Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 2925 If you don’t do it, who will?

"Fanghua, calm down. Even if you want to save your daughter, you can't fall into the devil's path!"

Xuanyuan Zhantian said, "Our daughter is life, isn't other people's life life? We can't ignore other people's lives just to save Linglong!"

"I don't care. As long as I can save my daughter, I can become a demon. I can die. I can do anything. I just want to save my daughter!"

Madam Fanghua was like crazy, grabbing Xuanyuan Zhantian's arm tightly, "I beg you, can you catch them?"

Xuanyuan Zhantian sighed: "Okay, give me some more time, and I will definitely find a way to save my daughter."

"Time, time, I have been waiting for a thousand years, how much longer do I have to give you? How much life do we have left?"

Mrs. Fanghua was hysterical, "Xuanyuan Zhantian, you are not worthy to be Linglong's father, you are not worthy!"

Through the conversation between two people, the people next to them also heard everything.

One of these two people is Fairy Linglong's father, and the other is Fairy Linglong's mother. They have been trying to save their daughter these years.

It's just that Xuanyuan Zhantian is taking the path of light, while Mrs. Fanghua has entered the path of magic.

"Fanghua, don't be excited. I had an accident a few years ago and my cultivation was sealed. It was little brother Ye who saved me.

Now I have almost gathered the materials. As long as I find the Nine Heavens Lotus Fetus, I can reshape our daughter's body without harming others. "

Mrs. Fanghua shouted: "No, please stop lying to me. I have been looking for such divine objects as the Nine Heavens Lotus Fetus for thousands of years, but I haven't found it yet. How can you find it?"

Seeing the two people still arguing, Ye Bufan stepped forward and said, "Well, I have this thing."

He always has a heart of gratitude and admiration for Xuanyuan Zhantian, and he can still maintain justice in the face of his daughter's life and death. This kind of character is definitely worthy of his admiration.

Even for Mrs. Fanghua, he felt more pity in his heart. Although he was too extreme and fell into the devil's path, this maternal love was definitely awe-inspiring.

Because of this, although the Nine Heavens Lotus Fetus is a rare treasure of heaven and earth, he still did not hide anything.

After hearing his words, the two of them were stunned for a moment. After a moment of silence, Xuanyuan Zhantian's voice trembled.

"Little guy, what are you talking about? Are you kidding?"

Then he waved his hand again, "Don't worry, the old man always keeps his word and will never cause trouble for you and the girl."

In his opinion, Ye Bufan must have been frightened by Mrs. Fanghua, so he lied that he had a Nine Heavens Lotus Fetus.

"Old man, what do you think this is?"

Ye Bufan didn't bother to explain to him. He flipped his wrist and a black lotus the size of a basin appeared in his palm.

"This... this... this is really the Nine Heavens Lotus Fetus."

Looking at the black lotus in front of him, Xuanyuan Zhantian's mung bean-like eyes were as wide as copper bells, almost jumping out of their sockets.

He had been looking for the Nine Heavens Lotus Fetus for so many years, but he didn't even see its shadow, but he didn't expect it to fall into Ye Bufan's hands.

He stretched out his trembling hands and gently touched the black lotus, as if he were touching his beloved daughter.

"It's really the Nine Heavens Lotus Fetus. This is actually true. My daughter is finally saved..."

At this point, a line of muddy old tears fell down his wrinkled face.

It's not that he doesn't love his daughter. He has been working hard for so many years, but with no results. Now he finally sees hope.

"You old man, why are you crying? Others thought I was abusing the elderly when they saw it."

Ye Bufan was used to joking with Xuanyuan Zhantian, and said jokingly, "Okay, here's this thing for you, take it and stop crying!"

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and handed over the Nine Heavens Lotus Fetus.

Xuanyuan Zhantian wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and stared at him with his small green bean-like eyes: "This is the Nine Heavens Lotus Fetus, and you just gave it to me?"

"I said, old man, this is going too far. If you don't pay like this, do you still have to pay more?"

Ye Bufan waved his hands and looked like he was bleeding profusely, "Forget it, I will give you two boxes of wine and one box of pig's trotters at most, no more."

"You kid, I guess I saw the wrong person right."

Xuanyuan Zhantian reached out and patted his shoulder, feeling deeply moved.

I am afraid that only Ye Bufan can give away a divine object like the Nine Heavens Lotus Fetus to others.

"From today on, my life is yours."

"don't want."

Ye Bufan glanced at her with a look of disgust on his face, "You're not a woman, why would I want your life?"

"Thank you for your kindness. My old man took note of it."

Xuanyuan Zhantian stopped continuing the topic and asked, "Little guy, I've been looking for this thing for thousands of years but I haven't found it. Where did you find it?"

"Demon Ming Hai."

Ye Bufan said, "I got lost when I went to the wild continent, and accidentally arrived at a small island, and then I found this thing in a daze."

At this time, Mrs. Qinghua recovered from the shock and looked at Xuanyuan Zhantian nervously.

"Do you think that with this thing, we can save our daughter?"

Xuanyuan Zhantian said: "At least there is hope. The Nine Heavens Lotus Fetus is a divine creature of heaven and earth and can reshape Linglong's body."

At this point, he turned around and looked over: "Little guy, I leave this matter to you."

Ye Bufan was stunned for a moment: "Do you want me to do this?"

"Nonsense, you are a medical fairy. If you don't do it, who will?"

Xuanyuan Zhantian said, "In addition to this Nine Heavens Lotus Fetus, I have gathered all the materials to recast the body. How confident can you be if I let you do it?"

Ye Bufan thought for a while. After all, it was about his daughter's life and death, so it was better to be more conservative.

"Ninety percent."

"Great, you are worthy of being a medical fairy!"

Although Ye Bufan had already said something conservative, Xuanyuan Zhantian was still extremely excited.

“If the old man takes action and is not even 30% sure, it seems that you are Linglong’s lucky star.

Well, as long as you can save my daughter, I will immediately decide to marry her to you..."

"Stop, stop..."

Ye Bufan quickly stopped the old man and had already sent him a Nine Heavens Lotus Fetus, but he couldn't bring himself into it.

That Fairy Linglong died a thousand years ago, and was already over a thousand years old, so she was not suitable for him at all.

Besides, there is such a fierce mother-in-law. Whoever dares to marry this daughter-in-law will risk his life accidentally.

After hearing the conversation between the two, Mrs. Fanghua, who had just recovered a little, fell to her knees with a plop and kept kowtowing to Ye Bufan.

"Ye Yixian, it was all my fault before!

Please, as long as you can save my daughter, I will die immediately to apologize! "

According to her previous plan, even if she used Gu Qingcheng as a furnace to refine Ye Bufan into an elixir, the certainty would only be 20% at most.

"No need. Even if what happened before is over, I will definitely do my best."

Ye Bufan said, "But recasting the body is a big deal. You must find a quiet place and make preparations."

"I know, I know, there is Medical Immortal Laoye."

Mrs. Fanghua did everything for her daughter. Now that she learned that Ye Bufan could resurrect Linglong, her attitude changed 180 degrees and she was extremely respectful.

She turned to look at everyone present: "Okay, everyone, please go back. Tomorrow's marriage recognition ceremony is also cancelled. From now on, my Misty Palace will be closed again."

Everything Mrs. Fanghua did was to save Fairy Linglong.

Now that Ye Bufan has come to help, the previous routine is no longer needed, and the so-called family recognition ceremony has naturally been cancelled.

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