Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 2954: The most ruthless person in the Demon Sect

Looking at the dead and injured subordinates of the Demon Sect, the Dark Lord looked sad.

"These are the people who massacred my Demon Sect disciples and asked the Young Sect Master to avenge us!"

At this moment, the black mist slowly dissipated, and the man in black revealed his true appearance. A resolute and handsome face appeared in front of everyone.

His eyes were as sharp as a knife, scanning everyone present, and suddenly his eyes fell on Ye Bufan. .

His body suddenly trembled as if struck by lightning, and his expression became extremely excited.

Seeing him like this, the Dark Lord said: "Young Demon Lord, this person messed up my entire demon sect's plan. This is an unforgivable crime. He should be the first to be killed."

The man in black ignored what he said and walked over step by step, his body shaking with every step he took. He was obviously extremely excited.

Xuanyuan Zhantian stood nearby, glaring with small eyes and was about to stop him, but was pulled back by Situ Dianmo next to him.

Just when he didn't know why, he saw the man in black kneeling down in front of Ye Bufan with a plop, tears streaming down his face: "Brother Ye, I finally found you!"

It turns out that this young demon lord is Ye Tian, ​​whom Ye Bufan has been searching for but has no news about. He came to Kunlun Continent and fell directly into the Dark Demon Realm.

Because he is the body of a heavenly corpse and is 100% integrated with the dark demonic energy, he is regarded as the Young Demon Lord and inherits the inheritance of the demon sect.

Now the body of the demon has been awakened by the three magic weapons, and he has officially become the master of the demon sect.

Ye Tian's feelings for Ye Bufan are extremely complicated. He regards him as both his brother and his benefactor.

In addition, there is the influence of the previous master-servant contract, and the other party is subconsciously regarded as his master.

Because of this, after the two met, they almost lost control of their emotions and were extremely excited.

"Ye Tian, ​​it's really you!"

Ye Bufan was also full of joy. He had just gathered seven colorful black stones and now the brothers were reunited. It was really a blessing from God.

He stretched out his hand to help Ye Tian up, and the two hugged each other tightly.


The Dark Lord stood behind, his eyes wide open and his mouth wide open, completely stunned.

What's happening here? How did the young demon lord who awakened at the cost of his entire demon sect become someone else's brother?

You originally expected to avenge the dead members of the Demon Sect, but ended up kneeling down in front of them?

Not only him, but also the other members of the Demon Sect could not accept this result. They were all stunned like wood carvings and clay sculptures, unable to understand what was going on.

The same is true for the people of the three holy sects. Seeing the young demon master of the demon sect awakening, they thought that a fierce battle was coming, but they did not expect that it was Ye Yixian's brother.

Situ Dianmo, Leng Qingqiu, Yi Luoxiang and others are full of joy. Now that they are reunited, they can finally return to Earth with peace of mind.

"Brother Ye, wait until I get rid of these people!"

Ye Tianping calmed down his excitement and looked back at the people of the Demon Sect, his eyes instantly becoming extremely forbidding.

"Did you offend my elder brother?"


The Dark Lord swallowed, feeling bitter in his heart.

In order to awaken the demonic body of the young demon lord, he could be said to have spent all his money on all the demon sects, even going so far as to make enemies of the three holy sects.

He originally thought that his success would lead to the rise of the Demon Sect, but after awakening, the Young Demon Lord actually sided with them. How could this make him feel so embarrassed?

"No matter who you are, if you offend my brother, you will die!"

Ye Tian's body was filled with murderous intent and demonic aura billowing.

In his heart, Ye Bufan is the supreme being and no one is allowed to offend, not even people from the Demon Sect.

But just when he was about to take action and kill all the people in the Demon Sect in front of him, an unexpected voice suddenly rang through the air.

"It's just a furnace. When will it be your turn to make the decision?"

Everyone was startled. This voice was old, arrogant and full of domineering, but it happened to come from Ye Tian.

"What exactly is going on?"

Everyone was confused and didn't understand what was happening?

But at this moment, Ye Tian's expression was twisted in pain, and he was rolling desperately on the ground with his head in his hands.

Situ Dianmo and others were startled, and Gu Qingcheng said: "Xiaofan, what is going on? What happened to him?"

Ye Bufan looked grim: "This is someone taking away your body."

"Seize the body?"

As cultivators, everyone is no stranger to the term "seizing one's body", but now it is a bit unusual for this kind of thing to happen to Ye Tian.

With the momentum he just showed, he is at least a strong man in the Tribulation Stage. How could such a powerful cultivation be easily abandoned?

Yiluoxiang said anxiously: "What should we do? Help him quickly!"

Ye Bufan shook his head: "It's too late."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Tian stood up from the ground again, his body shook slightly, the dust dispersed completely, and he looked no different from before.

But the difference is that his whole aura and momentum have changed, becoming more powerful than before, and his expression is extremely arrogant and domineering.

"Hahaha, it's been a hundred years, didn't you expect, I, Hei Wuya, am back again!"

"What? Hei Wuya!"

After he said this, the expressions of everyone present changed drastically, and some even stepped back with panic on their faces. After all, this name was too intimidating.

Ye Bufan and others were also secretly frightened. Although they had seen that Ye Tian had been snatched away, they did not expect that the one who took action was actually the most ruthless person in the Demon Sect a hundred years ago.

Even the people from the Demon Sect looked confused. Apparently they did not expect that the old Demon Lord would actually take away the current Young Demon Lord.

"Hei Wuya, I didn't expect you to still be alive!"

Feng Zhiwu whipped out the long sword from behind, pointing at Hei Wuya.

"But so what, today will definitely destroy your soul!"

"That little girl from Xuantianmen? I didn't expect that she has reached the peak of transcending tribulation. Not bad!"

Hei Wuya glanced at Feng Zhiwu, obviously recognizing her, "But so what, you are still far from killing me!"

Ye Bufan raised his hand to stop Feng Zhiwu who was about to take action. Now that the other party occupied Ye Tian's body, he had to find a way to do it.

"Hei Wuya, right? It's my brother you took away his body. Tell me, how can you leave his body?

As long as you put forward the conditions, I will do my best to agree! "

"Leave? I have been preparing for this day for a hundred years. I have spent a hundred years in a dark world just for this day.

Now that I finally succeeded, how could I leave? "

At this point, Hei Wuya burst into laughter and said, "Little guy, you're going to be dead soon. Now I'm going to tell you about my century-old plan."

Everyone present was silent. Now they all want to know how Hei Wuya survived back then and how he took over the young man in front of him.

Ye Bufan also did not stop him. This was also the result he wanted. His mind was rapidly thinking about how to deal with this demon overlord and save Ye Tian.

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