Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 2801 Marriage Recruitment Conference

Early the next morning, the entire Qingye Royal City was in a state of excitement.

Today is the day when King Qingye officially invites his bride. Countless people flock to the square, wanting to witness this grand event with their own eyes.

When Ye Bufan and his party came here again, the place was already heavily guarded.

After showing the token I got after registering yesterday, I was let in.

At this time, the square has been decorated. Nine tall arenas are standing there, and there is also a rostrum.

There are seats prepared for the contestants all around. That number plate can bring ten escorts, which is more than enough for Ye Bufan.

He took Xiaoqing and others to No. 888 and sat down.

There was not much time, and the participants came in one after another, including Hehuali and Chishu whom they had met yesterday.

The barbarian's body has a strong ability to recover. After a night's rest, the scars on Chi Shu's face have completely disappeared.

Ye Bufan didn't pay attention to these people at all, and kept looking at the other side of the podium. He wanted to see if King Qingye would show up today.

The result was disappointment. Until the people gathered together and the conference began, he did not see the figure he was looking forward to.

There were more than a dozen people on the rostrum, and the person in charge of presiding over the ceremony was Grand Manager Babu Hai.

"Everyone, welcome to this marriage recruitment meeting..."

After making a simple opening statement, he continued, "This time, Prince Qingye has the honor to invite Master Aokizan of the Ten Thousand Beasts Hall as the chief judge. Everyone welcomes..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a white-haired old man sitting next to him nodded to everyone. This man was the third master of the Ten Thousand Beasts Hall, and his cultivation had reached the realm of the Barbarian Emperor.

"Oh my god, he's actually the master of the Ten Thousand Beasts Hall."

Hearing Aokizan's name, Nie Guanyun next to him exclaimed.

Ye Bufan turned around and looked over: "Is this Ten Thousand Beasts Hall famous?"

"Of course he is famous. Everyone in the wild continent knows about him."

Nie Guanyun said, "Although the Savage Continent has conflicts with the human race from time to time, these are just minor frictions. The main enemies are the monsters in the Savage Mountains, and wars often occur between the two.

Since there is a war, there are prisoners of war, and some monsters are captured and domesticated into pets for use by the barbarians.

The Ten Thousand Beasts Hall is responsible for controlling these monsters. Their strength is extremely powerful and can be compared with the other eight tribes. The three hall masters are even more powerful at the barbarian emperor level. "

Ye Bufan nodded, already understanding what kind of existence the Ten Thousand Beast Hall is. The army of monster beasts he controls is enough to be worth thousands of troops.

After the opening ceremony on the rostrum, Babuhai had already announced that the rules of this marriage recruitment conference were divided into three levels. The first level was the arena battle.

A total of 900 people signed up to recruit relatives, divided into 18 groups of 50 people, divided into two rounds.

The rules of the ring battle are also very simple. No matter what method you use, as long as you stay in the ring in the end, you win.

Only one person can be left in each of the eighteen groups of arena battles, which means that after this round of competition, only eighteen of the nine hundred people participating will be left.

Ye Bufan was left in the second round because he registered late.

At the beginning of the first round of the competition, those participating in the recruitment process walked onto the ring where they were as arranged. Chi Shu was in the first ring and Hevali was in the second ring.

As the two most popular candidates with the highest voices, they have always been tit-for-tat.

Chi Shu looked here with a sneer on his face.

"I hope you won't be too useless. Don't be beaten down in this round. Otherwise, I will be very lonely later."

Hehuali smiled slightly: "You don't have to worry about me, but you. I heard that you were severely beaten yesterday. I don't know if your injury is healed now?"


Speaking of yesterday's scandal, Chi Shu gritted his teeth with hatred.

After returning yesterday, he immediately mobilized the experts from the Turtle Yuan Department to search for the whereabouts of the man in black robes, but he couldn't even find his shadow.

He snorted coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, now it's the two of us competing to see who can end this fight the fastest."

Soon Babuhai announced the start of the first round, and all 450 people in the ring fell into a melee.

This kind of irregular ring battle ultimately depends on how strong one is. Both Chi Shu and Hu Huali are first-level barbarian kings, and are undoubtedly the strongest among everyone.

But their opponents are not weak either, and there are so many of them that it is not something that can be accomplished in a short time to completely defeat everyone.

Exactly half an hour passed before Chi Shu kicked the last opponent off the ring.

At the same time, Hevali on the other side also ended the battle.

The two looked at each other without saying anything, and both jumped off the ring. This round was considered a tie.

Returning to his seat, Huvalley glanced at the butler next to him: "Have everything been arranged?"

The housekeeper naturally knew what he was talking about and quickly replied: "Don't worry, little prince, everything has been arranged.

I arranged a total of ten people, including three second-level barbarian kings and seven third-level barbarian kings.

I have bribed the remaining people, and I will deal with that human race first when the war begins, and I will not give him any chance.

I have already told them that whoever wants to kill that kid will immediately get a bounty of 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones. "

Hevali nodded with satisfaction. With such a tyrannical strength concentrated on attacking one person, even he himself couldn't defend himself.

"That's good. If he dares to go against our Jiu'an Department, I want to see how capable he is."

After more than half an hour, the nine arena matches in the first round finally ended, and then the second round began.

Ye Bufan came to the ninth arena as arranged. As the only human among the nine hundred people, he immediately attracted everyone's attention when he appeared.

He immediately felt something was wrong after he came on stage. The ring battles he had just witnessed in the audience were nothing but melees. Everyone was attacking without any target or distinction.

In the end, the strongest is king, and the one who stays on the stage wins.

But it was different here. After taking the stage, the eyes of the other forty-nine people fell on him, and they were full of murderous intent.

In terms of strength, the forty-nine people on this stage are far stronger than the other eight stages. It is obvious that this is deliberately arranged by someone. The target is themselves and it is not as simple as defeating them.

Ye Bufan turned his head and looked at Hehuali. At the same time, the other party also looked over and raised his hand to wipe his neck with murderous intent in his eyes.

Ye Bufan smiled slightly, and his smile was full of disdain. If the other party wanted to play, then let him see a good show.

Babuhai announced the start of the game, and the other eight arenas immediately shouted loudly, and everyone fought together.

But the No. 9 arena where he was in was quiet, and everyone looked over with murderous intent.

The people in the audience were not too surprised. After all, Ye Bufan was the only human on the stage, so it was not strange for everyone to get rid of him first.

"Boy, you dare to participate in King Qingye's marriage proposal, so go to hell."

The leader among the crowd was a bald man, one of the second-level barbarian kings assigned by the steward.

In his opinion, there is no need for everyone to join forces to deal with the weak human race in front of him, he is enough.

In order to grab the credit, he was the first to rush over, waving the long knife in his hand.

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