Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 2971 Is this still a car?

Chapter 2971 Is this still a car?

A young man with a short hair was sitting in the driver's seat of the Bugatti Veyron. He looked proud and glanced at the Range Rover with contempt, and then kept honking the horn.

Ye Bufan turned his head and glanced, thinking that something was wrong with the other party, so he slowed down the car and then slowly lowered the window.

"What's up?"

The short-haired young man did not look at him, but looked greedily at the three girls next to him, with uncontrollable desire in his eyes.

"Three beauties, what's the point of sitting in a broken Land Rover? Come to my young master and take your pick of these cars."

A sneer formed on the corners of Ye Bufan's lips. He didn't expect to encounter such provocation from a rich second-generation idiot just after he returned to Earth.

Before he could speak, the hot-tempered Nalan Yujia spat hard.

"Go away, what's there to show off with a broken car?"

These words came completely from the heart. In her eyes, the Bugatti Veyron was just a broken car.

She has no concept of license plates and lumps all sports cars into the same category.

Just now she saw with her own eyes that Jiang Fangzhou crushed a car with just one step, so in her eyes it was just a bad car.


The short-haired young man suddenly looked confused. This is a Bugatti Veyron worth tens of millions. When did it become a junk car? Is it not as good as a Land Rover?

If he knew Nalan Yuga's criteria for distinguishing good cars from bad cars, he might not vomit three liters of blood.

Seeing that it was no longer possible to flirt with the girl directly, his eyes fell on Ye Bufan again.

"Boy, do you dare to compete with me? If you win, I will give you 10 million immediately. If you lose, give these three girls to me!"

The short-haired young man was originally a rich second generation who was used to racing cars. He often used this method to solve problems, so he said it smoothly.

In his subconscious mind, ten million is enough to make countless women throw themselves into his arms, and the other party should have no reason to refuse.


But before he could finish his words, Ye Bufan had already closed the car window, then stepped on the accelerator and rushed forward.

He is now at the peak of transcending tribulation, and is only a hair away from ascension. Naturally, he is too lazy to pay attention to such mindless garbage.

Nalan Yujia said: "Damn it, you dare to take advantage of me. I'll go down and slap him to death."

Ye Bufan pulled her back: "This place is different from the world of cultivation. You can't kill people casually, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

Nalan Yujia was a little puzzled: "I think the people here are very weak, so what if I kill him?"

After coming to Earth, all she saw were weak people who were much weaker than herself. Even the previous cultivation levels of Sophie and Lin Zhentian were not worth mentioning.

"No one can do anything to you now, but it will break your quiet life, so don't cause unnecessary trouble.

If you are going to live here for a long time in the future, you still have to adapt to the rules here. "

Ye Bufan explained patiently that this was the purpose of bringing the people from Kunlun Wonderland out, otherwise he would cause endless trouble if he acted according to the rules of the cultivation world in the future.

Cultivators are under the control of Guitian Palace. Once the trouble gets out of control, it will not be easy for his father Lin Zhentian.

"Okay then, do as the Romans do, I'll listen to you."

Although Nalan Yujia had a hot temper, he was not unreasonable and somewhat understood Ye Bufan's intentions.

Hu Yaoyao asked: "Brother, who are these people? They don't look like much."

"They have a specific name here, they're called dandies. They are idiots whose families are rich and powerful, but they don't have any brains."

Ye Bufan had just completed a round of general knowledge, but he remembered the piercing sound of a trumpet next to him.

Turning his head to look, he saw that the short-haired young man had already driven up to catch up with him, and not only his other seven or eight sports cars were following closely behind.

They surrounded their three cars in the middle, honking their horns constantly, and the people in the cars also made various provocative gestures.

Lu Xueman asked: "What do they mean?"

Ye Bufan explained: "This is a provocation to compete with us in speed."

Nalan Yujia shouted: "Then let's compare, are we still afraid of them?"

If these words were heard by other people, they would definitely be laughed at. A Range Rover and a Bugatti Veyron are faster than each other. Isn’t that asking for abuse?

The speed of an SUV is not as fast as that of a sports car, and besides, it is a luxury car worth tens of millions, so there is no comparison at all.

But Ye Bufan didn't care. He stepped on the accelerator, and with a violent roar of the engine, the Range Rover's speed suddenly increased.

"Damn it, are you trying to compete with me on speed?"

A flash of excitement and disdain flashed in the eyes of the short-haired young man. What was exciting was that he had always liked racing, and he was very famous in the circle, and even had the title of car god.

What he was disdainful about was that the other party was just a Range Rover SUV, not even a sports car, so how could it possibly compare with him?

For a player like this, if he puts his foot on the accelerator, his opponent will not even be able to see the tail lights.

Not only him, but also the men next to him were extremely excited, with their engines roaring, as if they were teasing each other.

The seductive woman sitting on the passenger seat of the short-haired young man said in a coquettish voice: "Young Master, let them see what a real racing car is!"

"Don't worry, a player like this is not worthy of eating my car!"

After the short-haired young man finished speaking, he stepped on the accelerator. The Bugatti Veyron roared and rushed forward like a sword from a string.

In comparison, the speed of a sports car on the highway is far beyond that of an SUV. After taking this breath, it has already reached the back of the Range Rover.

Hu Yaoyao said with a playful smile: "Brother, come on, those bastards are catching up."

"Don't worry, they can't catch up!"

Ye Bufan originally just wanted to get rid of these flies, but he didn't expect that the other party was not finished yet.

Although he was only driving an SUV, he was at the pinnacle of tribulation and the strongest person in the world, so how could he be provoked by some ants?

The aura on his body suddenly erupted, instantly emptying the air within a hundred meters.

You must know that the faster the vehicle speed, the greater the resistance. The reason why the sports car is designed with such a low chassis and streamlined shape is to reduce air resistance.

But now there was no resistance at all on Ye Bufan's Range Rover, and the car's speed suddenly soared without air.

This speed was so fast that it left a shadow and quickly opened up the distance between it and the sports cars behind it.

Ye Tian and Situ Dianmo imitated each other and unleashed their momentum, followed by increasing speed.

"Did you see that a rubbish SUV dares to compete with this young master..."

Seeing that the Range Rover was about to catch up with Ye Bufan, the short-haired young man felt proud, but before he could finish his words, his eyes widened.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the three SUVs in front could no longer even see their taillights.

"Let me check, is this still a car? Why is it so fast?"

The short-haired young man stepped on the accelerator. The Bugatti Veyron was accelerating like crazy, and the speedometer kept changing, two hundred and eighty, three hundred, three hundred and forty...

But even so, he still couldn't see the three SUVs.

This made him look confused: "What the hell is going on? Is the speedometer broken?"

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