Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 2796 Is there anything wrong here?


Seeing this scene, everyone in the barbarian clan stood there as if they were under a immobilization spell.

Normally, barbarian soldiers have always been known for their ferocity and fear of death, but now everyone's eyes are filled with fear.

Not for anything else, just because the scene in front of him was too shocking.

Raising his hand left such a deep ravine that even the city lord, who had reached the second level of Barbarian King, could not do it.

Not to mention ordinary soldiers, even the city lord Bayar was extremely pale at the moment.

He knew very well what the blow in front of him represented, and it was only possible to achieve it at least when he reached the Barbarian Emperor realm.

With the strength of the person in front of him, it would be easy to kill them.

At this moment, his back was covered with cold sweat. What kind of existence did his cheating son provoke?

The previous arrogance and anger had disappeared, leaving only fear.

Just now, I was thinking about how to take revenge and vent my anger on my son, but now I am only thinking about how to save my own life.

Ye Bufan walked up to him with a smile: "Are you the city lord of this Stone Forest Mansion?"

"It's... it's... it's me!"

Although Bayar tried hard to calm down, his voice still trembled uncontrollably.

Ye Bufan asked again: "Is there anything wrong with you coming here?"

"Well...I'm here to apologize on behalf of my son."

Bayar swallowed hard, "I heard that Quanzi offended senior and Mr. Nie, so I came here to apologize."

Although the young man in front of him looked like he was only in his twenties, he had already determined in his heart that the other person must be an old monster from the human race, and he was just good at keeping his appearance.

Ye Bufan nodded. He was able to bend and stretch. No wonder he could reach the position of city lord. Although he was a barbarian, he still had a bright mind.

He showed a teasing smile and pointed at the knocked down wall: "Since you are coming to apologize, what does this mean?"

"This...is like this..."

In order to save his life, Bayar's brain was running at an unprecedented speed.

“I just feel that Mr. Nie’s house has been lived in for too long and should be renovated.

So I pushed down the wall first, and then I will rebuild it and build the best house in Shilin Mansion. "

At this time, Nie Guanyun and his daughter were standing nearby, completely dumbfounded.

They have lived here for many years, and they naturally know how arrogant, domineering, and defensive this Lord is.

This was the first time I saw the other person being so humble. It was like putting his face directly into his crotch.

But seeing the bottomless ravine, they also knew why.

Strength determines everything. The young man in front of him is really too powerful, so powerful that they look up to him. Even the Barbarian King has to bow his head.

Ye Bufan patted Bayar on the shoulder: "Good attitude. Take your son back and discipline him well."

"Senior, don't worry. I will break both of his legs when we get back. I will never let him go out to cause trouble again."

Bayar's words came from the bottom of his heart. At this moment, he hated this cheating son to death.

It's not good to provoke anyone. If you insist on provoking such a powerful evil star, you will almost lose your life.

Ye Bufan nodded: "In this case, leave the storage ring and go back."

"Yes Yes……"

Bayar took off his storage ring, feeling heartbroken and bleeding. All his family wealth for so many years was in it.

Although the barbarians are most powerful physically, they also have spiritual power, and they also learn from the human monks to use storage rings.

I thought it was safest to keep my property with me, but today someone even took the pot away from me, leaving not a single copper penny.

"Okay, get out."

Ye Bufan took the ring and turned and left with everyone, and soon disappeared from the sight of the barbarians.

Seeing them leaving, Bayar breathed a long sigh of relief, his life was finally saved.

Bruhuan came back to his senses with a look of reluctance: "Father, are you just going to let them go like this?"

"Otherwise, what else do you want? Do you have to sacrifice our lives to do it?"

Bayar slapped him in the face with a big mouth, "It's not good for you to provoke anyone. If you insist on provoking such a super strong person, is it because you think I have a long life?"

Bru Huan said bitterly: "Father, no matter what, this is our barbaric continent. We can't let a human race be arrogant. Why don't we ask the Barbarian Emperor to take action?"

"Bullshit, can you please be smarter? Why do you think you are the Barbarian Emperor? We can see and invite anyone we want?"

Bayar smacked her twice again: "You bastard, go back and stay here for me. You are not allowed to go out for three years!"

On Nie Guanyun's side, his original cultivation level was only at the Void Refining Realm, and since he was flying with Nie Xiaoqian, his speed was pitifully slow.

Ye Bufan was anxious, so he directly transformed the dragon tooth into a sword that was about ten feet long, and flew towards the Qingye King's City with the five of them.

Along the way, he wanted to learn as much as possible about the Wild Continent and asked Nie Guanyun many questions.

As a result, he found that apart from doing business, the old man didn't know much more about the wild continent than he did.

The only one I am familiar with is Stone Forest Mansion, and I know very little about other places outside this place.

After a day's flight, they arrived at Aoba Castle at dusk the next day.

The barbarians were physically powerful and fought fiercely, but their construction capabilities were far behind.

Although Qingye Royal City is better than Shilin Mansion, it is not even comparable to the lower-class cities on several continents, and the entire city is very poorly constructed.

But as one of the core cities in the Savage Continent, there are a lot of people here, and there are crowds of people wherever you look.

Arriving at the city gate, Nie Guanyun showed his identity to the defenders, and then the five of them went into the city and found an inn to stay.

Near midnight, Ye Bufan quietly left here and rushed towards the Qingye Palace.

According to his idea, he must find King Qingye in advance and find out what is going on this time.

If the other party agrees, he will immediately take her and the child away from the wild continent.

When King Qingye left, he said that he could not come to find her until his cultivation reached the Mahayana stage.

Now he is not only in the Mahayana stage, but his combat prowess is not even inferior to that of a strong man in the Tribulation Stage. He should have the ability to lead the opponent away.

Thinking that he was now a father, Ye Bufan felt excited, and his speed increased a few points before he arrived at Prince Qingye's Mansion.

He used Chaos Qi to hide his figure, and then sneaked in quietly.

Although the Qingye Prince's Mansion is a bit crudely built compared to the human race's mansions, the guards here are unambiguous, and you can feel the powerful aura belonging to the Barbarian King from time to time.

Ye Bufan didn't want to conflict with the people in the palace before he found King Qingye, so he started to search the palace bit by bit very carefully.

An hour passed and he searched the entire palace, but unfortunately, there was no trace of King Qingye at all.

"What's going on? Are you not in the house, or did you not find out?"

Afraid of being careless, Ye Bufan searched carefully again, but still couldn't find King Qingye.

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