Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 2611: Enthusiastic Little Girl

"No wonder you didn't run away before. It turns out you don't know this witch."

Qiu Yuechan said, "Su Meimei comes from the Palace of Paradise, she practices evil magic, and she is best at the art of tonic.

Countless men have died in her hands over the years, and they are notorious among the monks in Tianmang Prefecture.

If you see one in the future, run faster, otherwise it will be very troublesome. "

"Thank you girl for reminding me, I understand."

Ye Bufan smiled and thanked her. It could be seen that this woman was still very chivalrous, which made him feel quite fond of her.

"In that case, I'll leave first."

After Qiu Yuechan finished speaking, her figure flashed and quickly disappeared into the dense forest.

Ye Bufan turned back and continued to take care of his roasted chicken. It was now charred on the outside, tender on the inside, and fragrant, and it was almost done.

But before she could start enjoying it, a figure flashed, and Qiu Yuechan ran back in a hurry.

"Well... I don't think it's safe for you to be alone here. How about I send you out!"


Ye Bufan didn't expect this little girl to be so enthusiastic, which caught him off guard.

"Well... I'm actually fine. You don't have to worry about me. "

"This is really not possible. You are not a monk from Tianmang Province, so you don't know how terrifying the Monster Forest is.

Monsters are rampant here, and your level of cultivation is not safe at all. I just have a little time to send you out now. "

Qiu Yuechan's words were extremely sincere, and it seemed that he was about to be forcibly sent out of the Monster Forest.

Ye Bufan was extremely embarrassed by this enthusiastic little girl, which reminded him of the primary school student who dragged his old lady across the road.

He had just arrived in the Monster Forest, and it would be a joke if she sent him out.

I sighed secretly in my heart. It seemed that it was not easy to pretend to be low-key.

But they also had good intentions, so they had no choice but to explain patiently.

"Miss Qiu, it's really not necessary. I have the means to protect myself."

Qiu Yuechan said: "You just don't shed tears when you see the coffin. You don't know, even here there are sixth and seventh level monsters. Sometimes they are a group. Your cultivation level is really not enough."

"I'm really not afraid of monsters. Look, I have medicine here."

Ye Bufan was forced by this enthusiastic little girl to have no choice but to take out the Beast Saliva Pill.

"My medicine is an exclusive formula. As long as you crush it and sprinkle the powder on yourself, the monsters will not come near."

He tried it when he entered the monster forest. The beast saliva pill is still effective here, and it will only be ineffective in special places like the Tower of Babel.


Qiu Yuechan was a little doubtful, but she still said, "Even if you are not afraid of monsters, what if that witch Su Meimei comes back later? I have to suck you into a human."

This little girl was outspoken and outspoken. After she finished speaking, she felt that the words coming out of her mouth were a little inappropriate, and her pretty face turned red as if it was about to bleed.


Ye Bufan said in his heart that if you hadn't come, I would have slapped the witch to death, and there would be no such trouble.

But this kind of thing cannot be said. He thought for a while and said, "This time I went into the mountains to collect medicines to save people. Human lives are at stake. I really can't leave before I find the needed medicines."

"So this is ah!"

Ye Bufan originally thought that the little girl would leave, but he didn't expect Qiu Yuechan to grit her teeth, as if she had made some determination.

"That's good, from now on you follow me and I will be responsible for protecting your safety."


Ye Bufan was speechless for a while. With his current level of cultivation, he would not be afraid even if he met the peak of Mahayana. He would not need the protection of a little girl in the Dongxu stage.

But there is no other way. If Qiu Yuechan disagrees with her intention, she must be sent out by force.

In desperation, he could only nod: "Okay then, Miss Laoqiu is here!"

"It's okay. I'm also rushing to meet the master in the Monster Forest. I just happened to be on the way."

Qiu Yuechan waved her hand magnanimously, and then her big watery eyes fell on the golden roast chicken.

"Is this the chicken you roasted? It's so delicious!"

"Yeah, let's eat together."

Ye Bufan could see that although this little girl's martial arts talent was not low, she could not hide her foodie nature at all.

"Then I won't be polite."

After the little girl finished speaking, she kept swallowing her saliva, stretched out her hand to pull off a chicken leg from the roast chicken, and then ate it with big mouthfuls.

"It's delicious, Brother Ye, your chicken is so delicious."

The little girl was full of praises, but it did not affect her eating speed at all. Two-thirds of it went into her stomach in almost the blink of an eye.

Not to mention that, Qiu Yuechan still had a look on her face and stuck out her tongue to lick her pretty red lips.

"Brother Ye, are there any more?"

Ye Bufan was speechless for a while, he was really a foodie.

He was too lazy to hunt other game, so he just thought of it, took out a cooked chicken and handed it over.

"Oh, this chicken is even better!"

Qiu Yuechan took the roasted chicken and ate it with big mouthfuls. As a person from Kunlun Continent, she had never eaten chicken with this kind of taste, and she was very happy to eat it.

Seeing her mouth full of grease, Ye Bufan smiled: "Miss Qiu, how old are you this year?"

"Why do you ask someone about their age?"

Qiu Yuechan said while eating, "Miss Qiu, I think it's so fruitful. From now on, you can call me Yuechan."

Ye Bufan smiled again, and the two chickens immediately closed the distance between them.

"Then Yuechan, why didn't you participate in this genius monster competition?"

"Why is it that I'm overage? I'm just over one year old. If I had been one year earlier, I could have participated."

The little girl was eating and talking, with an angry look on her face, not noticing that her true age had been taken away from her.

The two chatted for a while, and the little girl finished the chicken completely, and then went to the lake to wash her hands.

After coming back, he said: "For the sake of eating two of your chickens, I will keep vigil tonight. You can rest assured and rest assured."

"No need to keep vigil."

Ye Bufan said, taking out another beast saliva pill and throwing it over, "Rub this on your body, and the monsters will not dare to come near."

"Is it really that magical?"

Qiu Yuechan took the beast saliva pill, mixed it into powder and sprinkled it on herself. Then she was surprised to find that there was not even a monster within a hundred meters.

She looked surprised: "Brother Ye, I didn't expect your medicinal powder to actually work."

Ye Bufan smiled slightly, this was the latest refined beast saliva pill, and no monsters below the ninth level would dare to approach it.

Then the two of them found a large smooth stone and sat down, sitting cross-legged and meditating to rest.

At this time, the sun had already set, and the entire monster forest was plunged into darkness. Several roars of monster beasts could be heard in the distance.

Due to the beast saliva pill, no monsters approached the two of them within a hundred meters, and the surroundings were peaceful.

Time passed bit by bit, and suddenly Ye Bufan opened his eyes suddenly, glanced at the dark forest, and a mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

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