Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3026 The Magical Earth Ball

The Takeda family, once the most powerful family in the Great Inu Kingdom, thought they would be able to reach the top again after destroying the Watanabe family, but they didn't expect that a murderer suddenly came.

Killing the strong men of the Takeda family was like killing chickens. First the elders and now the family head, all of them were killed.

The remaining members of the family are all ordinary family members, and now they are all frightened. No one dares to step forward.

Seeing the God of Death approaching, everyone was so frightened that they hid in hiding and wished they could crawl directly into the cracks in the ground.

Fortunately, Ye Bufan ignored them and kicked open the palace door and walked in directly.

According to Takeda Nobunaga's memory, the Takeda family has only done one thing in the past hundred years, and that is to search for treasures everywhere and work hard to awaken the Yamata.

But in fact, among the treasures found, only a few were recorded in the parchments, and the others were additional accessories.

But these things are extremely precious, and they have all been collected into the family's treasure house.

It is no exaggeration to say that after hundreds of years of accumulation, the Takeda family's treasure trove is definitely the richest among the major families in the entire Big Dog Kingdom, and even on the entire earth.

Some of these things come from major auctions, some come from tomb robbers, some come from ancient ruins, in short, there are all kinds of things.

It was precisely because of this that Ye Bufan was tempted by this. It just happened that there was still a while, so let's completely take away their family's treasure house.

Walking into the main hall according to Takeda Nobunaga's memory, he quickly found the mechanism of the underground treasure house, and after opening it, a secret door opened in the wall.

There were traditional mechanisms hidden behind the secret door, all of which were destroyed under the control of Ye Bufan's Divine Consciousness Knife.

Through this door, there is an extremely spacious open space below, and in front is a most advanced high-tech alloy door.

Normally, this thing couldn't even be broken by a cannon, but in front of Ye Bufan, it was like paper, and was kicked to pieces.

After forcing a breakthrough inside, I found that the protection was indeed extremely tight, and there was even a small trap formation.

If it were any other ordinary gangster, he would probably be trapped by the formation immediately when he got here.

But in Ye Bufan's eyes, this was not difficult at all. He kicked the formation to pieces and walked towards the treasure house.

An hour ago, if someone had told Takeda Nobunaga that their family's treasure house could be easily destroyed and beaten to death, he would not believe it, but now it has actually happened.

A total of ten layers of protection failed to block Ye Bufan in the slightest. After a few minutes, the three of them arrived at the treasure house.

"Oh my god, the Takeda family is so rich!"

Liu Yun was immediately stunned by the countless treasures inside. The gold alone was piled up like a hill, and there were countless other jewelry, jade, antiques, calligraphy and paintings.

When these things are added together, the value is simply immeasurable.

Ye Bufan was about to ascend, but he was not very interested in these worldly things, so he took them all into the Dragon King Palace with a thought.

Wherever his consciousness passed, the treasures in the library were collected by him one by one.

I have to say that the Takeda family's collection is indeed very rich, and there are even more than a dozen spiritual treasures passed down from ancient times.

But these things still had no appeal to Ye Bufan, and they were all put away after just looking at them.

Within ten minutes, the treasure house, which was originally a kilometer in radius, was swept away. Just when Ye Bufan was about to leave, his expression suddenly froze and he stood there in a daze.

He was shocked to find that there was something left in the corner of the treasure house. It was about the size of a basketball, khaki in color, and looked unattractive and inconspicuous, like a clay ball.

Ye Bufan was extremely shocked. He knew very well that this thing was anything but ordinary. It was even the most powerful treasure he had ever seen, because he couldn't even see it with his spiritual consciousness.

In other words, his eyes could see this earth ball, but his spiritual consciousness could not detect it. Because of this, it was missed just now and was not taken into the Dragon King Palace.

"How can this be?"

Ye Bufan's cultivation has reached the top of this interface, and one can imagine how powerful his mental power is.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the spiritual consciousness is scanned, even a grain of dust can be easily found, but this basketball-sized earth ball cannot be seen.

In order to make sure that he was not mistaken, he closed his eyes and scanned with his consciousness again, but found that there was nothing there and saw nothing.

Opening his eyes, he saw the earth ball again.

"What a strange thing."

Ye Bufan had a surprised look on his face, walked over, reached out and took the earth ball in his hand, and was shocked again in the end.

This thing is very solid in your hand and has a solid existence, but it is so light that it is almost weightless.

"This...what the hell is this? It's so weird!"

Ye Bufan was confused. It was said that he had seen a lot of treasures. He had harvested all kinds of treasures on Paradise Island before, but this was the first time he had seen them.

Even after searching through the inheritance of ancient medical schools, there is no record of this earth ball.

Seeing him holding a clay ball in a daze, Liu Yun couldn't help but ask: "Master, is there anything wrong with this thing?"

"Do you know what this is?"

Ye Bufan said and handed the soil ball to Leng Qingqiu and Liu Yun for inspection. The two of them didn't think anything at first, but soon discovered something strange, with shock on their faces.

Liu Yun opened his mouth wide: "How could there be such a magical thing?"

Ye Bufan watched it carefully again, but still didn't understand what was going on.

The matter was almost done, and now he had to rush to Feiyu Island. He had no time to pay attention to this earth ball, so he was ready to send it to the Dragon King Palace.

But then I discovered that the mental power could not be locked and could not be sent in at all. In the end, I could only carry this thing back to the Dragon King Palace.

But what he never expected was that when he appeared above Dragon King Island, the earth ball in his hand immediately changed and turned into a stream of earthy yellow smoke that spread rapidly.

And this was just the beginning. As the smoke dispersed, the entire Dragon King Palace trembled.

The earth is trembling, the river is rushing, and the surrounding air is surging with unknown energy.

"What...what's going on?"

As the Lord of the Dragon King Palace, this was the first time Ye Bufan encountered such a situation. He tried to feel and control it, but found that it was out of control.

At this point, he couldn't do anything. He could only calm down and watch quietly, thinking about the cause of the matter.

"Is all this because of that dirt ball?"

Recall that these changes occurred in the Dragon King Palace after I brought the earth ball in.

What is it that can change a small world in space?

Then, he was shocked to find that the space of the Dragon King Palace began to rapidly expand ten times and a hundred times to the surroundings. It was a thousand times larger than before, and the spiritual energy became more and more intense.

The mountains and rivers were more majestic, the rivers were wider, and at the same time there was something he couldn't feel. He knew there was a change but couldn't find it.

After thinking for a long time, two words suddenly popped into his mind, "Upgrade!"

The Dragon King Palace has been upgraded!

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