Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 2589 The first round of the competition

"What, there is such a thing? This is too ridiculous, it is simply worse than a pig or a dog..."

"I really didn't expect that the Kunlun Weapon God was fake, and that dragon-slaying sword was actually prepared in advance. Have we all been deceived?"

"Oh my God, he even attacked his father's woman. Is he still a human being? He is not worthy of being the Kunlun Weapon God at all..."

The scene was once again boiling. Not many people knew about the Lu family's previous affairs. Now that it was made public, it immediately caused an uproar.

Many people yelled at Lu Chaozong, and a few people had some doubts, but no one dared to speak out under this crazy wave.

Ye Bufan's eyes flashed with coldness. This guy was both insidious and vicious. He completely ruined Lu Chaozong's reputation throughout his life with just a few words.

Lu Chaoyang's eyes flashed with pride, and he was obviously very satisfied with the scene he had created.

He continued: "A distance can tell a horse's power, and time can tell a person's heart. Now that I have seen clearly the true face of Lu Chaozong, I should take back what belongs to me.

Today I am going to participate in the Weapon Refining Competition to let everyone see who is the real Kunlun Weapon God. "

"Long live Master Lu, welcome the return of the Kunlun Weapon God!"

After saying these words, the audience immediately burst into cheers, but Ye Bufan could tell at a glance that something was wrong. The people who stirred up the atmosphere were arranged in advance by the Lu family, and they looked like shills at first glance.

“Thank you everyone for coming!”

Lu Chaoyang bowed his hands to the audience with a proud look on his face.

"Let me announce the prizes for this competition.

One thing I want to explain to you is that I am not the only one who sees Lu Chaozong’s true face, but also his former fiancée Liu Yueniang.

In fact, we were deceived by despicable villains before. Now that we have seen his true colors, we naturally have to draw a clear line.

Liu Yueniang is a woman who knows justice and admires the weapon refiner very much.

According to her wish, whoever can become the first in this competition and become the new Kunlun Artifact God is her man and can take her away.

So one of the prizes for this competition is Liu Yueniang, the most beautiful woman in our town! "

Although some gossips had been leaked before, they had not been officially notified. Now that it was officially announced through Lu Chaoyang, the crowd that had just been quiet for a while suddenly exploded.

Liu Yueniang, as the most beautiful woman in the Zhenlai Kingdom and the former fiancée of the Kunlun God of Weapons, has a very high reputation in Tianshengzhou.

Nowadays, when such a woman is used as a prize, some people are angry, some are shocked, some are happy, some are excited, and some are eager to win.

Lu Chaoyang waved his hand, and immediately a beautiful woman was brought to the stage by two maids. It was Liu Yueniang.

"Miss Liu, is what I just said true? Were you deceived by Lu Chaozong before, and now are you willing to be the prize for this competition?"

After he finished speaking, everyone turned their eyes to the stage, and Liu Yueniang nodded slightly, seeming to agree with what Lu Chaoyang said.

Ye Bufan's eyes flashed coldly, and he could see that the woman on the stage had her acupoints completely restrained.

Moreover, the nod just now was not done by me, but was forced by a maid next to her with her true energy.

Although he can't speak now, his eyes contain despair and anger.

He could see that this woman was not in cahoots with Lu Chaoyang, and even had deep feelings for Lu Chaozong.

In this case, I will try my best to help her later, which can be regarded as fulfilling the teacher's last wish.

Lu Chaozong stood on the stage, looking down at the people in the audience, his eyes as sharp as an eagle, but he still didn't find the figure he was looking for.

The goal was not achieved, but the game must continue.

He waved his hand and asked Liu Yueniang to be taken down. Then he turned his wrist and a bright five-color stone appeared in his palm. It was the five-color black stone.

"Kunlun Continent has always respected the strong, and the same applies to me in the art of weapon refining, so this competition only provides prizes for the first place.

In addition to the most beautiful woman in the country just now, there is also this colorful mysterious stone. "

Most of the people present were weapon refiners, or monks who had a preference for weapon refiners. Naturally they knew what kind of treasure the colorful black stones were, and their eyes were full of excitement.

It has to be said that Lu Chaoyang's design was very successful. He did not produce many treasures, but it ignited everyone's passion.

And according to his own previous thoughts, these two things will eventually belong to him. In other words, the Lu family did not lose much by holding the weapon refining competition this time.

The only regret is that there is still no trace of Lu Chaozong, which makes him feel uncomfortable.

"Okay, now the competition begins."

Lu Chaoyang waved his hand, signaling Lu Deren to start the game, while he continued to wait patiently, hoping to see Lu Chaozong at the last moment.

Next, the competition continued. This was not the first time that the Lu family held a weapon refining competition. They were very experienced and everything went in an orderly manner.

Soon, Ye Bufan and others received a number plate, which was their competition number.

Due to his late registration, he received the number one thousand, and he was also the last one among the participating weapon refiners.

Everything was ready, and under the leadership of the staff, the thousand people entered the refining tower directly.

Lu Chaoyang walked at the front as a member of the competition, and the white-haired old man following him was Lu Deyi, who came in second in the weapon refining competition that year.

Behind the two men was a young man in his thirties, who was Lu Youjian, the core disciple of the third generation of the Lu family and also a ninth-level weapon refining master.

The scene was filled with cheers as soon as the three people appeared. It is obvious that these three people have great fame and strong appeal in the world of weapon refining.

Ye Bufan came to the end of the field. At this moment, every participating disciple had ten pieces of metal ore of the same size placed in front of him. Next to them was a furnace tripod and a copper bell about half a meter high.

When everyone was in place, Lu Deren's voice echoed throughout the weapon refining tower.

"The stones in front of you now have the same type of metal ore and the same size. After I announce the start of the competition, you must purify and fuse them as soon as possible, and then ring the copper bell when it is completed.

This first round of the competition is about the speed of the weapon refiners. Only the top 100 will be selected. Those who are slow or the purity of the deposit is not enough will be eliminated. Did you hear it clearly? "

After announcing the rules, Lu Deren shouted loudly: "The first round of the weapon refining competition begins now."

With an order from his side, a thousand weapon refiners on the weapon refining tower began to work nervously.

First, he used his own real fire to light the furnace in front of him, then threw the metal ore in piece by piece for refining, and then fused the refined molten iron.

For a competition of this level, Ye Bufan did not choose to use strange fire, but instead flicked a wisp of real fire into the alchemy furnace.

Later, unlike others, he did not refine the ore piece by piece, but threw the stone, metal ore into the furnace.

What he wants to participate in the Weapon Refiner Competition this time is strength, domineering, and crushing the entire Lu family. Although he won't be polite at all in this case.

Refining tests the comprehensive ability of the refining master. The reason why others around him can only refine one piece of metal ore at a time is because there is too much mental power to control it, and the heat of the real fire is not enough to consume.

But Ye Bufan doesn't have this problem. His powerful mental power and true energy comparable to the peak of Mahayana means that he doesn't have to think about it at all.

Under his strong control, the ten ores were completely refined in just a few breaths.

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