Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3002: There will still be a flower grower in the next life

The Chinese side are not afraid of death, but the difference in strength is really too big, and they suffer heavy casualties as soon as they fight.

A dozen disciples of the Iron Sword Sect fell on the spot one by one, their blood dyeing the yellow sand under their feet red.

But even if they died, they still would not give in. Even if they died outside three poplar trees, the three major snobbish people in the West could not even step into China.

The same is true for the Three Ghost Sect. They are good at exorcising ghosts, but unfortunately they are facing the three holy knights of Shenting.

Various spells were unleashed, but they were easily defeated, and in the end they could only fight to the death.

"Go to hell you evil creatures!"

The holy cross sword in the hand of a holy knight flashed with light, directly cutting off one of Yin Jiuzhu's arms.

But at this moment, Yin Jiuzhu seemed to be crazy, without caring about his own injuries, and stabbed the holy knight's right arm with a black short knife in his left hand.

"Hehehe, even if I die, I won't make it easy for you!"

Yin Jiuzhu sneered, revealing his teeth stained with blood.

"Despicable creature, damn it!"

The holy knight was carelessly stabbed by the opponent. Although he quickly healed the wound with divine healing, he was still extremely angry in his heart.

The Holy Light Cross Sword in his hand was slashed out again, cutting Yin Jiuzhu's other arm to the ground.

He thought everything was over, but he didn't expect the other party to kick him out and hit him hard in the abdomen.

"Damn, damn it!"

This holy knight was so angry that he didn't expect the other party to be so powerful.

The sword light flashed again in his hand and he cut off both of the opponent's legs.

But what he never expected was that Yin Jiuzhu, whose limbs were severed, did not give up the attack at all. The remaining body flew into the air, opened his mouth and bit his ear, with deep hatred in his eyes.


This holy knight had just been promoted to cultivation not long ago and had never experienced a cruel battle. At this moment, he was completely blinded and had half of his ear torn off.

The other party's strength is far inferior to his own, but his ruthlessness is indeed frightening.

"I don't believe I can't kill you!"

The Holy Light Cross Sword in his hand was inserted directly into Yin Jiuzhu's heart, and then he swung it again, cutting off the opponent's head.

A head flew high into the air, filled with blood and filled with yellow sand. Everyone thought the battle was over.

But Yin Jiuzhu was originally a practitioner of the ghost way, so even though his head fell off, he did not die immediately.

The head in mid-air rushed towards the Holy Knight again, spraying a mouthful of blood on his face, and then laughed.

"Even if I die, I will spray your blood all over my body. Even if you barbarians want to invade China, sooner or later you will die even more miserably than me!"

The holy knight was going crazy. He originally had the absolute upper hand, but ended up in such a mess.

The Holy Light Cross Sword in his hand swung out again, cutting Yin Jiuzhu's head into pieces all over the sky.

The battle was not over until this moment, but Yin Jiuzhu's fierceness just now was engraved in everyone's heart, making them shudder even thinking about it.

Everyone in Huaxia next to them was in the midst of a bitter battle and couldn't care less.

Taoist Priest Qingyang fought against a vampire grand duke. The opponent's physical strength forced him to retreat continuously.

"Stupid Chinese, let me taste whether your heart is delicious!"

The Grand Duke had an absolute advantage, grabbed it and inserted it directly into Taoist Priest Qingyang's left chest.

At this moment, a smile appeared on Taoist Priest Qingyang's lips, and then he flipped his wrist, and a foot-long mahogany sword was fiercely inserted into the heart of the Grand Duke.


The vampire grand duke let out a shrill howl. Normally, it would not be easy to kill him, but Taoist priest Qingyang adopted a life-threatening strategy and directly pierced his heart with a sword.

"Hahaha, if you want to offend China, I will be buried with you even if you die!"

Taoist Priest Qingyang laughed loudly and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

He turned around and looked around, and found that everyone before him had fallen into a pool of blood. The only one still standing there was Monk Bujie, but he was also covered in blood at this moment, and it was obvious that he was seriously injured.

"Monk, I'm going to take the first step. My only regret in this life is that I died outside China. If you have the chance, you must take me back to that side..."

Having said this, he raised his hand and pointed in the direction of China, his eyes filled with endless sentimentality and nostalgia, and then he fell to the ground with a plop, completely breathless.

"Ox nose!"

Monk Bujie and Taoist Master Qingyang are close friends. They have been friends for decades. Now seeing their old friend die in front of their eyes, they can't help but feel sad.

He dragged his right leg and walked over slowly. There was a foot-long wound on his thigh, with bones visible deep inside.

The fighting at this moment has stopped. Seeing that the overall situation has been decided, the three major forces stopped in unison and did not continue to attack.

Monk Bujie came to Taoist Priest Qingyang, tremblingly stretched out his big blood-covered hands to grab his arm, originally wanting to hold him in his arms.

But he was injured in several ways now and was completely helpless. In the end, he could only slowly drag himself towards the three poplar trees.

He knew that he would eventually die, so he wanted to fulfill his old friend's last wish and die together in the land of China.

"Do you want to go back? I won't let you do that!"

The Holy Knight had just wiped the blood off his face, and with anger in his heart, he swung out the Holy Light Knight Sword in his hand and immediately cut off the monk Bujie's right leg completely.

Having lost his right leg, Monk Bujie didn't make a sound, but his bald head was covered in cold sweat. It was obvious that he was in extreme pain.

He did not look back, but stretched out his left hand to grab his severed thigh. His right hand still dragged Taoist Qingyang, and he used his remaining left leg to jump towards the three poplar trees.

The two people moved forward inch by inch at a very slow speed. Blood flowed behind them, leaving behind traces of bright red blood.

This scene was so tragic that everyone behind them looked shocked. Some of the soft-hearted ones even turned away, unable to bear to watch anymore.

Everyone was curious, what kind of power supported the two people, and why did they have to die on the other side of the three trees?

They are not Chinese, they do not understand the Chinese soul, and they cannot understand the persistence in the heart of the monk Bujie.

"Let's see how long you can last!"

The holy knight slashed out with his sword again, and Monk Bujie's remaining left leg was severed. He fell heavily to the ground, lying next to Taoist Master Qingyang, breathing heavily.

He still didn't say a word, and dropped the right leg in his hand. His left hand, which was covered in blood, scratched the yellow sand on the ground. He grabbed Taoist Priest Qingyang with his right hand and continued to move his body forward.

It's just that this process was too difficult, and even though I tried my best, I could only move forward a few centimeters.

But Monk Bujie did not give up, he was still so persistent, his blood-red eyes looked at the Chinese sky, and his hands kept working hard.

"Damn it, I'll chop off your head and see how you go back!"

Although Monk Bujie did not even look back, the Holy Knight still felt that he had been greatly humiliated.

He raised the Holy Light Cross Sword in his hand again, and the light of the sword pointed at Monk Bujie's head.

(I have tried my best to write all the pathos. The next chapter will reverse it.)

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