Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 2839 The monster breaks the formation

The golden bear and tiger beast looked gloomy: "That's right, this human race must be eliminated!"

The one-horned iron rhinoceros shouted: "Brother, let me go, I'll slap that kid into a meat pie!"

The golden bear and tiger beast glanced at it: "Can you break the formation?"

"I...I don't know how. How can I understand those ghosts of the human race!"

Although the one-horned iron rhinoceros beast is ferocious, it doesn't know any formations.

Not to mention it, even among the monsters in the entire wild mountain range, no one can understand the formation. After all, it is not their area of ​​expertise.

The Fire Feather Golden Eagle glanced and said, "It's useless if you don't understand the formation. Why won't you be killed if you go?"

"I don't believe that their bullshit formation can trap me!"

The one-horned iron rhinoceros beast looked dissatisfied. After all, it was the pinnacle of the tenth-level monster and was extremely powerful. There were not many people in the entire Kunlun continent who could take it seriously.

"Are you dissatisfied with your longevity?"

Fire Feather Golden Eagle said, "His formation can kill late-stage tenth-level monsters silently. Why can't he kill you?"


The one-horned iron rhinoceros was speechless for a moment, and then said angrily, "Then what do you think we should do? Are we going to let that human race show off its power in our territory?"

"I'll take care of this matter."

The golden bear and tiger beast seemed to have made a decision. It looked at the three people present and said, "Go over now and hold back the Barbarian Emperor and those old guys Baoyue and Zhaixing. Don't let them come and cause trouble."

The Fire Feather Golden Eagle said doubtfully: "Brother, do you have a way to crack it?"

"I don't understand the formation, but I can still think of a way."

The golden bear and tiger beast showed a sneer, "This is the territory of my monster clan, and the human clan's formation is not enough to run wild here."

Qiongmu Green Python asked: "What do you mean, brother!"

"Even the formation has its limits. Even if we charge hard here, we can get rid of it. You don't have to worry about it and go about your business!"

After speaking, the golden bear and tiger beast stepped out of the cave, and the other three monsters also walked out.

But they were going in another direction, to contain the Holy Lord and the Barbarian Emperor's team during this period. After all, that was where the core strength of the entire Barbarian Empire lay.

On Ye Bufan's side, although the green phosphorus incense is still there, the number of monsters that have broken in is much less than before.

Gaidar reached out and grabbed the demon elixir of a ninth-level demonic beast in his hand, and said excitedly: "Master Ye, it seems that the demonic beasts here are almost killed, how about we change the direction and set up another large formation. "

Others also nodded. After all, the range covered by the green phosphorus incense is only about ten thousand miles, and the number of monsters must be limited.

In comparison, King Qingye was much calmer, she waved her hand: "We have killed so many monsters and made such a big noise, there is no way there is no news from the Golden Bear and Tiger Beast.

If we leave here now, I'm afraid we will be attacked immediately. Without the protection of the formation, who can bear the consequences? "

After she said this, everyone around her suddenly calmed down a lot.

Only then did he realize that being able to kill so many monsters was all thanks to Ye Bufan, and his own strength was simply not enough to compete with the high-level monsters.

King Qingye said again: "Don't be too greedy. Even if we don't go out, our harvest this time will be enough."

A smile appeared on Ye Bufan's lips: "Don't worry, someone will come to our door even if we don't go out."

As soon as he finished speaking, an earth-shattering beast roar suddenly sounded outside, followed by countless iron hooves hitting the ground, making the earth tremble.

Everyone present was startled and looked outside the valley with horrified expressions.

With such great power, everyone can see that this is definitely not as simple as one or two monsters.

"Ho ho ho..."

Along with a burst of earth-shaking roars, huge monsters appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

The Immortal Wild Boar, a ninth-level peak monster, looks very similar to a wild boar on Earth, but is larger than an elephant.

This kind of monster is characterized by strong defense capabilities and extremely strong vitality. You can hurt it, but it is very difficult to kill it completely.

Because of this, it has the title of immortal, and some people say it has nine lives.

The eyes of the undead wild boars at this moment were blood red, and they seemed to be really irritated by the green phosphorus incense. However, they were in neat formation, lined up in a long row, and hundreds of them rushed over at the same time.

The momentum created by such a powerful monster beast can be imagined.

And not only that, there is a second row of monsters behind them, giant bears as tall as a hill.

The Earth Bear is a tenth-level early stage monster. As an earth attribute monster, their most powerful thing is their defense.

These big guys are much larger than the undead wild boar in terms of size. Every step they take makes the earth shake. Although there are only about twenty of them, their power is not reduced at all.

These earth bears also walked side by side, shoulder to shoulder and elbow to elbow.

It seems that they were prepared to be trapped in the formation, for fear of being torn apart by the illusion after entering. After all, touch is something that cannot be affected by the formation.

There is a third row of monsters behind them, and they are getting bigger and bigger than the earth bears in front.

The tenth-level early-stage monster, the Iron-hoofed Rhinoceros, is also known for its powerful defense.

Seeing so many high-level monsters, the entire Qingye tribe turned pale.

If these big guys were placed outside, it would be difficult to fight just one of them, let alone so many of them together.

The opponent has gathered so many demonic beasts with strong defensive capabilities, and they are all moving forward together. The purpose is obviously to break up the formation.

This made everyone panic. Although they had seen the power of the formation, there should be a limit to this thing. Can it withstand so many monsters?

Regarding everyone's worries, the monsters quickly gave an answer, and the undead wild pigs in the first row rushed in directly.

"Ho ho ho..."

Although these big guys were angry, they still remembered the Beast King's instructions. After entering, they rushed forward side by side, obviously intending to attack the formation.

Although they entered the fog and couldn't see the surrounding scene clearly, they could feel each other's presence and charged forward together.

The valley is not big, and the range of the formation is limited. With such a powerful attack power, it is impossible to say that it has no impact on the formation.

Everyone in the Qingye tribe has already felt it in the formation, and the formation is shaking violently.

King Qingye said nervously: "Husband, is it possible? Otherwise, shall we evacuate?"

"Where are we going? Can we survive after we get out?"

Ye Bufan, however, looked calm, raised his hand and fired out a spell, and immediately countless sword blades struck at the undead wild pigs.

The power of the killing array was huge, and the sword blades made a sharp sound of breaking through the air, leaving blood marks on the body of the undead wild boar.

It's just that these things have strong defense and are numerous in number. After the sword energy is dispersed, it is not as powerful as before.

The killing array was activated. Although these monsters were all injured, they were still extremely powerful, impacting the foundation of the array.

At this moment, the Earth Bear followed closely and rushed in. With its paws flying, it launched an all-out attack on the formation.

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