Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 2993 Not worthy of the Chinese

Ye Bufan took a glance and saw that the cave at the bottom of the sinkhole was dark and bottomless.

Now that the seal is completely opened, the spiritual energy that was sucked away before has returned to the earth. Although it is not as rich as the spiritual energy in Kunlun Immortal World, it is much better than before.

Now all that was left was a cave, and he didn't scan it with his spiritual consciousness because there were some things he didn't want to see.

Whatever is inside must be destroyed, leaving no hidden dangers behind.

"Since the Sun and Moon Holy Fire Sect is gone, there is no need to stay here!"

At this point, he flicked his finger, and two flames flew down.

One cyan and one blue are the sky-burning purple flames and the newly harvested netherworld heart fire.

Normally speaking, strange fires can burn everything. One fire is enough to burn everything, let alone two fires.

Then a huge fire broke out under the cave, and the surrounding temperature rose rapidly. Even the sinkhole was burned to a fiery red, and heat waves rose into the sky.

Ye Bufan controlled the Fengyun Thunder Fire Formation to create a shield to trap the heat inside, otherwise the entire Shennongjia might suffer a huge fire.

A quarter of an hour later, Ye Bufan stretched out his hand and the two flames returned to his body.

At this moment, the cave below has been completely burned into an empty shell, leaving nothing behind.

Ye Bufan placed a new seal under the sinkhole, completely sealing it off. Outsiders would find nothing when they came here, as if nothing had happened.

After finishing the affairs of the Sun and Moon Holy Fire Sect, he turned to look at Li Fei and Li Shuo beside him.

At this moment, the two people's faces were pale and completely paralyzed on the ground, like a ball of mud, with a pool of fishy liquid under their thighs.

The scene they just saw was so terrifying that they were completely frightened to the point of peeing.

The two of them had never seen such a battle between strong men, and they never imagined that the young man in front of them would be so strong.

The most important thing is that Ye Bufan was the one who won in the end, and the Sun Moon Holy Fire Sect they had taken refuge in was wiped out to nothing.

During this period, they also thought about escaping, but in the end they did not have the courage, and their legs did not cooperate.

Seeing Ye Bufan look over at this moment, they struggled to get up, knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

"Mr. Ye, please let us go. We were just confused for a moment. We don't dare to do it anymore..."

"Yes, Mr. Ye, just think of us as farts..."

The two of them had runny noses and tears, and they knelt down and put their dignity directly into their crotches. They were extremely pitiful.

"Let you go?"

Ye Bufan's lips curved into a hint of sarcasm, "What's the reason?"

"Reason? I used to be a core member of Xuanyuan Pavilion, and I have made significant contributions to Tiangong..."

Although he lacked confidence, Li Fei finally found a reason for himself.

Li Shuo thought for a long time, but couldn't find a decent explanation. He could only bite the bullet and said, "We...we are all Chinese..."

"Chinese people, do you have the nerve to say that you are Chinese?"

Ye Bufan's expression turned cold instantly, "You have just completely betrayed China, and you are no longer worthy of being called Chinese.

Dogs like you are not even qualified to go to hell. "

Feeling his murderous intent, Li Fei and Li Shuo's uncle and nephew were frightened out of their wits. But before they could beg for mercy again, two blue flames suddenly ignited from their bodies.

In just a blink of an eye, they were completely reduced to nothingness, leaving not even a bone or residue behind.

The hundred soldiers next to him also collapsed on the ground, their faces pale with fear at this moment.

However, Ye Bufan did not embarrass them. As a soldier, there is nothing wrong with obeying the orders of the commander.

It's just that there are some things that they shouldn't see, let alone spread by them.

Powerful spiritual consciousness swept across everyone's bodies, directly erasing all their previous memories.

After doing this, Ye Bufan directly took out the token of the Tiangong Palace Master and mobilized these soldiers to evacuate Shennongjia.

There is nothing left under the sinkhole, and there is no need to continue to stay here.

The next day, the news that the Shennongjia Tiankeng was a crater and had been the site of a volcanic eruption dominated the headlines on major websites.

Since then, the previous mystery has disappeared. Occasionally, a few people went to check it out, but nothing was found, and in the end it was dismissed.

As time went by, this matter slowly faded from people's sight.

These are all things for later. After solving the serious problem of the Sun and Moon Holy Fire Sect, Ye Bufan no longer wasted time and directly took his sister into the sky and flew towards Shenbei City.

Looking at the night scene below her feet and feeling the mountain wind whistling by her ears, Ouyang Jing's eyes were filled with brilliance.

She said excitedly: "Brother, this speed is too fast, it's almost faster than a plane!"

Flying in the sky is every human's dream, but she didn't expect that it would actually come true today.

Ye Bufan smiled slightly: "This is nothing."

In fact, in order to take his sister to experience the feeling of flying, he did not use even one percent of his speed, otherwise he would have returned to Shenbei City in the blink of an eye.

Seeing Situ Dianmo, Nalan Yujia, Lu Xueman and others flying in the air to follow, Ouyang Jing asked eagerly: "Brother, can I do it in the future?"

"Of course, as long as you want!"

For Ye Bufan, it couldn't be easier to lead his sister on the path of spiritual practice.

With just a few clicks of her fingers, her cultivation level can reach a level that ordinary monks cannot achieve in their lifetime.

"I do, of course I do!"

Ouyang Jing nodded excitedly, "I want to be as powerful as my brother, and I want to fly in the air like everyone else!"

Half an hour later, everyone returned to the hotel in Shenbei City and quietly returned to their rooms.

After a night's rest, they drove to the provincial capital in northern Hubei early the next morning.

Ye Bufan had already contacted Sophie and learned that there was no movement in Shenting for the time being and that Helena was not in danger, so he was not in a hurry to go there.

Now that the branch in northern Hubei is closed, it is still his own industry anyway. As a big boss, he usually just works as a hands-off shopkeeper. Now that he has caught up, he has to do something.

The road between the two cities was not too far, and everyone drove quickly. Two hours later, they entered the northern Hubei provincial capital and arrived in front of the building of Bufan Investment Company.

Today, Bufan Investment Company is the largest industry and the richest company in China and even the entire earth.

Because of this, even a branch office towers into the sky and is a landmark building in the entire city.

They came directly to the building, where hundreds of employees had gathered.

When setting off, Ye Bufan asked Ouyang Jing to send out a notice telling everyone to come to work today.

There was a seal on the main entrance of the building. Everyone stood in front of the door with complicated expressions. They didn't know what happened?

The company is obviously still sealed, why did the president notify him to come to work?

Could it be that something else happened that requires everyone to be disbanded directly?

Amid everyone's astonished eyes, Ye Bufan and others got out of the car. He waved his hand and Ye Tian stepped forward and ripped off the seal.

Now everyone was stunned, with their eyes wide open. What on earth is going on? Who is this person? Why are you so bold?

There were a few yellow-haired gangsters nearby who kept watching from a distance. When they saw this scene, they quickly took out their mobile phones to report the news.

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