Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3039: One thing goes down, the other goes up

Ye Bufan had his own purpose in using Yiqi to transform the three pure beings at this time. As long as he could get close to Yanshou's body, he would hug him to the death and take him into the Dragon King's Palace.

When you get your own piece of land, you are like a god, and it is completely easy to deal with the other party.

The reason for this bold plan is that the Dragon King Palace has been upgraded, otherwise it would be impossible to trap the immortal with the fragile space before.

The idea was good, but it was a pity that it was too difficult to execute. The immortal was more powerful than he imagined.

Yanshou smiled disdainfully, and then punched three times in succession.

The speed was astonishingly fast. It was clearly three punches, but they seemed to be shot at the same time.

“Bang bang bang…

After three muffled sounds, Ye Bufan flew out with a trace of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, while the other two Taoists directly dissipated into nothingness.

There was no way, the Immortal was originally extremely powerful, but he didn't dare to use all his cultivation skills. The gap was really too big.

Yanshou was quite surprised to see that Ye Bufan was only slightly injured, "I didn't expect that you little guy is still a body-refining cultivator!

It's rare to have such incredible cultivation at such a young age. Once you ascend to the immortal world, your future prospects will be limitless.

It's a pity that you did something wrong and insisted on coveting the treasure of the Immortal King. "

Ye Bufan raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth: "Who is the Immortal King you are talking about?"

He is very depressed now, being targeted one after another, but he doesn't even know who the enemy is.

"You don't deserve to know the name of the Immortal King."

Yanshou glanced at him and said, "I will give you a last chance. Hand over the treasure as soon as possible. I may consider sparing your life."

Ye Bufan shook his head: "I don't know what you are talking about, and I don't have any treasures."

"You are stubborn and don't know what is good and what is good, so I will get it myself!"

Yanshou put away the fairy sword, stretched out his big hand and grabbed it.

He didn't intend to kill the other party. Once he couldn't find the treasure, he had to search for the soul. Killing was secondary to the treasure, which was the most important task of the Immortal King.

Of course, once the treasure is obtained, not only will this young man die, but all the insiders will be silenced, so as not to leave any trouble for the Immortal King.

Yanshou's big hand was getting closer and closer, and he was about to pinch the other person's neck, but at this moment, a cold light suddenly appeared.

Naturally, Ye Bufan knew the idea of ​​extending his life. He couldn't hand over the treasure, and the other party couldn't keep it either.

He had exhausted all his cards before and was still unable to do anything to the opponent, but now the only way is to use all his strength to sneak attack, hoping to be effective in one blow.

Because of this, he used all his strength with this sword, without any reservation or suppression.

Moreover, the dragon tooth was replaced by Gu Qian's fairy sword, which was so powerful that the sword light flashed and the surrounding space trembled.


Yanshou's eyes flashed with horror, he didn't expect that the other party had been suppressing his cultivation before.

He couldn't figure it out no matter what, how could the other party be so powerful when he was just a monk in the world of cultivation?

Showing this strength right in front of him, he couldn't make any concessions compared to himself and Gu Qian.

Fortunately, he had been careful before and was wary of the master hiding in secret.

Now it seems that the previous judgment was completely wrong, there is no hidden master, but this young man is a real strong man.

Facing the immortal sword that was coming towards him, Yanshou Immortal Energy was running wildly. Not only did it stop, but it also retreated at a faster speed.

But the opponent's speed was too fast, and it was impossible to avoid it completely. He could only use the protective immortal energy to the extreme again and take the sword forcefully.


Blood splattered, and Yanshou's body was directly thrown away by the sword like a kite on the string.

Ye Bufan shook his head. The expected situation was not achieved.

The reason why he was able to kill Duanmu Ci with one sword was because the opponent completely despised him and had no defense.

But the situation in front of him changed. Gu Qian's death had always made the person in front of him wary, and he had been cautious and did not let down his guard.

So the sword just opened a foot-long wound on his chest and did not kill him with one sword.

"Boy, how dare you cheat on me."

Stabilize your body, extend your life, you will be surprised and angry.

If someone told him before that a monk could seriously injure himself, he would not believe it anyway, but now it has really happened.

Although the other party was attacking by surprise, his strength was real and not inferior to his own.

"You were the one who was guilty. It's a pity that you escaped."

Ye Bufan sighed, never expecting that two immortals would come down from the top this time.

"Boy, hand over the treasure of Lord Immortal King quickly, otherwise even if I can't kill you, the people around you won't be able to survive."

At this moment, Yanshou had already given in. He was sure that he could not kill the opponent no matter what. His brain was spinning rapidly, and in the end he could only come up with such a cheap method of threatening.

In order to complete the task, he no longer cares about the face of the immortal. No matter how the other party lives in this world, there must be people with scruples, such as the female cultivator who is watching the battle next to him.

Ye Bufan smiled coldly: "Are you blackmailing me? It's a pity that you no longer have that chance."

Yanshou was stunned: "What do you mean? If I want to leave, can you stop me?"

"What do you think?"

Ye Bufan raised his hand and pointed to the sky as he spoke. In just a moment, the sky was already covered with dark clouds, and it was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Thunder rolled and endless pressure enveloped the entire sea.

"This has triggered a catastrophe!"

Yanshou was shocked. He had just sent away Situ Dianmo, who had triggered the catastrophe, and now another one had arrived.

The most terrible thing is that this time is more troublesome than last time. Once Ye Bufan is teleported to the immortal world, the Immortal King's treasures will not be available to him.

But when he was blocked, he couldn't defeat the opponent, which put him in a dilemma instantly.

Yanshou was also a scheming person, and he immediately thought of a solution.

That is to retreat as soon as possible, return from the space passage to inform the Immortal King, and then track down this young man from the immortal world.

In this way, even if he doesn't bring back the treasure, he can still make up for his mistakes and save a small life.

Thinking of this, he turned around and ran away, but now that the calamity was on his side, he could only suppress his cultivation to the level of the cultivation world.

Otherwise, once the way of heaven is triggered, you will be teleported directly out and you will not be able to escape even if you want to.

The plan was perfect, but one thing was overlooked, and that was Ye Bufan's strength.

If he maintains the strength of a true immortal, the other party will indeed be unable to catch up in terms of speed, but once his cultivation is suppressed to the level of the cultivation world, there is no possibility of escaping.

Ye Bufan's speed was much faster than that of ordinary people at the peak of transcending tribulations. Moreover, he used one energy to transform three pure beings, but three people still chased him from three directions.

When he faced Ye Bufan's Taoist body just now, he could easily repel it because the opponent suppressed his strength at that time and he was a genuine virtual immortal.

Now, on the contrary, Ye Bufan no longer has anything to hide, but he needs to suppress his own strength, and his strength has also undergone a 180-degree reversal.

As soon as he escaped, he was kicked away by Dao Shen, and then Ye Bufan grabbed his neck and lifted it into his hand.

"You...what are you going to do?"

Yanshou's eyes were full of fear, but he still did not dare to show his full cultivation.

Once transported to the immortal world, the Immortal King's secret will be exposed to everyone, and the consequences are completely beyond his ability to bear.

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