Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 2873: Bringing humiliation to oneself

After Gong Junyi said this, Zhang Qiaochu and Shi Wanqing nodded frequently, and they obviously realized this.

It was obvious that the result just now was influenced by Wen Susu, but she could influence more than a dozen people, but she could never influence the more than a hundred Mahayana strong men present.

"Okay, since we are going to elect the leader of the alliance today, we must be fair and just and win over others with virtue."

Looking at the three people in front of her, Wen Susu's eyes flashed with an imperceptible sarcasm.

Now in her heart, these three people are no different from clowns. She knows very well how much appeal Ye Bufan has. It is simply not comparable to the few people in front of her.

Looking back, she presided over it again: "Monks of the Mahayana stage and above stand up.

Now for the second vote, everyone will vote by show of hands. If you agree that Gong Junyi will be the leader, please raise your hands. "

Zhang Qiaochu and the three people on the stage were full of expectations, thinking that this time the situation would be completely reversed.

But never in his dreams did he expect that it was still he and Shi Wanqing who raised their hands. Although there were more than a hundred powerful people in the Mahayana stage standing in the audience, there was silence and no one raised their hands in agreement.

Gong Junyi looked confused. He couldn't figure out what was going on for a while.

The same is true for Zhang Qiaochu. Although he was born in Xuantianmen and is still a core disciple, he has been practicing outside for more than a year and knows nothing about what happened to Ye Bufan, so he does not understand why the situation in front of him is happening.

Wen Susu said in a calm voice: "Senior Brother Gong, two votes. Please raise your hands if you agree with Zhang Qiaochu as the leader of the alliance."

Gong Junyi and Shi Wanqing raised their hands in agreement, but it was just the two of them.

Embarrassing, extremely embarrassing! The whole air is filled with an awkward atmosphere!


Zhang Qiaochu's eyes were as wide as bells. How could this happen?

It was clear that these people had warmly welcomed me just now, so why didn't anyone vote now, and why did they choose that pretty boy instead?

He suddenly thought of something, took a step forward and shouted to everyone in the audience, "Do you hear this clearly? Although you are in the Mahayana stage, you still have the right to vote."

In his opinion, these Mahayana people in the audience probably did not understand what the rules were and still thought that they did not have the right to vote.

But after he finished speaking, there was still no reaction from below.

At this time, a sudden voice sounded: "We know we can vote, but we just don't want to vote for you."

The speaker was a beautiful young female cultivator, one of the furnaces that Ye Bufan brought out from Paradise Island.

In fact, the more than one hundred Mahayana people present here are basically the people he rescued.

And there are a few locals in Tianluo Prefecture who worship him like a god. In this case, they will naturally not vote for others.

This female cultivator has an upright character. Ye Bufan was already unhappy when she saw them making things difficult for them many times before, so she stood up and spoke up.

With her taking the lead, everyone else in the audience also said in unison: "Yes, we just don't want to vote for you!"


Zhang Qiaochu also didn't expect that his well-intentioned reminder would actually turn into self-humiliation.

Originally, it was just a bit embarrassing that no one voted for him, but now this embarrassment was magnified a hundred times and completely became the laughing stock of the audience, and there was a burst of laughter from the audience.

At this moment, he was ashamed and angry, his old face turned the color of pig liver, but he had nowhere to vent, and he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Wen Susu looked at him and shook her head, her eyes filled with contempt.

"Okay, let's continue voting. If you agree with Ye Yixian as the leader, please raise your hands."


The scene just now reappeared, and everyone in the audience raised their arms uniformly. The difference was that there were ten times more people.


Seeing this scene, Gong Junyi felt as if he had eaten a fly. He originally thought that this method could prevent Ye Bufan from being elected, but in the end it only gave him more votes.

All this was within Wen Susu's expectation. They were able to regain a new life thanks to Ye Bufan. Ye Yixian was like a god in the hearts of these people, so how could they vote for others.

She turned around and said, "Senior Brother Gong, do you still have any objections to this result?"


Gong Junyi was speechless. Everything went as he said. Although he still didn't want to see Ye Bufan elected leader, he couldn't say anything.

"I disagree!"

Zhang Qiaochu stood up angrily, "I think the voting range is still too small. Everyone should be allowed to participate in the voting. After all, our alliance represents the entire Tianluo Prefecture!"

At this moment, his mind was still showing the scene of being admired and welcomed by everyone when he first entered the venue, and he couldn't believe that he could still lose if everyone voted.

Wen Susu's eyes were full of mockery: "Are you sure?"

Zhang Qiaochu said firmly: "Of course I am sure, everyone must vote together so that it can be fair and just!"

He may not be the leader of the alliance, but he cannot lose face in front of his sweetheart no matter what.

"as you wish."

Wen Susu looked at the people in the audience again, "Everyone has heard it, so let's vote together.

Raise your hands to agree that Senior Brother Gong will be the leader of the alliance. "

With her cultivation, even though there were tens of thousands of people present, her voice still reached everyone's ears very clearly.

The scene fell into silence for a moment, and no one in the audience responded at all. Only Shi Wanqing and Zhang Qiaochu raised their arms on the stage, looking awkward and abrupt.

Gong Junyi's face became more and more ugly. This did not change anything, but instead caused his face to be trampled on in public again.

Zhang Qiaochu is full of expectations. In his opinion, he still has a chance to make a comeback.

Wen Susu continued: "Raise your hands in favor of Zhang Qiaochu being the leader of the alliance."

After saying that, the scene was still the same. This time even Gong Junyi was too lazy to raise his hand, leaving only Shi Wanqing standing there alone with his arms raised.

"I...this is impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

Zhang Qiaochu couldn't believe what he saw in front of him. He scanned the audience with wide eyes and didn't see anyone raising their hands.

Wen Susu smiled slightly: "Raise your hands in favor of Ye Yixian being the leader of the alliance!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone in the audience raised their hands in unison, and all they could see were densely packed arms.

"Long live Medical Fairy Ye!"

"Long live Medical Fairy Ye!"

"Long live Doctor Ye!

Everyone in the audience cheered in unison, looking at the young man on the stage with excitement and admiration.

It was he who made Tianluo Prefecture feel proud in the battle between geniuses and monsters.

It was he who allowed Tianluozhou to win the most places in the tenth-level Babel Tower training.

It was he who brought back endless cultivation resources to the monks in Tianluo Prefecture.

It was he who unified the three major sects and made Tianluo Prefecture no longer have the worry of civil strife...

Because of this, Ye Bufan is now the god in the hearts of many monks in Tianluo Prefecture, with a supreme status that no one can compare with.

Listening to the cheers of the crowd and looking at the excited eyes, Zhang Qiaochu suddenly realized at this moment.

It turned out that the young man whom these people had just welcomed was the young man, and I happened to be walking in front of him. What a ridiculous mistake!

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