Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 2810 I have a daughter

"Wait a moment!"

King Qingye stopped him.

Ye Bufan turned around and said, "Is there anything else?"

King Qingye said: "Doctor Ye, are you from the human continent?"

Ye Bufan just said that he was not surprised and nodded slightly.

"Are you here to see King Qingye?"

After saying this, Ye Bufan felt a little weird and finally nodded again.

A strange smile appeared on the corner of King Qingye's mouth: "So I know who the person you are looking for is?

Ye Bufan raised his eyebrows, wondering what the other party meant and how he knew who he was looking for.

But he still said: "Please make it clear, Your Majesty."

"Don't worry, let's sit down and talk slowly."

King Qingye greeted him to sit down, and then said, "Does Doctor Ye know that our wild continent is divided into eight tribes?"

Ye Bufan said: "I know this. It is divided into eight major divisions, including Qingye, Guiyuan, and Jiu'an."

King Qingye showed a smile again: "Did the miracle doctor ever know that our wild continent is divided into Southern Wilderness and Northern Wilderness?"

"I've never heard of this."

Ye Bufan's knowledge of the Wild Continent basically came from Nie Guanyun, and this old man had been doing business in the Stone Forest Department and didn't know much.

King Qingye said: "Three thousand years ago, the Holy Lord Barbarian Emperor unified the Barbarian Continent and established the Barbarian Empire, dividing the entire continent into eight tribes.

But the Wilderness Continent is so big that even the largest empire of the human race is far inferior to our tribe.

Later, in order to facilitate management and make each tribe have an enterprising spirit.

The Holy Ancestor Man Emperor once again ordered that the Man Wild Continent be divided into two parts, the north and the south, with the Tongtian River as the boundary, and each part was again divided into eight divisions.

The Southern and Northern Wastelands adopt the same organizational system, and the names of the eight departments are exactly the same.

Every ten years, tribes with the same name will hold a big competition, and the winners will be rewarded and the losers will be punished, in order to encourage the enterprising spirit of our tribes. "


Hearing this, Ye Bufan understood a little bit, and he asked excitedly, "You mean, there are two Qingye Tribes in the Wild Continent, and there are two Qingye Kings?"

King Qingye said: "You are right, our side is in the north, and there is another Qingye tribe in the south, and it borders Tianqiong Prefecture."


Ye Bufan now fully understood what was going on. He was teleported to the Northern Wilderness, and the Qingye King he was looking for was in the Southern Wilderness.

The same Qingye tribe is in a different region, thousands of miles apart.

The same King Qingye, but a different person, and he just found the wrong person.

As for the old man Nie Guanyun, he didn't know whether it was because he was not clear about it or because he hadn't explained it clearly to himself. In short, he found this place in a daze.

This left him speechless for a while, and he wished he could dig out the former Saint Ancestor Barbarian Emperor from the grave and slap him severely.

How can a person be so lazy? Even if you re-divide the tribes and give them another name, why would you give them the same name?

"It's normal for the miracle doctor to make a mistake. Even if we talk normally, if we don't need to distinguish, we won't add the words north and south. Instead, we are used to calling Aobabu directly."

The Qingye King continued, "To tell the difference, my name is Northern Qingye King Caizhi, and the Southern Qingye King's name is Lanxi.

Lan Xi gave birth to a daughter a month ago, but she didn't know who the father was. She thought it was Doctor Ye. "

"Is it a daughter? I'm a father, I have a daughter?"

Ye Bufan felt as if he was struck by lightning when he heard the news. He sat there in a daze, all his previous thoughts having disappeared.

There is only one thought in my mind, that is, I have a daughter.

At this moment, Babuhai in the room had already evacuated with the guards, leaving only the three of them.

He Huali was also stunned at this moment. What happened was beyond his expectation, and he did not expect that Ye Bufan turned out to be the man of Nan Qingye Wang Lanxi.

There was silence in the room for a moment, and King Qingye said again: "Doctor Ye, are you okay?"

"I...I...I'm okay..."

Ye Bufan came back to his senses, his face still filled with uncontrollable excitement, "I am a father and I have daughters. I want to find them. I want to find them."

At this moment, he seemed to be dumbfounded and kept giggling.

But as soon as he reached the door, he was stopped by King Qingye for the second time.

"Doctor Ye, do you know how to get to the Southern Wilderness?"


After hearing this question, Ye Bufan became more sober and realized that not only finding Qingye Wang Lanxi, but also how to find Qingye Department was a problem.

He turned around again with an eager look on his face: "Do you have a map of the Wilderness Continent here? If so, I am willing to buy it with spiritual stones or exchange it for treasures."

King Qingye smiled slightly: "There's no need to buy it. Doctor Ye has just done a lot of help to our mother and son. It doesn't matter if I give you a map."

After speaking, she turned her wrist and a jade slip appeared in her palm.

"This map is not complete, but it is enough for you to find the Minami Aoba Department from here."

"Thank you, I owe you a favor."

Ye Bufan looked excited. He also knew that the map was the secret of the Wild Continent, and it was impossible to leave it all to him. It was extremely rare to be able to achieve the level of King Qingye.

"Doctor Ye is really a well-informed person."

King Qingye praised him, but did not immediately hand over the jade slip to him.

"There is no rush to go to the Southern Wilderness. I still need to explain some things clearly to Divine Doctor Ye."


Ye Bufan also knew that he was a little too impatient, so he suppressed the excitement in his heart and said, "If there is anything else, please tell me."

King Qingye's expression suddenly became serious: "Today, the Southern Qingye Department is experiencing an unprecedented disaster. Doctor Ye must have been fully mentally prepared in the past."

Ye Bufan was stunned for a moment: "How do you say this?"

King Qingye said: "Lanxi and I are known as the two brightest pearls in the Wild Continent, from Beicai to Nanlanxi.

In comparison, Lan Xi is even better than me. Not only is she as beautiful as a flower, but her cultivation has already reached the level of a first-level barbarian king.

Because of this, she inherited the Southern Aoba tribe three years ago and became the youngest king of the barbarian tribe.

But being too good can also lead to trouble. Just a year ago, King Langhuan came to propose marriage and asked the Qingye tribe to marry Lanxi to his favorite son Sangge.

That Sangge was ugly and lustful, so Lan Xi naturally didn't want to do it.

But the Langhuan tribe is the most powerful among the eight tribes in the Southern Wilderness, much more powerful than the Qingye tribe.

For the sake of the entire tribe, the old King Qingye had no choice but to agree.

Initially, everyone thought that this was the only way to go, but not long after, Lan Xi turned out to be pregnant.

There is a special custom among our barbarians. No matter which woman is pregnant, neither the royal family nor the common people can force her to get married.

The most critical thing is that Lang Huanbu couldn't accept the reality of being cuckolded, so they finally broke off the engagement. "

Ye Bufan knew that the matter was definitely not over, so he asked again: "What next?"

King Qingye said: "That Sangge was originally arrogant and cruel by nature, so naturally he couldn't swallow this breath and wanted to take revenge on the Qingye tribe immediately.

But at that time, King Lao Langhuan was in power and he valued face very much, so he finally suppressed it.

But just a month ago, the old King Langhuan abdicated, and Sangge succeeded to the throne and took charge of the Langhuan Department.

Although it had been a year, the hatred in his heart was still there, and he immediately launched a crazy attack on the Aoba tribe. "

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