Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 264: World Shopping Mall

Ye Bufan said: "How is it possible? I am a pure and good doctor."

"Okay, I will believe you just once." Qin Chuchu said, "Tell me carefully how you rescued Momo."

Ye Bufan recounted the story of rescuing people in detail. After listening to this, she said angrily: "I'm really convinced, how can you favor boys over girls to this extent? Compared with Momo, I'm much happier.

Although my grandparents were partial to Qin Guowei, they did not take me out in exchange for money. "

Ye Bufan said: "Priority for sons over daughters exists everywhere, whether it is a young lady from a big family or a daughter from an ordinary family, there is actually not much difference.

Although the young ladies from big families seem to have unlimited glory, in the end they are unable to control their own marriages, and many of them become tools for family marriages.

This is much the same as girls from ordinary families. In the end, they are all doing it to gain benefits for their family. "

Qin Chuchu said sadly: "Forget it, let's not talk about this.

It’s true that Momo is a dead girl. I’ve known her for so long and she’s been living so hard without telling me. "

Ye Bufan said: "She is a woman with strong self-esteem and will not let others see her weak side unless absolutely necessary."

Qin Chuchu looked at him and said, "Then how did you see it?"

Ye Bufan said, "You're still asking me this. Didn't you lend me out?"

Qin Chuchu pouted and said jokingly: "I feel like I won't come back if I lend it out. Do you like Momo?"

Ye Bufan said: "No."

"Really? Momo is so beautiful, but you're not tempted at all?"


Ye Bufan wanted to deny it again, but suddenly he remembered that the moment he discovered An Yimo was missing, he felt as if something important had been lost in his heart, which made him go crazy with anxiety.

"It should be... it should be, no... no!"

He suddenly felt unsure and felt very guilty when he spoke.

"What do you mean, you don't have any confidence at first glance." Qin Chuchu reached out and pinched his waist, "If you like it, you like it. There is nothing you dare to say."

Ye Bufan put her in his arms and said, "Aren't you jealous?"

Qin Chuchu thought for a while and said, "I must be a little jealous, but you are so carefree. It is better to take advantage of my best friend than to take advantage of outsiders."

Ye Bufan smiled and said: "Then do you have any best friends? Please introduce a few more to me."


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You are so beautiful. Qin Chuchu suddenly looked sad when she said this, "I originally only had two best friends, one was Momo and the other was Cao Xiaowan."

But after what happened that day, Xiaowan stopped paying attention to us. I heard that she had followed Kanu to Africa a few days ago to become his princess. "

Ye Bufan shook his head and said: "How can it be so easy for a princess to do this? She is obviously a liar. Hard times will surely follow."

Qin Chuchu said: "I hope she can really become a princess, and I hope she can be happy."

"Okay, let's go back and get some sleep."

Ye Bufan pulled her and said, "How about we go back and continue?"

Qin Chuchu said: "The opportunity is gone when it passes. Who told you to be a hero and save the beauty just now?"

"Can you be reasonable? You asked me to go."

"Go if I tell you to." Qin Chuchu stood up and said, "You can go and stay alone in the empty room. I'm going to sleep with beautiful Momo in my arms."

After saying that, she entered An Yimo's room and locked the door with a bang.

The next morning, the three of them sat at the dining table together. An Yimo whispered: "Xiaofan, thank you for yesterday."

"It's nothing, let the past pass, don't think about it so much anymore."

An Yimo smiled slightly: "Don't worry, the An Yimo of the past is dead. From today on, he will be a brand new self."

Ye Bufan nodded: "That's good!"

In any case, it is a good thing that An Yimo can get out of the shadow of yesterday.

Qin Chuchu said: "I have nothing to do these days, so I will go to Longteng Pharmaceutical to work for you with Momo."

Ye Bufan smiled and said: "It's OK to work, but I don't want to pay you."

Qin Chuchu glared at him: "Stingy guy."

After that, the two women went to Longteng Pharmaceutical together, and he came to Xinglinyuan for medical treatment as usual.

After a busy day, everything returned to calm and passed smoothly without any further disturbances.

When he got off work in the evening, Ye Bufan had just changed his clothes when his cell phone rang. It was He Shuangshuang calling.

When the call was connected, the other party said: "Xiao Fan, there is an auction tonight, can you accompany me to it?"

She has been busy with work recently and hasn't spent much time with Ye Bufan. She finally has time today. She wants to go to the auction but she really wants Ye Bufan to accompany her.

Ye Bufan asked: "What kind of auction is it? Are there any good things?"

He Shuangshuang

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Said: "It's an auction organized by Tianxia Store. I don't know what good things you are talking about. In short, Tianxia Store is the largest in Jiangnan City, and there are often high-priced auctions."

Ye Bufan thought for a while and decided to try his luck. The last Demon Refining Bottle was bought at an auction.

He said: "Okay, I will pick you up now."

He drove to pick up He Shuangshuang, and then the two of them had dinner together and arrived at Tianxia Store at nine o'clock in the evening.

This store is located in the northern suburbs of Jiangnan City. It is built in a club. The whole building looks simple and grand.

Ye Bufan said: "This place looks very good. How does it compare with the auction house at Paradise Club?"

He was just an ordinary student before and didn't know much about the conditions of these upper classes.

"There is no comparison at all." He Shuangshuang said, "The Paradise Club is the property of the Luo family, while the Tianxia Store belongs to the Dong family in the provincial capital.

The Dong family is also a big family in the provincial capital, and is not inferior to the Gu family in terms of status, so in terms of background, the Paradise Club is only a few blocks behind.

In addition, the auction at the Paradise Club is just incidental, while the Tianxia Store specializes in auctions.

The auction here is very formal, everything is conducted according to the rules, no one can break the rules, and the background is the Dong family, no one dares to cause trouble here. "

The two people entered the venue. He Shuangshuang was a member here. After registering, he received the auction number plate and a poster of the auction items.

After sitting in the seat corresponding to the number plate, Ye Bufan took the poster and looked at it, but he was disappointed.

Most of the auction items listed on the poster were antiques, calligraphy and paintings, and occasionally there were some bizarre items. Although these items were all of extremely high value, it was a pity that none of them were what he wanted.

But when I think about it, I feel relieved. If you encounter a great artifact like the Demon Refining Bottle once in your life, it's just luck. It's impossible to encounter it every time you attend an auction.

He Shuangshuang said: "How is it? Is there anything you like?"

Ye Bufan shook his head: "No."

He Shuangshuang said: "Auctions are a matter of luck, but don't be too disappointed. Sometimes guests who participate in the auction will also bring some items to the auction. Maybe there is something you want in it."

Ye Bufan said: "Can guests also bring things to be auctioned here?"

He Shuangshuang said: "Yes. But it must be appraised by the auctioneer here, and only items that reach a certain level are eligible to participate."

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