the passengers boarded the plane, and the plane took off and flew towards the other side of the earth.

Fu Zhaoze sat in his seat, his mind spinning rapidly, thinking about how to attract He Shuangshuang's attention and then establish a relationship.

"Excuse me, are you Master Fu from Jiangbei?"

A stewardess looked at him with admiration and said.

Fu Zhaoze perked up and said, "Yes, it's me."

The stewardess said eagerly: "Master Fu, I have heard of your name a long time ago, but I didn't expect to meet you today. Can you help me look at your face?"

"Since meeting is fate, of course you can, and you won't take any money!"

In fact, Fu Zhaoze usually gives

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The fee for reading someone's face is very high, at least five figures. Today, in order to attract He Shuangshuang's attention, he gave the stewardess a free face reading.

"Master Fu, thank you very much!"

The stewardess's face was full of joy. She had long heard of the names of Master Ge and Master Fu. She knew that these two people had always been in the homes of rich people and rarely showed their faces to ordinary people.

Fu Zhaoze first looked at the appearance of the flight attendant, then looked at her little hands carefully, and then said: "You experienced a major life event when you were 7 years old. You should have lost one of your parents."

"Yes, yes, my mother passed away that year, and it was my father who raised me."

The stewardess nodded hurriedly, her eyes becoming more and more adoring.

"You must have suffered an accident when you were 18. It was a small disaster in your life."

Fu Zhaoze was very proud of being recognized by the stewardess and spoke louder and louder, attracting the attention of the surrounding passengers.

The stewardess added: "Yes, I had a car accident when I was 18."

"After that disaster, your luck got better.

If I read it correctly, it was luck that you applied to be a stewardess in this company. It was not your position originally, but it was only due to good luck that your wish came true. "

"That's right, I originally failed in the interview and assessment, but someone in front of me suddenly fell ill, so I got this opportunity."

The stewardess was completely impressed by Fu Zhaoze's physiognomy and said with admiration, "Master Fu, what do you think of my future fortune?"

"In three months, you will have another disaster in your life, which will be more serious than the one when you were 18. You may be in danger of your life."

The stewardess' expression changed drastically and she said nervously: "Master Fu, is there any way to resolve this?"

"Of course there is a way. I will leave my phone number with you. You can go to Jiangbei Dojo to find me in half a month, and I will personally help you resolve it then.

As long as you can get through this disaster, you will be safe in this life without any worries. "

Although the stewardess in front of him was not as good as He Shuangshuang, she was still much more beautiful than ordinary women, so Fu Zhaoze didn't want to let her go and decided to take action after returning to Jiangbei.

Of course the stewardess didn't know this and happily left the phone number.

Fu Zhaoze showed off for a long time, but to his regret, He Shuangshuang was just whispering to Ye Bufan over there and didn't pay attention to his performance at all.

However, the attention of several other passengers was attracted.

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The bearded man next to me said eagerly: "Master Fu, can you help me see the next phase?"

Fu Zhaoze was thinking about how to hook up with He Shuangshuang, but he was not in the mood to talk to him. He waved his hand and said, "You and I are not destined to be together, so forget it."

The bearded man looked disappointed, but there was nothing he could do.

A middle-aged fat woman in front said: "Master Fu, do you think the fate between us has come?"

Fu Zhaoze said: "You have had plastic surgery on your face, it doesn't matter whether you look at it or not!"

After rejecting several guests next to him, he stood up and came to He Shuangshuang. Since the fish didn't take the bait, he had no choice but to cast the net.

"This girl, I think I am destined to be with you today, so I will give you a hexagram for free."

Fu Zhaoze put on a sanctimonious image of an expert, but he couldn't hide the obscenity in his eyes.

Qin Chuchu raised his head and said, "Sorry, I never like fortune telling."

She didn't believe this at all before, but after seeing Ye Bufan's magical methods, how could she take these miscellaneous people seriously.

Fu Zhaoze smiled slightly, "Girl, you must not know my identity. I am Fu Zhaoze from Jiangbei, and my master is Master Ge. Friends who want to save face call me Master Fu.

I am proficient in Feng Shui and mystical arts, but I don't easily read fortune tellers. Today, I gave a fortune teller for free just because I was destined to meet a girl. If I charged a fortune, it would cost at least 10,000 yuan. "

The stewardess next to me said cooperatively: "Yes, Master Fu is famous, and his physiognomy is very good. He just showed me accurately."

Ye Bufan raised his head and glanced at Fu Zhaoze. Although this guy had some mana fluctuations, he was only at the entry level of magic.

He is still far away from being a real cultivator, but to show off his fortune telling in front of himself, a master of magic, is simply overestimating his abilities.

And so many people didn't even look at it, but they came over to show He Shuangshuang. Even a fool would know what he was planning.

He said: "I'm sorry, this is my girlfriend, she is only destined to me, forget about other men."

Fu Zhaoze shook his head and said with an arrogant look: "Narrow, really too narrow. How many people line up to beg me to pay someone to read someone's face, but you don't know how to cherish it.

Sooner or later you will realize what a rare opportunity you have missed. If you apologize now, I, my lord, will not argue with you. "

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